(10 replies, posted in Programming)

Sonrep wrote:
pogenwurst wrote:

Would you consider adding a demo?

It would be pointless to add a demo since about 90% of the stuffs are in the admin. I can however show you a screenshot: http://sourceforge.net/project/screensh … _id=181014

??? should it output a directory site???


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

To much contrast in my humble opinion.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Yep, check out if you have phpmyadmin or phppgadmin, they are recomended for newbies in order to admin their databases.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I checked out my sites, i have 20000 hits a day, no referrer like that.


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

zaher: you're not the only one. My english is kind of poor too.

Of course it's correct, the funny thing is that the swedish use it all the time. It's more versatile in their language i'm afraid. ( I did it to, lol )

Ok... but this is sort of stupid topic, sorry... i find it funny. Don't mind me, i have this kind of stupid non interesting talk from time to time.


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ok, the thread title mught be not so acurate.

I lived one year in sweden and i love it, sweden and the sweds.

I noticed this:

Rickard favorite quote:
"i am afraid i don't know what you mean with..."

Have you noticed that? "I am afraid..."
I saw it a few times so i asked my girlfriend which is a native swedish speaker about the "being afraid" expression, she had a big laugh.

Other 'swinglish' expressions i find funny:

"can i see you leg please" <- By 'leg' they mean legitimation i.e. id card
"please keep hangging up the line"

to rickard and all the swedish members, don't take this as an offense please

I would like to help... unfortunatly i don't even have access to a windows intallation anymore.


(62 replies, posted in News)

What a big step punbb made!

I think this will be cool as everything will be solved more efficiently i guess.

Please keep the right track, dont get into the fancy javascript way. Keep it clean.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Ok, so where is that sitemap?

SEO is a lot more than being indexed by google. google still indexes these urls but they dont get to the top pages as easy as the blabla/subjec-54.htm ones at all. Also, having non search engine friendly urls makes them showing only once on google. The google result pages shows at the most one of these urls, the rest are included in the "very similar" ones.

I thought about writing a little script that would use mod_rewrite and woulbe be an alternative navigation that would target the forum thread pages. A bit like bvulletin or invision archives but targeting actual forum pages.
But, as there is already working solutions i would like to use them instead, yes, i am a extremly lazy guy.

So... where is that module? what about the google sitemap one?
I've been searching for a while without success.


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I never used these tools. But i heard about some apache mods that allow you so set wait time betwin pageviews.
Set it to 15 seconds and that should do it.

I dont think this is due to mod rewrite, actually mode rewrite should even make it harder ( not so much though ) for them.


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Great look.
Simple and nice.
I love that bar with the title, it's really cool to have the title there, visible at once, nice idea.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

to fancy in my opinion.
I also prefer a simplistic bbcode editor. But for most of the users a wysiwyg is the best. So... there is so many of these projects... when will one code a wysiwyg for bbcode?


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

yes... it's a pitty... there is a lot of people with a lot of knowledge in mailing lists that i dont see go and moove to a webforum.


(43 replies, posted in General discussion)

i am using ubuntu for sometime now... i don't miss windows at all.
If there is something good on widows is hardware compatibility, that's it.

For a developer i find linux so much more convininet. After something like three months i already find ubuntu easyer to use than windows. The packeges system and the the console are lovely big_smile .

I don't play any games since i am 16, i got bored of it.

I highly recomend linux to all linux newbies ( like me ). It's no trouble in using it.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

I dont.. there is a couple i  would like to listen but the sound is streamed and kind of pisses me off not being able to just download it.


(28 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jarkko wrote:

Flash. Overused JavaScript is also bad.


Ehehe, it's no coincidence, this is punbb forums.  It looks likes all of us are web 1.0 mates eheheh.
I myself think webmasters/designers  should stick with simple server side scripting and simple html output sooo  much more often instead of just using javascript, flash, whatever all the time.


(12 replies, posted in Programming)

I wrote this one sometime ago
i am using it and it's working like a charm.


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

i am surprised, i used to be embarased because of prefering forums instead of mailling lists. Aparently there is more ppl agreeing with me. I think mailing lists are more respected among older developers and so.
Like, i don't see so many old ppl coming and contributing in forums, forums are labeled ( wrongly ) as a kiddie stuff. And unfortunatly this is a predigist that insist in exist.
Email is not designed to be a discussion place, it can be used as it but is was not created with that specific goal.

Forums it is! It takes some time for some ppl to get used to it. Also its possible to integrate forums with mailing lists, that rocks.


(7 replies, posted in Programming)

yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes

look at this!

i have to confess that i got surprised!
A software using XUL! COOL!

thank pog


(7 replies, posted in Programming)

another dummy set of questions on sqlite.

Ok, its bundled with php5... but... how do i access its CLI?
Also, is there any kind of frontend avaluable like mysql administrator/query browser?
Whata about web-based frontends? is there any?

grosbouff wrote:

Can I see a demo somewhere ?
Thanks !

Sorry, i am using it in a private board. It opens a new thread on the forum defined by you with the title being the feed item title and the body its description.

If you want people other than MySQL users to be able to use this, you should use PunBB's database class.

My interest is not having people using this. I am using it and i shared it. I did it my way and it works for the purpose i want.
As i am using punbb for free i think is good ethics to share my code as well even if is not following so many standarrds. The free software movement is based on giving and taking.

I updated the opening topic.
Should work without problems, at least it does for me, though it's a quite tricky instaltion.

Any punbb guru could make this a module or something.
Caution:Some feeds have html, it will throw the source code on the output. Unless, of course, you bypass the parsing.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

i don't see any banner nor forum.
Can you give the link to the forum as i dont understand the language.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

can you include a link so i can see how do they look like?


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

pogenwurst wrote:
pedrotuga wrote:

I checked the manual and its kind of weird.. isnt there any function that  simply takes away the html tags rather then enconding or scaping them?


ok... that is exactly what i am not looking for.
that escapes all the html tags so they can be displayed on a webpage. I am looking fora function that really takes away all html tags