sonofsinner wrote:

Cool. Unfortunately, I installed List of online avatars at top of forum, so even if I hide my online stat. the avatar still showing up. Any tips (except removing both extensions)?

Edit your user_avatars.php file. Change

'WHERE'        => 'e.idle=0 AND!=1',


'WHERE'        => 'e.idle=0 AND!=1 AND o.hidden=0',

Should work smile

OR, what should be more safe (if you will want to disable/remove my extension):

$process = $forum_db->query_build($array) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__);


if ($forum_db->field_exists('online', 'hidden')) $array['WHERE'] .= ' AND o.hidden=0';



This extension let users to hide their online status. Features:
-configurable group assign
-configurable flood protection* (per group)
-users can set their state in header (next to your username)
-hidden users can't post
-hidden moderators and administrators can post always
-hidden user can see himself on online list
-moderators and administrators can see all hidden users on online list (grayed/css)

* - flood protection is for unable users to be hidden all the time, and show just for couple seconds to post.

Version 1.0


There is no "close" info in closed topics. Like here … rol-panel/
There is some object generated, but is hidden in css

My sugestion of solution:

viewtopic.php (line 194)

if ($forum_user['may_post'])
    $forum_page['page_post']['posting'] = '<p class="posting"><a class="newpost" href="'.forum_link($forum_url['new_reply'], $id).'"><span>'.$lang_topic['Post reply'].'</span></a></p>';
else if (!$forum_user['may_post'] && !$forum_user['is_guest'] && $cur_topic['closed'] != '1')
    $forum_page['page_post']['posting'] = '<p class="posting">'.$lang_topic['No permission'].'</p>';
if (!$forum_user['may_post'] && $forum_user['is_guest'])
    $forum_page['page_post']['posting'] = '<p class="posting">'.sprintf($lang_topic['Login to post'], '<a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['login']).'">'.$lang_common['login'].'</a>', '<a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['register']).'">'.$lang_common['register'].'</a>').'</p>';

it's very strange code. To many conditions, unnecessary double checks, two if constructions... roll
change to:

if ($forum_user['may_post'])
    $forum_page['page_post']['posting'] = '<p class="posting"><a class="newpost" href="'.forum_link($forum_url['new_reply'], $id).'"><span>'.$lang_topic['Post reply'].'</span></a></p>';
else if ($forum_user['is_guest'])
    $forum_page['page_post']['posting'] = '<p class="posting">'.sprintf($lang_topic['Login to post'], '<a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['login']).'">'.$lang_common['login'].'</a>', '<a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['register']).'">'.$lang_common['register'].'</a>').'</p>';
else if ($cur_topic['closed'] == '1')
    $forum_page['page_post']['posting'] = '<p class="posting">'.$lang_topic['Topic closed info'].'</p>';
    $forum_page['page_post']['posting'] = '<p class="posting">'.$lang_topic['No permission'].'</p>';

lang\English\topic.php (line 10)

'Topic closed'             =>    '[ Closed ]',

'Topic closed info'        =>    'This topic is closed',


File admin/groups.php. Hooks:
agr_add_edit_group_pre_mod_permissions_fieldset_end (line 184)
agr_add_edit_group_pre_user_permissions_fieldset_end (line 247)

They are in wrong place. Two lines after each of them is another hook, which will do exactly the same - add new group of options. It's impossible to add new item to existing group at the end. To do this those hooks should me moved one line up.

Problem can exist in other files too. I'll try to check it latter.

8k84 wrote:

Actually, another reasonable approach would be to allow editing of the last post in a topic only.

What should happen, if someone reply 1 second after me? Can I edit it after 5 sec?

1. Go to: Administration  » Users  » Searches
2. Find your user and select
3. Press "change group" and assign new group


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I was just checking kierownik's extensions (
Lightbox extension is not working wink but dependences are smile


This tiny extension switch the place of user title and user avatar in viewtopic.php

I'm planing to use WordPress as well. I haven't touch it at all yet, so my suggestion can be completely wrong wink
In my opinion correct extension should generate proper WP cookie after punbb login (for users with WP access). Of course passwords should be the same.
Am I right, or completely wrong?

Cereal wrote:
yonash wrote:

but prefix should be added automatically until disabled by

well yeah i thought so ... but this doesn't work

you must do something wrong. can you paste all manifest.xml file?

Garciat wrote:

Edit:I just noticed underline is working as italics, and quick quote is including the user's signature into the quote.

