(26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

thanks...ask if you want the code...it was a little tricky to work out.




(26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

i have a cool new feature on the forums:


it grabs images from the coppermine gallery and displays them along the top...it also uses the javascript highslide to do a zoom in effect so you dont have to leave the forum or what you were doing + everytime you hit refresh or open a new thread it will give you 7 new random images to zoom into.

Livens up the forum experience a bit.

i figured it out now no worries

I simply added two new entires to the table 'users'.

then I duplicated the 'include post in comment' stuff in profile and renamed it to match my database entries.

the bits to alter are at lines 827, 897 and 1472 of the profile.php file.  (the line numbers are approx).

Maybe this will help someone else...feel free to e-mail if you want help with this same trouble.



is there a mod out there that does this as part of it....I could just edit the mod to suit my needs.

sorry about posting this in the wrong forum.




I would like to add 3 new checkbox's to the privacy section of the profile page.

The checkbox's would simply link to 3 new fields in the the 'users' table and would give a 1 or 0 depending on weather users had checked (1) or unchecked(0) each box.

The reason I want to do this is because I am bridged with coppermine and want to install stramm's modpack for coppermine and have it integrated well with punbb.  The functions I want to control is the auto user notification of comments and at the moment the punbb bridge that comes with the modpack just uses the 'email_setting' entry in the 'users' to decide weather to auto sign people up for comment notifications.  (it has to be set to hide email but allow form email as this has the value of 1).

So how do I go about adding 3 checkboxes to the profile and corresponding database fields.

Any help would be much appreciated,

all the best



(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)


I have a couple of mods installed such as Image Upload and EasyBB code and I was just wondering how hard would it be to have these available to use when doing a quick reply and not just a "post reply".

I have another mod called easysmilies which manages to be in post and quick reply.

Any suggestions would be great

all the best


no takers? 

would be really useful to know if there is a way to get it working on the wuick reply not just normal reply?


yeah you have to go "post reply" not quick reply.

does anyone know if i can just stick the same code somewhere to get the image upload there for quickreply too?




(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

thanks a lot for the help...that was suprisingly easy to do smile


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)


I'll try this out later...I'll post once I've got it working




(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

So I have a punbb installation with coppermine integrated

go check it out if you like http://www.amateurillustrator.com/

I would like to add a custom link underneath everyones avatars that is called "see all this users uploaded images" or something along those lines.

So basically what it does is take the userid of the person who's post it is and ads it to the end of this url:

www.amateurillustrator.com/galleries/thumbnails.php?album=lastupby&uid= (then the user id)

the coppermine and punbb user id's are the same so it should work fine...just wandering how would I go about realising this?

How do I put a link under the avatar?

How do I get hold of the user id of the users whos post it is and then stick it on the end of that link....so each link under each avatar has a different userID at the end.

Would I have to add an extra line to the database or is it easir than that?

Help would be awsome smile

All the best


I may just move to a different host...one with mysql 4.1

thanks for the help understanding this.

well the problem is that my new host use mysql 4.0 and the old one uses mysql 4.1...I checked on the mysql website and the charactersets got a big overhaul in 4.1 and therefor my comes out a bit garbled.  It is not really meant for people to go form 4.1 to 4.0.

I think I may have to go through and change things manually....any suggestions?



sorry about my previous post...yes you are exactly right it seems to have converted my site to IOS-8859-1  and all the little bits of garbage are due to this....hmmm...so I'll call my host and repost here after.



hmm with me if i view it with ISO-8859-1 it looks even slightly more messed up

i'll call my host again but I'm not sure they'll help...it's shared hosting you see so I doubt they'll upgrade mysql just for me

links should work again now...still same trouble

it think I could go through and correct everything manually...but this may take time

any thoughts...??

hey sorry for this but the links above will not work for a bit as I have delted everything off the server we are moving too...I am re-uploading everything as well.

But I'm sure you don't need to see to get the general idea.

Any help would be great on this...what should I do??


So I am in the process of moving my whole site to a new server?I am doing a test move to check everything is working first

When I first went to import my database using PHPMYADMIN I got a bunch of errors.

Well I called my host-to-be and asked what the problem was they said to delete this line:

?from everywhere in the .sql file I was trying to import?lo and behold it worked fine, without a glitch....tech support do help me sometimes smile


Now in the forums where people have used an odd character?although I think it is mostly when users have first written out a post in word and then copied and pasted it into the forum?.they get a little bit of garbage in this form:  â??

Here is an example on the server I am moving to:
this is the original on my current server:
http://www.amateurillustrator.com/forum … .php?id=56

you will notice throughout the post that there is crap like this?well this is also happening in wordpress:

It is clear that removing that line about latin1 from the sql file has caused this because it was to do with character sets latin1 and the like and all that.

Is there any way to fix this without having to go form post to post editing everyones post.

I think the reason I had to delete the line is because my host-to-be has a slightly older or differently configured version of MYSQL that diddn?t support importing these lines:

Any help would be really really helpful.

Has this happened to anyone else?how did you deal with it?



cool soved it...I actually think I had it working a couple of posts back when I could see nothing too its just I hadn't put 'echo' there duh

thanks for all the help...couldnt have done it without you guys smile


cool thanks for the help I'll spend a bit more time trying to get this stuff to work before i post again

do u know how to get an instance?

I really arent great at this smile

after a bit of debuging of sorts I have located the line that is causing the problem:

echo 'hello';

        // Check for new messages
        $result_messages = $db->query('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM '.$db->prefix.'messages WHERE showed=0 AND owner='.$pun_user['id']) or error('Unable to check for new messages', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
echo 'hello';

the first "hello" appears then this error and no more hello's, what a shame:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/amateuri/public_html/testindex.php on line 106

what is a non-object for starters smile

is that wordpress and punbb, do you have any information on a way to bridge the two?

i wish...only coppermine and punbb, I don't know how to integrate punbb and wordpress user tables.

I am not a programmer or anything...I think it would take me a long time to figure out a way of doing this.

Let me know if there's  a way smile


the code of this page has this line in the right place:

and I make sure there are new messages in my inbox so it should light up.

But nothing.

you would have to be logged in and have new messages to see, so you might want to just take my word for it smile