(10 replies, posted in Programming)

i think it doesnt make so much sense to say "learn php4 or php5".
Just learn php.... most of the code is compatible with many versions anyway.

Its not like php4 is very diferent from php5... basicaly any new version just come with a few more features and some security issues fixed.

when you star learning you will write simple code that runs even on a php3 instalation, if not even earlier.

would it be possible to post a sample of the output file?


(114 replies, posted in Programming)

with most of the editors you can turn on and off the word wrap... even windows notepad has that option


(114 replies, posted in Programming)

i use notepad2...
i am satisfied with sintax highlight.
but i have to confess that after wachin this video
http://www.symfony-project.com/tutorial … _ajax.html
i only think of geting a text editor with that kind of auto text.

i tryed ultra edit but couldnt find any other interesting features besides column mode selection...
Can anybody point me the big features of ultra-edit?

PS:Frank... luleå, sweden... that's damn far away from anything but snow wink


(4 replies, posted in Programming)

messy code... get rid of all unnecessary quotes:

$result=mysql_query("SELECT id FROM members WHERE username=$post['username']")

also, hash the password using for instance md5.

PS:use the "code" BBcode tag

[5 minutes...]

cool!!! very simple and well written code... i love this piece of software...

let me have a look on that...

allow me to make yeat another dummy question:

If i want to use the dblayer, can i just

include "include/dblayer/common_db.php"

and have the dblayer ready to use to whatever i want?
let me give another into the code


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

any free host with php and mysql

http://www.google.pt/search?hs=cwi& … &meta=

Ops... i missed that. LOL

I went and browse the code of post.php, thogh i didnt read it line by line.
I dont usualy use so much POO PHP programming. I see the advantage os using the database class in order to make punbb compatible with many database systems.

I am thinking of writing my script only for mysql ( my host doenst suport any other ) using native php fynctions.
But.. thats a bit shitty...

lets see... where is the database class defined in punbb?

i am developing a rss newsbot, basicaly it will post on item fetched from an RSS per new topic on a forum.

I went an look at the data model and i got an existencial question:

the table "topics" contais a field called "last_post", while the table "posts" contains a fiels called "topic".
Ok... this a biderectional relationship... what da heck.. in wich table should i insert first a row?
If i insert a topic witch message should i relate its last message to?
If i insert a message wich topic should it belong to?

I didnt went into punbb code... but i guess i have to use mysql_insert_id() or something similar.. the problem is that both tables have forigner key on each other...

any help?

this is related to the above subject.... i am writing the script in php and access it using a cronjob. How should i protect my php script so nobody access it for DDoS or other malicious purpose?
Also... it doesnt sound sooooo eficient... i wil fetch news from about 150, maybe 200 feeds... the average should be like 3 new item a day.... wont it be to heavy? do php files have an execution timeout set on apache?

sorry... so many question... thanks in advance


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

warez alarm!
protect women and chisldren... the sharp teeth criminals are coming to eat our childrem alive and to slice you and turn you into toilet paper...

guys, chill out.

this is software here, free, open source... copy it, distribut it, use it, pirat it... ops is os... how do you do piracy on free os software? lol

focus on punbb as it is a forum software that is totaly independent from the content it can be used to display.

PS: this is not a smart-ass comment


ok.... i am not so much into fancy technologies like web2.0 stuff... but rss ( and other feeds )  i have to admit is a damn great brilliant piece of simplicity and efficiency.

Now, either me or you are missing something...
dont you need a plugin/mod/script/whatever to convert the posts to rss before?

I came here exactly to check that up.
I am about to code such a thing.... but unfortunatly it will go on very slowly and it will only be ready in september or something... i will only make it for RSS 2.0.... earlier versions of rss or atom might work or not... we will se then.

rickhard... would it be possible for me to have de data model schematic in a pdf or something? that would be very practical.

keep the good work


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

defenatly strange colors.

Peolple dont usually dare to go on the profile and change it... no mater what skin u use you will allways have a very little amount of ppl changing the template

Maybe the color scheme would look diferent if you dont use those huge leters..

OT:last post is about peps person wink


(25 replies, posted in General discussion)

This is like the thread every single general discussion board has.