This quick quote is working completely wrong. It should be marked as beta. I disabled it on my test forum. If there will be no fix, then I will do my own wink

but prefix should be added automatically until disabled by

'PARAMS' => array('NO_PREFIX' => true),

or in any other way to make

isset($query['PARAMS']['NO_PREFIX']) == true

In final 1.0 version I'm planing to add "Show user's locked topics" link in usrer's profile (for moderators only).

I'm thinking about disabling possibility to unlock yourself. I mean if some user has some locks, and then he became moderator, he should be unable to remove those locks. What do you think? I will wait with this final release for few days and wait for your comments (if any wink )


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

KeyDog wrote:

they should make you

PunBB Extension Dev

thanks ;P
maybe someday smile


This is simple extension, which let moderators to see who subscribed a topic.

List is displayed in topic footer. I created new div for this, and I'm sharing this solution between 4 extensions:
-Favorite topic (check for new version)
-Hide topic (check for new version)
-Lock topic
-Show subscriptions
It mean that there is only one div (frame) created for all of them. Of course is working separately as well.

Version 1.0


First I was doing it only for myself, but then decided to share. Thats why description is so long and maybe complex.

This extension let moderators to lock selectable topics for unruly users. You can select lock method in Administration » Settings » Features:
-Just disable posting - it mean that user can't post/quote in locked topic
-Disable posting and hide - like before + topic is hidden on viewforum and search pages (including search actions like "Show new posts"). User can access locked topics only manually
-Disable access - User can't access locked topics at all

Locks are turned off for assigned moderators and administrators, but there is one known bug (ONLY if option 2 or 3 is set). There is no moderator assign check on search pages, so existing locks are turned off only for administrators. It mean that:
case 1. user is moderator on forum X and is subscribed to locked topic Y (on this forum). He will be able to see this topic on viewforum (he should), but unable to find it through "New posts" or "Active topics" or "Show my subscriptions" (if subscribed) (he should too).
case 2. user is moderator on forum X and someone post into locked topic Y (on this forum). This topic will be marked as new on viewforum.php (it should), he will see "New posts" on index.php (he should), but after clicking it, there will be no result for this topic (it should be). If it was only topic with new posts, there will be "No results" info.

Of course it is strange situation when someone with locked topics became moderator wink

case 3. user is moderator on forum Z and had subscribed to locked topic Y (on X forum). In this case lock is working properly.
Bug exist only on forums moderated by this moderator and only in seach.php. On index.php, viewforum.php, viewtopic.php, post.php moderators are fully recognized.
I decided that there is very low probability for situation like this so I'm not planing to fix it.

There is no possibility to lock administrator or assigned moderator.

There is no admin/moderator check while sending subscriptions. All subscriptions for locked users are aborted.
If option 1 is selected subscriptions are sent normally.

Lock/Unlock option is displayed before "Report". If you will delete locked user post, then you can still unlock him using locked users list.
List is displayed in topic footer. I created new div for this, and I'm sharing this solution between 4 extensions:
-Favorite topic (check for new version)
-Hide topic (check for new version)
-Lock topic
-Show subscriptions
It mean that there is only one div (frame) created for all of them. Of course is working separately as well.

Version 0.9.5 beta
it's beta, but there should be no errors, others than described.

one small bug fixed. new version in first post


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)


While subscribed there is CSS issue in IE7. Page has very big right margin. Firefox is displaying fine.

I'm not CSS master, so can't find the reason. Just reporting.

Y … ce-period/

oh - now I see, that you saw my extension wink
you should add more details about your request. maybe first changing subject to "[request] User can edit their post only for 60 seconds after posting" wink

Garciat wrote:

Line183on 'index.php'

        if ($cur_forum['moderators'] != '' and strlen('aa') == 0)

I think

        if ($cur_forum['moderators'] != '' && false)

or just

        if (false)

will be better wink

I made one for 1.2.x and I will do same for 1.3.x soon smile (in my one administrators are assigning topics to hide)
But I have so many extensions to do, that it can take even few weeks.


There is bug in viewtopic (and maybe in other files too) with "first-item" class assignment. The problem is with assigning it into two arrays: $forum_page['post_contacts'] and $forum_page['post_actions'].

There is

(!empty($forum_page['post_contacts']) ? ' first-item' : '')
(!empty($forum_page['post_actions']) ? ' first-item' : '')

should be:

(empty($forum_page['post_contacts']) ? ' first-item' : '')
(empty($forum_page['post_actions']) ? ' first-item' : '')

in lines: 399, 401, 403, 408, 421, 430, 432, 434, 438, 444, 446, 448, 449 and 457


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)


Due working with my extensions I had problem with footer.
This is current footer align:



Creation order is:
1. (pre_quickjump_hook)
2. quickjump [1] (float: left)
3. (pre_copyright_hook)
4. copyright [2] (float: right)
5. (footer_end_hook)
default float for all text's (<p>) is left

The problem is when you want to add some elements using hooks. Even "Currently used extensions" element (footer_end_hook) is displayed in different way depends of browser (btw. there is another margin issue).
Strange things start happens when you will try to add another element to footer (footer_end_hook). It will be displayed in A. If you will use (pre_copyright_hook) then in FF it will appear in B, in IE7 3 and A will switch the places.

