(22 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I can do this extension, but really don't have time now. I must first fix 2 my extensions first.
Maybe in next week.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

there is no dependencies wink

I'm developed many extensions, and will do many more, so I know something about it wink
Sometimes I have problems. Usually is missing hook, but there is different topic for it. I'm planning to write a extension(s) witch will let you to:

1. Use some hook more than one time in one extension (but with different priority)
It can be used, when you're using one hook to do same thing in multiple extensions and you want to prepare data first, then output all together. I think it could be added to core.

2. See extension notes always. Now when you are missing some dependencies, and there is info about it in notes - you will not see it.
It should be fixed in core! Or maybe I'm missing some way to do this?

3. Add new optional manifest tag parser, which will store extension upgrade url. It will let advanced extensions developers to "push" updates. They will be able to prepare update, put it into web, and since then other forums admins will see new version and will be able to update it by one click big_smile (just like repository is working).

4. Analyze installed extensions and tell you which extensions are sharing hooks (in case of conflicts)

5. Hide unused not installed extensions. Sometimes you have not installed (or uninstalled) extension, but don't want to remove files from server. It's sticking on top and annoying you. (of course hidden ext. will be displayed on bottom of ext. page - like repository)

What do you think about it?

It's strange thing.
I'm loading my lang file in some common hook after loading common.php lang file (so it should be availablle everywhere).
Then message function is loading global $common_lang; So it should be there. But sometimes is not tongue


MattF wrote:

that lang file isn't global within the respective function


I will not dig for it, but just load my lang file inside those 2 hooks.

I'm doing some trick in this extension. Instead of adding new language array, I do this:

$lang_common['FAQ'] = 'FAQ';
$lang_common['Privacy'] = 'Privacy policy';

It's working fine on normal pages, but don't know why It causing errors on message windows (functions, calls to globals).
I will rebuild it this weekend smile

esupergood wrote:

BUG (I think)
I cannot see any way to close the image apart from presing ESC but many users will not think to press escape and so they'll be stuck. I guess there is a little cross in the top-right of the image (?) but my browser doesn't let me scroll across to see it. That's with google chrome AND firefox.

You can click anywhere outside the slimbox. I will do all slimbox clickable in next release.

KeyDog wrote:

with a black border box around the resized image

this is quite easy wink I will do this in next version

@default image size
I think that there is no universal size which you can use everywhere on your forum (even set by you). There will be always some exception. I will try to add new bbcode tag "[slim]" and then let admins to set its start size. Then standard [img.] will be always big, and [slim] will be smaller. Of course I can add option to always display smaller image in [img.] tag (and then turn off [slim] one).
Generally it should look like:

Slimbox settings
post's images width   [ 200 ]
post's images height  [ 150 ]
        use [slim] tag   [x] - use those values only with new [slim] images tag, and leave [img.] image size untouched

@slimbox size
By default slimbox showing image in original size. I will dig for some "fit to screen" solution, or "drag and move" solution.
Maybe I'll even use different script. It's very easy now to switch.

KeyDog wrote:

a very usefull feature would be to able change default slimbox size
something in admin section letting you set width & height for the images in your forum

what you mean? settings for images or slimbox?

KeyDog wrote:

and maybe also having image surrounded by black borders

image or slimbox background?

KeyDog wrote:

that way assuming I'm uploading 6 screenshots in a post they'd all neatly appear next to each other like a mini gallery... just a thought...

yeah smile that would be nice. the problem is, that sometimes img should be bigger (like party posters on my forum). maybe new tag in bbcode? like [slim] wink

I'll do this in next version


I was fighting with this extension for few evenings wink All the time there was some issue with javascript's image processing. Finally I did it, and on my machine it's working perfectly.
Extension adds slimbox script to your forum. See how slimbox is working here.
What is it doing:
1. It resize all images to fit on your screen (always, even vertically!)
2. If resized image is smaller than original one for more than 10% - sets a slimbox.
3. Slimbox images have "move" cursor and showing original resolution in title (hover).
4. Extension is removing links to common image hosting sites too. Only default links (like "http://imageshack.us/")***. Links to larger files stays untouched and slimbox is not set up then.

