(67 replies, posted in News)

K, guys... big problem.  I upgrade and thought I had no problems but viewtopic.php is messed up...   it spits a bunch of binary garbage at the toip and then throws a bunch of error strings saying "undefined variable: lang_topic"

Any ideas?

EDIT:  nevermind, found the problem...  the topic.php file in the lang/English folder got corrupted somehow -- on the upload I guess...

of course if one of the punBB code gurus wanted to whip one up, it would probably be faster... wink

When I did it, it was back in the 1.1.* days... so I don't know exactly what's changed since then.  I've just upgraded (finally!) to 1.2.5b and so I'll have to figure it again for myself -- I'll post here when I do.

Here's what I remember off the top of my head...
1) copy the code for topic subscription in viewtopic.php and transplant it into viewforum taking care to re-assign various variable to represent forums rather than topics.

2) create a database table to hold the forum subscription info... again modelled on the topic subscription table

3) create custom .tpl files for the emails that get sent -- once again modelled on the topic subscription template.

That's all I can remember...  When I get around to doing for myself, I'll do up a proper mod...


(67 replies, posted in News)

scottywz wrote:

1.2.5 includes topic subscription.

Hmm, at first I thought you meant that a feature similar to my 'forum subscription' mod had been included in 1.2.5.  If it has, I can't find it.  Forum Subscription (different from topic subscription) allowed a user to be notified when new topics were started in the forum(s) they were subscribed to.  Topic only allows notification of replies...

The reason I use this is that my forum has limited memebership and many simply forget to check the forum.  This way they are notified when.  I also have many users who refuse to use the forum and still rely on our old mailing list system.  For them, I simply created a user with the list's email address and subscribed to all forums.

Anyway, I guess I'll have to dig into the code again...  it's been so long!


(67 replies, posted in News)

cool, thanks...


(67 replies, posted in News)

Smartys wrote:

OK, here's what you should do (note that if you have any mods they'll be lost, although I'm sure some can be brought back, since we're not deleting the database)
Download PunBB 1.2 and copy over all your files with those
Get the 11_to_12_update.php script and run it
Download PunBB 1.2.5, overwrite the files, and run the update script in the extras folder there

Just so I'm clear...

Do I upload ALL of 1.2 to my server... or just the UPLOAD folder...

If ALL, I run the update by browsing to:  www.yoursite.com/forum/extras/11_to_12_update.php

If I only upload the UPLOAD folder, I also upload the update file to main forum folder and then run it?

Same questions for the 1.2 -> 1.2.5 upgrade, I guess...


(67 replies, posted in News)

thanks...  I hate to lose my own mods (faq and forum subscription)... I guess I'll just have to re-write them...  some day.


(67 replies, posted in News)

OK, so because I've been a very bad Forum Admin, I've neglected my forum to the point that it is running on version 1.1.2  -  which, I suspect, is not good.  So, any advice on how to upgrade smoothly?  The hdiff doesn't appear to go back that far -- though I'd would be willing to go line-by-line if necessary...  Come to think of it, I think I'll just take the current code-base file-by-file and compare it with mine and make the necessary changes...   were any DB changes made along the way?

I did eventually get this functionality working nicely...  II can get it to anyone that wants it but I'm not sure if I remember exactly how to set it up -- it was a one-time "set it and forget it" feature...

BTW, when did punBB get RSS?  It's been too long since my lat visit, apparently... Speaking of RSS, it's not really a great alternative to the forum subscription since it's really only useful to web-geek early-adopter type folks...  alot of people use forums for non-webby stuff and can barely understand how to use as it is...

Is there any way to modify an existing stylesheet and save it with a new name...  essentially a "save as" function.  Maybe add a "new filename" field to the edit page?


Rickard wrote:

Yes, you can. .punbb.org means everything under the punbb.org domain.

Well, that solves that wee problem, thanks Rickard!

Anyone have any helpful hints on where to start on this 'bridge' file?  Perhaps the folks who wrote the phpbb conversion?

Any help would be appreciated.

a related question...

The coppermine folks insist that subdomains can't share cookies making forum and gallery integration impossible if you're setup like this: gallery.anysite.com and forum.anysite.com.

Is this correct?  I noticed that the cookie set by this forum has a domain of .punbb.org - does this mean that any subdomain of punbb.org can access the cookie?

EDIT:  I just checked the cookie my forum sets...  the domain for the cookie is forum.mysite.com - can I change it to just mysite.com?  Will that help?

OK, so it's not so easy...  the bridge file goes further into the nuts and bolts of punBB than I am familiar with and I have no way of mapping the phpBB equivalents.

If anyone wants to take a look at it, I think it would be an excellent resource for the punBB community.

My aborted attempt can be DL'd from here: www3.sympatico.ca/colin.arminta/punbb.inc.php.txt

After talking to the folks at Coppermine, it appears that integration is not too difficult.  Simply modifying the phpBB 'bridge' file with punBB equivalents should do the trick.  I'm going to make an attempt at it but I may need some assistance along the way from those of you more familiar with phpBB.

This is a mod-related discussion but PunRes seems a little dead so I'm posting it here...

I'd like integrate my Punbb Forum with a photo gallery (if only for user management).  Coppermine Gallery offers 'out-of-the-box' integration with phpBB, vBulletin, YabbSE, and a few others...  it would be great if someone wrote a bridge for PunBB.  Would it be possible to use/modify the existing phpBB bridge?  Anyone already working on this?


(300 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

matt.bevan wrote:

CSS, JavaScript, and IE required. ;-)

And right there is an excellent reason NOT to implement this!

My $0.02.


(15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

"brush you off" works equally well on this side of the pond... smile

hmmm... too bad.  The CSS way doesn't seem worth the effort.  Neither does the image way...

so i came across this forum quite by accident and was intrigued by the rounded corners on the table...  I checked the source code and didn't see any images so I checked the stylesheet and couldn't figure out how it was done...  any ideas?

any news Alex?

I finally got around to making my very own PunBB stylesheet...  and realized that there's nowhere for us to share them?  So I'm going to post a link to mine here and those of you who have have also made your own styles can share yours too.

Style Name:

- mostly blue with a creme background
- larger text size (12px)

Link to file:


Would it be better/easier to just post the css code in a code box to copy/paste?

link above is broken...


There is a new topic for the Skinning Guide (renamed Style guide)

That's sounds like it would suit my purposes exactly!!  I haven't had a chance to check the link you provided, but keep up the good work!!

OK, here's what I need...  (I'd be willing to pay someone to do this for me... or even to help me...)

I need to make one of my forums (announcements) special...

On the post page (for that forum only), in the 'options' box, the user should have a choice of 'Send to: List A or List B'  or both using check boxes.  When the post is made, the forum sends a copy of the message (with a unique .tpl) to the e-mail addresses associated with List A and List B (one address for A and one address for B).

The reason is that our e-mailing list is handled separately from the forum but we want all important forum announcements to go out on the appropriate lists so that folks don't have to make the announcement twice...  as it is now, I have added forum subscription to my forum and have the list addresses subscribed to that forum... the solution described above lets users decide if the announcement should be released to the list and eliminates double mails (if someone is subscribed to the list AND the forum)

anyone feel like tackling this?

it will require modifying post.php (special choices, etc.) and, I think, adding a function to misc.php to do the mailing?  Also, the forum subscription feature will have to be disabled for the announcements forum.

I don't mind hardcoding the addresses, but it would be nice to have them on the admin panel... and to designate the forumID to use...