
Deleting the cache-files solved the issue!! Thank you so much! I will see where else I can add the donation item, and refrain from adding anything other than simple links to the menu items.

I've also cleared the extra < from the footer.php! smile

I'm very grateful for all your help. Continue your great work in creating the best forum on the web.

Jan Terje,
Happy PunBB user

Edit: After spending 10 minutes looking through footer.php without finding where the extra < comes from, I decided I didn't care. Like most other things, I will patiently wait for 1.3 to have it solved, hehe.


The paypal stuff is only visible if you watch the front page's source code (at www.pianophilia.com), and only interferes when logging in (I think). I have added the miniportal, which I think make things more difficult now.

The thing that really puzzles me, is that there is now no references to paypal anywhere in the database or the include/functions.php (the latter just calls up the database entry). Incidentally, the link in the frontpages source code says (whole line included):

<li id="navextra4"><form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"></li>

Could the problem be the double number (the paypal menu was item no. 10)? Does PunBB translate that as 1, and tries to get there after logging in?

Very strange indeed!

Thanks for your response. I added the following:

<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but21.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!">
<img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">

As html was allowed, I thought this would work.

I've tried to remove the code in the admin panel, but when I Submit the changes, I only get redirected. The database entry is empty, yet still the index.php generate the paypal-menu item. Could it be stored in a file somewhere? You could check the source code if you want at www.pianophilia.com.

Thanks for all help.

Jan Terje


I tried to add a "donate"-button in the top menu, at position 10 (I've added several others before). However, after submitting the change, I was redirected to www.paypal.com, and all users are now redirected when they log in.

I've searched through phpmyadmin and have removed all my added menu items from the o_additional_navlinks, yet it still won't work.

Hope any has some clues here.

Jan Terje


After using the excellent mod successfully a while, I tend towards wanting to display the filesize in KB and MB rather than bits. Is that possible to change?

I sincerely hope you will make an extension of this for 1.3 - I really can't wait to update! smile'

Thanks for a brilliant mod.

Jan Terje


(38 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

the 2 cents of a quite new user of punbb: I like very much the division between the actual forum and the mods. Two websites aren't REALLY that hard to keep track of, and I have had no problems with it. It gives me a much bigger sense of quality of the forum knowing that the author(s?) are focusing only on the forum itself, and not spreading their time doing all and everything of the different features.

Jan Terje

Sounds like the problems I had (see my previous post). Create a text-file just with the word test and try to upload it. If that works, review all your file-size settings (in php and the mod settings), then delete the cachefiles and try again with a bigger file.

Good luck.

Jan Terje

Thanks for the good answer. I'm afraid I doesn't know any php at all (just leeching on others work), but I understand why the multiple attachments is a barrier to break elegantly. And what I love with punbb in general that what it does, it does extremely well. Better to keep it clean, bugfree and fast than to just throw in every feature imaginable.

One question though; when's the planned releasedate for PunBB1.3? I've tried to find any clues whatsoever (next week, next month, next year, next decade?), but haven't had any luck.

Jan Terje

Hi again,

Just finetuning my installation of punbb & attachment mod before the big opening, and I have one question and one request:

Question: When I download (left-click) an attachment with spaces in the filename, it adds lots 19%2C%2012% etc. Is it possible to remove this?
Request: To be able to attach more files in one go, instead of having to edit the post.

Apart from that, I'm very happy with everything! smile

Jan Terje

Oh my God!! That did the trick!!!!! The cache-file clearly wasn't updated to contain the attachment variables, as soon as I deleted it and entered PunBB again, it worked!!

I must thank you for all the help you've given. I must say that not only is PunBB a brilliant forum, but the excellent, fast and friendly community support is unsurpassable! Together I can't imagine a better forum to run on my site, and hope to be ready to switch from the ugly&bloated fudforum during the weekend!

Thanks again, I'm very grateful!

Jan Terje

Hi folks,

A while ago I had some errors with the attachment mod, after which my life suddenly got extremely busy and I wasn't able to follow up properly. Since I've tried installing a fresh PunBB four times (1.2.12 twice, 1.2.13 and 1.2.14) with the attachment mod, always getting the same error, I doubt I'm doing something wrong in the installation procedure as I've REALLY followed the instructions to the point. My symptoms are:

* Attachment mod working wonderfully for all files below about 2-3000 bytes.

What happens is that I set the attachment rules (increasing attachment size), but they keep bouncing back to "default" 2000 bytes. I've changed the setting in phpmyadmin and it still bounces back. Even when I changed the sizelimit in phpmyadmin and then immediately tried to post a 100Kb file it didn't work. And yes, the PHP-settings are valid (huge size-limits etc, which work with other php-scripts). I've tried it on two different servers; my home server and one from One.com, so it seems doubtful that it is server related.