***(currently there is only 2 of them: imageshack.us and fotosik.pl. You can edit this list yourself in slimbox2.js file; please report here other common links - I will add them in next version)

It requires jQuery library! Use this extension: jquery_y_1.3.zip
(I will use it in many of my extensions in future)


Version 1.0

omg! big_smile I wrote horizontally, instead of vertically wink fixed, sorry wink


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

anggiawan wrote:

No guest post is not enabled.


Does my setting "Guest posting" is right?

Yes, but it is not permission settings. It's just for forcing (or not) guest to type email address.
Go to » Administration  » Users  » Groups  » Edit Guest group

There must be some issue with your MAMP. Or maybe template file. I have no idea.

omg! big_smile nice wink

can you paste generated page source?

any print screen?


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Garciat wrote:

Maybe... but I think hiding the username completely would be a nice thing to do, because it would make account theft harder, right?

Yes, it will smile It's very good for security.
But in this case easier will be to use emial address to logging in, because it is currently required, usually hidden and unique, and it will not make any problems if you have any special national chars in your name, and you will need to log in on machine without your keyboard layout installed.


Today new hotfix appear on my forum:
PunBB 1.3.2 hotfix for a potential XSS-attack via GET-parameter "p".
When I'm trying to install it, showing:
This extension has not been explicitly tested on your PunBB version and might therefore not be compatible with your current setup.

silly wink


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Garciat wrote:

I know, but that's what he asked for, right?

Generally yes wink But I think he mean more than just this wink


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

but it is showing it only on post list (viewtopic)

even "Last edited by" will keep username


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

You mean instead of it? You want to use login/pass just for logging in, and then real name value?

If yes, it's almost impossible. Username value exist in hundreds of places in code (like viewtopic, viewforum, index, search, profile, extern, edit, post.... omg - it's just everywhere)
In theory it is possible, but I'll not do this big_smile

Simplest way will be force users to use real name as username cool


This extension locks all subjects for users. Only moderators can edit them later.
When standard user is editing first post in topic he will see ### Only moderator can edit this subject. Use reporting. ### message in subject place (field disabled).
You can change this message if you want. Just edit language file.

Version 1.0

Version 1.0.1
-Fixes a bug with not defined variable warning

MattF wrote:
8k84 wrote:

Another not fixed bug: if javascript is disabled (as some users do for security reasons), then quoting does not work at all.

Care to fix these too?

That's not a fault or bug. Quick quote is javascript based. Have you guessed where I'm leading yet?

He mean, that then you can't quote at all. There should be standard href redirection and some onclick event canceling href redirection (and then doing standard JS code). I was doing something like that before. Will try to fix it in few days. Now I don't have a time.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

are you reinstalling extension after making changes in manifest.xml?


I know whats wrong. It'll work smile
I don't know why there is so strange database nickname assign?: "users AS o", "online AS e" ??

Anyway, before

$process = $forum_db->query_build($array) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__);


if ($forum_db->field_exists('online', 'hidden')) $array['WHERE'] .= ' AND e.hidden=0';


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

topic refresh

what is default priority for hooks?
what will be the display order of extensions installed in this order:

1. hook_x:                  <p>A</p>
2. hook_x priority 1:   <p>B</p>
3. hook_x:                  <p>C</p>
4. hook_x priority 5:   <p>D</p>
5. hook_x:                  <p>E</p>
6. hook_x priority 10: <p>F</p>
7. hook_x:                  <p>G</p>

esupergood wrote:
8k84 wrote:
gokieks wrote:

The best way to do it, IMO would be to let users silent edit until there's been a reply, or X minutes has passed, whichever comes first...

I second that.


that's good. I will do this smile