(3 replies, posted in Discussions)

I believe it's time based, not based on "since last visited". It may be 24 hours.

Ooops. Sorry -- I see the reply to address is the users.

When using the forum email, there is a note that the sender's email address will be disclosed, and the received email also says that replying will send email to the sender, but all forum email comes from the webmaster's address only?? No method to reply to the sender. Is something wrong with my settings?

Garciat wrote:
DELETE FROM users WHERE num_posts=0 AND email NOT LIKE '%.co.nz' AND id!=1

Remember to add your table prefix before 'users' on the query.

                        Last edited by Garciat (Today 10:59:22)[url="garciat.org/">Garciat - Die hard

Some info about me

.. and if I use "select' instead of delete I can first see?
Thanks for the reply


I want to delete all users with zero posts, except those with email addresses ending in co.nz

I believe that the user management extension is not ready for 1.3 yet.

Can I do this with phpmyadmin directly? Will this adversely affect the operation of 1.3? And lastly, how would the query be phrased?


Wow. Thanks so much. I'll give it a try this morning.


this would work for me to combat spam. I have a new zealand local community based forum (http://www.riverstonelounge.co.nz/forums), and only people who live in wellington, NZ would be interested in this forum.

Can I limit the ip range for registrations. The functionality is already there in the form of banning ip ranges. Can the code/table be added to the system? I am only starting out with php, so I could not do it without help.



(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

One more question please:

is there any way to view a log of the boradcast feature - formatted or raw?


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

You're quite right. An few email addresses failed on sending, and it looks like the whole broadcast system failed thereafter because no-one received the broadcast. Should that be the case?


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I am not sure if I should be asking my hosting service or the punbb community about this issue, so I'm asking both:

I am receiving errors while trying to send a broadcast email to 105 users. The messages are:

An error was encountered
Error: Unable to send e-mail. Please contact the forum administrator with the following error message reported by the SMTP server: "550 sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.7.17) ".

#2 - without SMTP username & SMTP password in "options" under the admin menus
An error was encountered
Error: Unable to send e-mail. Please contact the forum administrator with the following error message reported by the SMTP server: "553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1) ".

the account for webmaster does exist - i get mail all the time from the website because I have "notify new registrations" switched on. Can anyone shed some light on what's going wrong, please?


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

I am aout to engange in a bit of marketing. Before I do that I wanted to generate statistics too see what eeffect the marketing has on the rate of signups, stats on no of posts per day, page views etc.

Am I right in assuming that no statistics module for PunBB exists? I have searched and the only results that seem to be relevant are the ones for stats hosted by punbb.org.

Ok. Somebody complained. It turns out that using punbb's email form for email addresses other that the hosting domain is returning the error 553.

I've just overcome it by entering the Username for SMTP server and Password for SMTP server 'tho it says "Only enter a password if it is required by the SMTP server (most servers *do not* require authentication)."

So, by authenticating -- any issues there? I ask because of the bold type.

Hi Carl

I suppose the only thing to do is for me to actually try it and then I'll know what does or does not work. If I have some time during my workday tomorrow, I will attempt it. I do know that I failed to convert the punbb navbar into css tabs. See my website. I eventually made the punbb forum nav as sub-navigation.


I also had problems with my horizontal menu css. Eventually, I rebuilt the horizontal menu using knowledge gleaned from http://www.dynamicdrive.com/style/cssli … egory/C1/.

Sorry if this seems like more questions than help, but.. I assume the problems that you're having relates to the andreas' theme menus, rather than the menus from punbb? Or do you actually want to populate the "blue, green, orange' part of the theme with the punbb links?

Hey Carl,

can you provide some hyperlinks to the theme you're talking about, and if you have created a mockup in html or photoshop, that would nbe cool to see as well? Just so we know where you want to go...


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)


Thanks for the replies. This a minor issue easily oversome, so no worries.

I have not installed any mods yet, only plugins -- because I am afraid that my minor tweaks plus all the various mods' tweaks of the php files will break whenever there is an upgrade and I would need to redo everything by hand. All the Mods just say "affected files: viewtopic.php, post.php" etc. Should I worry?


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I'm not sure what's not exactly right here:

setting the timezone setting to my part of the world (New Zealand @ +12GMT) gave me times that were 12 hours off. I saw in another thread that timezone setting is relative to the hosting server. So I set it to 00GMT which gave the correct time. That must be wrong - GMT is GMT surely?


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)


I direct your attention (if only for an internet moment) to a site crafted for far-off peoples at the bottom-left corner of the world: http://www.riverstonelounge.co.nz. A comment in the website feedback section would be welcomed with a smile.

I have just had the same issue: I am running 1.2.14. But I discovered that I had the wrong email for the webmaster in settings -- not too sure if that caused the problem. I have to wait for somebody to complain. smile

In the corporate ID work that I do (graphic design), I very often come across cases where the Corporate ID specifies common fonts for usage within MS Word, the internet and other common applications where the user can make choices in addition to the logo/payoff line type.

.wow. this must have potential... but what!?

for eg the link in this thread: http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=72041#p72041

I'm using FF on OS X 10.4.

Anybody else? Normally I triple click the text url and I'm away. I can select the text below and above it, but not the text for the link at all. Never come across this anywhere before.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Thanks Jansson, Jarkko. Browsershots looks useful, but seems to only be for Linux.

Shouldn't you be using an image of the logo jpg, png or gif for a logo? That would be the only guarantee. There is no way that every computer user would have the same version of the same weight of the same font.

did you mean "every user"?