Anyway, I don't think I have any more time to spend on installing this mod, but I'm writing this just to notify you of a potential error (unless I have made the same mistake four times on two different servers).

Lastly, one question: The attachment mod says to support versions of PunBB higher than what seems to be the newest one, how is that possible? Is it a clone or separate project that has come further? In that case I'd very much like to give that version a try in case it solves my error - PunBB seems to be clearly the best choice for my site (www.pianophilia.com), but to switch forums is impossible without an attachment mod (my 460 existing users use it all the time).

Jan Terje

I think we're closing in now. I did set the max allowed size in the attachment mod plugin, but when I now went to recheck, the size limit was 2000! Though after changing that (also allowing guests to attach, just in case), I still wasn't able to upload any bigger files. However, going back and forth between the forum and the plugin, suddenly the size limit was 2000 again!

Before the size setting magically changing to 2000 for the second time, I checked phpmyadmin to see if the rules were set in the database - which they were. So when I tried uploading, the database said the size limit was 1200000.

Btw, I'm only testing on my own server now, crappy old machine, but running apache2, php5.1.2 and mysql5.0.22.

Thanks again for your time, it's very much appreciated.

Jan Terje

Good idea, didn't think of that. I have been using Firefox (latest update), but now also tried IE (6 something). Same there I'm afraid.

Very strange thing indeed.

The php-info tells me:

PHP version: 5.1.2
the settings talked about above are correct; memory limit=17M, post_max_size=16M, upload_max_size=12M.
Btw, when I installed punbb, the defaul Mysql-setting was "Mysqli", not mysql. Not sure what that means.

So the most probable cause is somewhere in the PHP-settings, not the attachment mod or punbb itself?

Jan Terje

EDIT: The sizelimit seems to be between 5000 byte and 5700 byte - I tried some small files, and everything below 5100 byte worked. On the same server I host a test-version of eGroupWare, and I successfully uploaded a 4MB file just now. Hmmm.

Well, I made some progress. I am now able to upload the little txt-file (or any small txt file), but it rejects files seemingly above 10KB or something. As I said earlier, my php.ini settings would allow a LOT more (I've changed the admin settings too).

It's at least better now. Any guesses?

Jan Terje

PS. I'm really impressed with the fast response here, thanks guys!!

Quickie: yep, the "enctype="multipart/form-data" is in a <form> tag in post.php. I'll now start doing a fresh install, so I hope that may solve it. In my laziness, I only used my previous modified punbb-files for installing on my own server, which could explain why the same error occurs on two different servers.


Thanks for your swift reply.

I did indeed try with a very small txt file (70B), and it doesn't show up either in the database or the attachment directory. Safe mode may be the thing interferring with my webhotel-installation, but safe mode is certainly off on my own server.

Haven't tried avatars, but I think I'll once again try to do a clean install of punbb and your mod - right now I can only believe I must have done something wrong when I changed the php-files. I'll let you know what happens after I try this.

Jan Terje

Thanks for your tip, I have changed memory_limit to 17M, post_max_size to 16M and upload_max_size to 12M. And ofcourse the file_uploads = 1.

Unfortunately it didn't change anything (and I *have* restarted the server smile). Any more hints are very welcome.

Jan Terje


I have recently installed punbb with the attachment mod three times (and on two different servers), always with the same problem. It's as follows:

* Install works perfectly, and everything seems to work fine
* But when I attch a file, it seems to be working (takes its time), but shows no files in the post. There's also no files in the created folder (which contains .htaccess and index.htm).

PunBB is version 1.2.12, and I installed the attachment mod following every step of your nice installation guide at http://cms.frankh.shacknet.nu/. I've also changed folder permissions to allow everyone (both parent and generated folder). I did install the Flash mp3-player mod before the attachment mod, otherwise everything's as fresh as possible.

Of my two servers, one is a webhotel with safe mode=ON, the other is my own server with apache2 and php5.

Any clues? It's a fabulous mod, and the only thing right now preventing me from launching punbb as a successor to fudforum (can't wait, really) on my site www.pianophilia.com.

Jan Terje

I'm happy you agree.

In terms of integration (if I understand you correctly), there's mostly the shared login I can think of. Right now I can't see any great benefits of integrating it with any other apps. What eGW sorely need is a fast, clean and well-written forum, which PubBB is.

I've also posted in eGW's forums about this, but it hasn't generated any replies.

Jan Terje


I'm running eGroupware (www.egroupware.org), and would very much like to see PunBB integrated into eGW. I've tried to like fudforum (the only integrated board), but it's both buggy and bloated.

After reading through eGW's forums, it seems to be very easy to integrate other software with eGW. However, I can't code at all, so I'm unfortunately dependant for help.

I'm quite sure that if made available, PunBB would be almost exclusively used as forum software by all the eGW-installations out there.

Jan Terje