I think that it should be displayed in this way:
-copyright is always on top right
-if you're using quickjump, it should be displayed on top left and it should keep empty space on it's right side
-everything else should appear under quickjump

I was trying to play with CSS without success. I changed default text's float to none. Then text's starts appear one under one, but in FF 3 moved to B (in IE7 it stayed in place). It wasn't looking nice.

Finaly I change php creation order to:
1. (pre_copyright_hook)
2. copyright [2] (float: right)
3. (pre_quickjump_hook)
4. quickjump [1] (float: NONE)
5. (footer_end_hook)
and default text's float to NONE as well

Now it's working fine for me.
(same in FF and IE7)

Changes description:

footer.php (line: 15)

// START SUBST - <!-- forum_about -->
($hook = get_hook('ft_about_output_start')) ? eval($hook) : null;
($hook = get_hook('ft_about_pre_quickjump')) ? eval($hook) : null;

// Display the "Jump to" drop list
if ($forum_user['g_read_board'] == '1' && $forum_config['o_quickjump'] == '1')
    // Load cached quickjump
    if (file_exists(FORUM_CACHE_DIR.'cache_quickjump_'.$forum_user['g_id'].'.php'))
        include FORUM_CACHE_DIR.'cache_quickjump_'.$forum_user['g_id'].'.php';

    if (!defined('FORUM_QJ_LOADED'))
        if (!defined('FORUM_CACHE_FUNCTIONS_LOADED'))
            require FORUM_ROOT.'include/cache.php';

        require FORUM_CACHE_DIR.'cache_quickjump_'.$forum_user['g_id'].'.php';

($hook = get_hook('ft_about_pre_copyright')) ? eval($hook) : null;

// End the transaction

    <p id="copyright"><?php echo sprintf($lang_common['Powered by'], '<a href="">PunBB</a>'.($forum_config['o_show_version'] == '1' ? ' '.$forum_config['o_cur_version'] : '')); ?></p>
($hook = get_hook('ft_about_end')) ? eval($hook) : null;

changed to:

// START SUBST - <!-- forum_about -->
($hook = get_hook('ft_about_output_start')) ? eval($hook) : null;
($hook = get_hook('ft_about_pre_copyright')) ? eval($hook) : null;

    <p id="copyright"><?php echo sprintf($lang_common['Powered by'], '<a href="">PunBB</a>'.($forum_config['o_show_version'] == '1' ? ' '.$forum_config['o_cur_version'] : '')); ?></p>

($hook = get_hook('ft_about_pre_quickjump')) ? eval($hook) : null;

// Display the "Jump to" drop list
if ($forum_user['g_read_board'] == '1' && $forum_config['o_quickjump'] == '1')
    // Load cached quickjump
    if (file_exists(FORUM_CACHE_DIR.'cache_quickjump_'.$forum_user['g_id'].'.php'))
        include FORUM_CACHE_DIR.'cache_quickjump_'.$forum_user['g_id'].'.php';

    if (!defined('FORUM_QJ_LOADED'))
        if (!defined('FORUM_CACHE_FUNCTIONS_LOADED'))
            require FORUM_ROOT.'include/cache.php';

        require FORUM_CACHE_DIR.'cache_quickjump_'.$forum_user['g_id'].'.php';

// End the transaction

($hook = get_hook('ft_about_end')) ? eval($hook) : null;

Oxygen.css (line: 702)

/* Footer

#brd-about p {
    float: left;
    margin: 0 1em;

#brd-about #qjump {
    float: left;
    padding: 0.5em 0;

#brd-about #qjump div, #qjump label {
    padding: 0;
    border: none;

#brd-about #copyright {
    text-align: right;
    float: right;
    margin: 0;

#brd-about #querytime {
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 0.9em;

changed to:

/* Footer

#brd-about #qjump {
    padding: 0.5em 0;
    margin-right: 1em;

#brd-about #qjump div, #qjump label {
    padding: 0;
    border: none;

#brd-about #copyright {
    text-align: right;
    float: right;
    margin-left: 1em;

#querytime {
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 0.9em;

(css is fixing querytime centered display issue too)

Do you think this is a bug?


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

on default user page (viewed as admin)

I think he mean to change default attributes in css wink