Força Portugal!
Hej Sverige!

Well... actually i dont think any of these have the chance to win sad lets see.


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Ok.. i have to admint gentoo rocks.  I tryed it once  and I couldnt belive the speed of my own computer, but i got stucked somtimes with little things... i needed an easyer thing as it takes some time to get to know how does a unix-based SO works... actually i still know very little about it, so... UBUNTU!! oh yes, it made things so damn easy and doable by a nwebie like me wink

The forums look great... a lot more like the english ones wich run vbulletin. I like the new look, but it allways feels like "the old version was cool beacause..."
Well... the old style was more old-scool wich i think is cool, but those who dont inovate end up sinking. So, well done. Punbb is really catching the so-called "starndard boards", with the advantage of being really faster.


(3 replies, posted in Programming)

didnt understand so well what you meant.... if it sends the url to an application then that aplication has to be a browser to open the page.
If not i am missing something or not understanding.

Anyway... firefox pluggin development is made easy well documented.


(49 replies, posted in General discussion)

mmm this appears to be an endless discussion...

wel... IMO phpbb is dying. I think phpbb got veeeeeeeeeeery delayed in its development.

No quick replly on the deafault instalation, no user control panel, no javascript, etc etc etc... it appears that SMF took its place, we have to admit its faster and it comes with more usefull features.
Now phpbb has heavy skins and its dam slow. I loved it when it was its time... now it has been for like 3 years without a major improvement. Look at vbulletin ( ok, its not OS ), or look at SMF, they are way more advanced than phpbb.

I like punbb cause it has a clean look, its not complicated and above all... is fast as hell! this thing flyes. I dunno about this.... maybe one should test... but i can guess that in the same server running a big community if you run punbb you would fit like twice the ppl you would with phpbb before you have to make hardware investments.
has anybody made such a test?

Rickard wrote:

I find it quite amusing that we have a "Pirate Party" smile

Yep... thats actually very cool

I am kind of getting seek and tired of politicians and pretty much everybody use the words "crime" "ilegal" etc etc for downloads... like they have never done such a thing as record a tape or take a copy of a book, etc etc

The pirate party is a signal of an intelectualy advanced country as sweden is!

But... you open sandwiches... come on, you call that a sandwich? lol

looking forward to it

well... is a lot to discuss actually, like the election within this 4 months... i didnt know about that. But 4 months its a bit too long... i hope people dont forget quick.
In thar case is not so bad news after all.

Moving the servers to other country feel like loosing one more piece of territory... sad

Hey... this is a swedish script from the beggining... where is the discussion about thepiratebay???

Ok... i actually have lived in sweden already so i am trusted to start this discussion ( what does that have to do with anything? loooll )

anyway... here is what i read around and saw on a swedish tv video:

-the piratebay servers have been locked in a police station
-after two days the user comunity managed to gather resources and got the site back up
-the police basicaly acted by the us government pressured by MPA
-thepiratebay is moving its servers to ukraine netherlands russia and... ( 4 countries total... forgot the 4th )
-because of the media exposure thepiratebay community is growing bigger and bigger
-motivated by general a feeling of injustice a lot of DDoS attacks have been directed to MPA, RIA, White house, etc etc sites
-swedish police site got hacked and have been down for a day

thats more less what i got here and there... sorry for my poor english.

Hey all..  just to tell that i cant wait to put my first punbb forum running.
I use phorum in a community i created... at te time both phorum and punbb were kind at the same point, but now punbb absolutly took the lead.

The site development is going pretty ok, i won't integrate the because i want the forum to be like a backyard site suport rather than a central part of the site. Still i think i might use some theme matching. Dunno... I want to run punbb!

keep the good work, this is great... the email form is so much beter idea then the pmbox.
I read some siscussions on this board... how is going with the "mark as read" link feature? will it be included in future releases.

btw... i think there is place for sugestions but one can go here:
these two links are great ( smf introduced them ):
"show new answers to my topics"
"show new posts"

thanks everybody for this grear piece of software


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

ok i didn't notice that. lol

yep, why? the only reason ppl really uses pm is because they send an email notification.

geting convinced more and more big_smile


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)


PM has not been included and hopefully never will be

whats so bad with it?