Hi folks,
A while ago I had some errors with the attachment mod, after which my life suddenly got extremely busy and I wasn't able to follow up properly. Since I've tried installing a fresh PunBB four times (1.2.12 twice, 1.2.13 and 1.2.14) with the attachment mod, always getting the same error, I doubt I'm doing something wrong in the installation procedure as I've REALLY followed the instructions to the point. My symptoms are:
* Attachment mod working wonderfully for all files below about 2-3000 bytes.
What happens is that I set the attachment rules (increasing attachment size), but they keep bouncing back to "default" 2000 bytes. I've changed the setting in phpmyadmin and it still bounces back. Even when I changed the sizelimit in phpmyadmin and then immediately tried to post a 100Kb file it didn't work. And yes, the PHP-settings are valid (huge size-limits etc, which work with other php-scripts). I've tried it on two different servers; my home server and one from One.com, so it seems doubtful that it is server related.
Anyway, I don't think I have any more time to spend on installing this mod, but I'm writing this just to notify you of a potential error (unless I have made the same mistake four times on two different servers).
Lastly, one question: The attachment mod says to support versions of PunBB higher than what seems to be the newest one, how is that possible? Is it a clone or separate project that has come further? In that case I'd very much like to give that version a try in case it solves my error - PunBB seems to be clearly the best choice for my site (www.pianophilia.com), but to switch forums is impossible without an attachment mod (my 460 existing users use it all the time).
Jan Terje