(4 replies, posted in Programming)

Just out of my curiosity.
A firefox toolbar is kind of simple to do, but... a IE toolbar, how is that made?
Like, which technologies does it uses?


(24 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

kevinnading wrote:

here is a quick tip for anyone with a spam problem:

i was up to about 2 spammers per day that actually verify account and post porn, the remainder 5-10 false accounts per day arent sophisticated enough to automate the verification process. i simply changed the layout on the welcome email that has the login info and they stopped.. why? because their automated system recognizes the default template and knows where to extract the username and password from programatically.. so since i changed it around, their automated software no longer knows where to look for the login verification info and hence fails to verify account and does not post spam!

I think this kind of approach is the way to go.
If the administrator can easily from the admin panel control a lot of variables in order to brake patterns then it should be easy to keep spammers away with some minor changes here and there


(26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I'm not so much into Christmas, but that looks pretty sleek.

as for a documentation wiki... isn't that what http://wiki.punres.org is?


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

Kick ass news! Hope we all work together by giving feedback so a stable version gets out there.

Happy new here everybody!

If I got it right you're willing to develop a CMS using CakePHP and ship punbb within its distribution.

I can't see how one can take advantage of the MVC pattern in a more efective way than punbb already [kind of] does. You will wnd up stumble on punbb's template engine anyway.

Also, cakephp spotlight feature is its ORM, which is kind of useless when we talk about an integration to an existent database which is used by a fully functional software.
Dunno if i made myself very clear in this last paragraph...


(24 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Ok... hope the discussion doesn't get all broken since this is being discussed in a few topics.

I think a good solution would be some adjustable cap parameters. For example, letting the admin decide after how many posts does a user have the permission to post links. That along with a frequency cap applied only to new users, i think would work.
The more variables the admin can control the most efficient the protection is because the spammers don't get to know what they need to go around.

I belive the future is colaborative solutions like akismet. There is an akismet mod to punbb which i've tryed, but i don't recomend because it's too strict. It's tunned to moderate blog comments which are not supose to have the same kind of content then forum posts.

An anti-spam product with its own spammers database that would be designed specially to punbb would a killer plus.


(2 replies, posted in Programming)

ops... i put this up to quickly i didn't even notice those bugs.

Well, but this is just an example i put up. Fact is: the (corrected) code above does not render properly.

sorry for messing it up more in the first post.

EDIT:solved. For some reason it only renders properly when the division on the right comes first on the html... weird.


(2 replies, posted in Programming)

Ok, aparently there is a bug that doens't allow this



<div class="main">
<div class="left"></div>
<div class="right"></div>

The right div wont show as a sidebar, instead it goes under the left one.
What's the workaround i should go for?


(42 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

please fix the url format. All the links are broken sad


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

what  are you looking for specifically?

SQLite comes bundled with php5, if you have php support you have sqlite support very probably too.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

I was talking in a purely SEO perspective.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

staffanl wrote:


I dont get the extern and include to work. Just getting alot of errors. A while a go I had php4 on the server and now I got php5 and it doenst seem to work anymore.

Is there an other way to get the last topics, posts etc without using the extern.php?

Yes, you can query them directly them from the database using sql, and display them yourself.

But maybe if you post more information about your problem somebody can tell you how to fix it. What exactly happens?


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

If there is a link pointing to your site somewhere, that link will make your site visble on google ( and other SEs ).
The more links you get pointing to your site, more relevant your site get in their search results. So, the more incoming links, the best.

BUT, if link to a site, and that same site links to your site, those links will not be taken into account. So, you will decrease your in/out link ratio.

This is only from a SEO point of view, of course it can be efficient giving your site to know to other site's visitors.

1. Yes, you can use your language file to achieve that by editing your language files. Open lang/yourlanguage/common.php

'Index'                    =>    'Index',

and replace by

'Index'                    =>    'Home',

2.Yes, go to include/functions.php.... somewhere around like 275 you will find this:

$links[] = '<li id="navuserlist"><a href="userlist.php">'.$lang_common['User list'].'</a>';

Comment that line by adding  two slashes in its beginning.

Be careful, you are going into punbb's code here. If you are not familiar with php and are not sure about something ask first. A missing semicolumn can break your forums.


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

yes, indeed.

The admin panel is not intended to provide template editing facilities.
To control the look of your forum you basically need to edit the template files.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

intedinmamma wrote:

I still don't get it. Combining Vista and Leopard this way makes both parts worse. hmm

If possible. big_smile


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

just as a small tip.
I would recomend you an iframe with the banner html on a diferent domain to avoid closed link chains.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

That's perfectly possible.
Restore the database wherever you are moving to and move also the installation folder.

I've done that a few times.

i have a set of users that i want to delete.

Can i just

delete from users where id in ( ... )

or is there anything i should be aware of when removing users?

The database itself and the engine are the exact same.
The only difference is that php uses a different set of functions to access it.
I am not aware of the advantages as i never used mysqli myself, but i would guess that all in all there is no noticeable difference. I use mysql, without the 'i' for no particular reason, i just do.
If your forums are small you can actualy go for sqlite which can be more practical, if you are running php5

I did that already.... it looks like this wont be easy to solve... :s
it looks like this

I can see the forum list in the admin panel and i can click and get to the edit forum page. But when i submit i get that page i showed you.

ahh... it couldn't work but i tried anyway.
It has to be something with the database, cache or something. I forgot to mention that i moved to a new server with a new domain.

will do, thanks

Nop... i didn't touch it.
I also find it very weird.
I'm afraid it doesn't help so much, but here goes the screenshot.
http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/4679 … hotdr9.png

Can it be some token failing or so?