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I keep getting this error:
Bad HTTP_REFERER. You were referred to this page from an unauthorized source. If the problem persists please make sure that 'Base URL' is correctly set in Admin/Options and that you are visiting the forum by navigating to that URL. More information regarding the referrer check can be found in the PunBB documentation.
I'm using v 1.2.2 of this mod
and v 1.2.12 of punbb
The only time I get this is when I try to delete sent messages.
I take that back.
It only does this for member accounts and it does it for deleting any messages. (it might do this for moderator accounts as well)
I searched for this but it looks like i'm the only one with this problem?
The first posts in topics work fine and the style sheets work.
Then once you get toward the bottom at about post 18 it's like the style sheet poofs.
The text gets huge the colors for text is set to the default stuff for a site.
Example here: LINK
Thanks for the help :\
Get rid of your own login thing and just use PunBB stuff.
With PunBB you are able to make it so only members/moderators/ can integrate just about all of PunBB into your site.
Best of all it's really easy to do.
The forums for my site.
Was using a really crappy forum until earlier today.
I'm assuming if it's the same copyright then you can remove one of them.
If the other is still on the page and is the same thing.
Thank you!
one more question to go along with this...
$mess = xBB_Parse_Message($p['news'], 1);
echo $mess;
What would be the equivelant for PunBB?
I've tried
Can anyone help with this? Thanks
With my previous forum software.....XennoBB you could do things like this:
if ($forum_user['g_id'] > USER_ADMIN) xBB_Message($lang_common['No permission']);
So basically if the groups id was higher than admin then they would get a page that tells them they can't do anything on the page.
i have tried modifying this to be pun accessible but no luck.
Is there anything like this for PunBB?
Thanks for the help.
Ya I did....idk why it didn't work.
I got it all taken care of though.
No there is an image there, it looks good when it's repeated across the screen too.
I emailed you already quaker and am waiting for a respone, unless you want me ot post on here?
Problem solved...this can be closed
I already made the style, or modified one completely so it's how I want.
Just have a problem getting the background to work.
The image works, it just won't repeate everywhere.
It repeats on the Y line only...and only does it inbetween the categories/header/footer.
No go.
I used the Nosebleed template and just changed all the colors/images in it.
Then when that didn't work I edited the Body as you see it.
BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(../../img/pbtb/bg.gif);
Link to the theme (pre-modified)
That's no good either. :\
Okay, I have used tons of different forum software, I recently found XennoBB....I went on vacation and came back to see people accusing them there. I decided I didn't want to deal with the crap that would come from that place so I came here! To what XennoBB really is! PunBB.
I made the conversion yesterday and today I am converting the skin. I've run into one small problem.
I am trying to use a background image but with no luck it won't repeat it all across the screen.
Here is what i'm using.
BACKGROUND: url(../../img/pbtb/bg.gif);
background-repeat: repeat;
background-position: left top;
It doesn't repeate the image....idk why and can't seem to fix it.
Thanks for the help.
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