this happened so often now that i have to ask what this means...
every once in a while when i edit something in functions.php, the following error occurs:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting ';' in <mysite>/forum/include/functions.php on line 1104

Looking up the code, you find this:

for ($i = 0; $i  $num_args; ++$i)
        echo "\n\n";

The bold thing... is that legal and why does that cause me trouble and sometimes not?


(15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

do you have access to your database?


##        Mod title:  Subscribe User 
##      Mod version:  1.0
##   Works on PunBB:  1.2.* (as far as I know) 
##     Release date:  05-18-2007 
##           Author:  Franz Liedke 
##      Description:  Adds the possibility (for admins and, I think, moderators, too) to subscribe a user to a topic if he has already posted there.
##       Affects DB:  No 
##   Affected files:  viewtopic.php 
##                    misc.php 
##            Notes:  Will display a link "Subscribe this user" under every post.
##     Generated By:  Auto Read-Me(by Caleb Champlin) -
##       DISCLAIMER:  Please note that 'mods' are not officially supported by
##                    PunBB. Installation of this modification is done at your
##                    own risk. Backup your forum database and any and all
##                    applicable files before proceeding.

Download here

Changes made. Complete instructions (that should work) above. I will publish this as mod tonight.

Ok, here you go.
In viewtopic.php, find:

        $post_actions[] = '<li class="postreport"><a href="misc.php?report='.$cur_post['id'].'">'.$lang_topic['Report'].'</a>'.$lang_topic['Link separator'].'</li><li class="postdelete"><a href="delete.php?id='.$cur_post['id'].'">'.$lang_topic['Delete'].'</a>'.$lang_topic['Link separator'].'</li><li class="postedit"><a href="edit.php?id='.$cur_post['id'].'">'.$lang_topic['Edit'].'</a>'.$lang_topic['Link separator'].'</li><li class="postquote"><a href="post.php?tid='.$id.'&qid='.$cur_post['id'].'">'.$lang_topic['Quote'].'</a>';

And replace with:

        $post_actions[] = '<li class="postreport"><a href="misc.php?report='.$cur_post['id'].'">'.$lang_topic['Report'].'</a>'.$lang_topic['Link separator'].'</li><li class="postdelete"><a href="delete.php?id='.$cur_post['id'].'">'.$lang_topic['Delete'].'</a>'.$lang_topic['Link separator'].'</li><li class="postedit"><a href="edit.php?id='.$cur_post['id'].'">'.$lang_topic['Edit'].'</a>'.$lang_topic['Link separator'].'</li><li class="postquote"><a href="post.php?tid='.$id.'&qid='.$cur_post['id'].'">'.$lang_topic['Quote'].'</a></li><br /><li class="postedit"><a href="misc.php?user='.$cur_topic['poster_id'].'&tid='.$id.'">Subscribe this poster</a></li>';

Then, open misc.php and find:

else if (isset($_GET['subscribe']))

And, add before:

else if (isset($_GET['subscribeuser']))
    $user = intval($_GET['subscribeuser']);
    $topic_id = intval($_GET['tid']);

$result=$db->query('SELECT * FROM '.$db->prefix.'subscriptions WHERE user_id='.$user.' AND topic_id='.$topic_id);
    redirect($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'User is already subscribed. Redirecting...');
    $result=$db->query('INSERT INTO '.$db->prefix.'subscriptions (user_id, topic_id) VALUES('.$user.' ,'.$topic_id.')') or error('Unable to add subscription', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
    redirect($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'Subscribing user. Redirecting...');

So, that should work now. I already made some changes in the code in viewtopic.php, so please change that in case you already tried.

Why don't you just tell them to subscribe?



(2 replies, posted in Programming)

oh ok thanks.


(2 replies, posted in Programming)

what is the css attribute to make a link have a dashed overline when you hover over it?

You could add another field to your database and then do it. What should that accomplish, though?

any comments on this?

did you fix your index.php as i told you to?

I gave you this earlier:

define('PUN_ROOT', './forum/');
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';

Change it to this:

define('PUN_ROOT', './Forum/');
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';

try this:

<title>Live Cricket World And Entertainment</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Forum/style/Mercury.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="Forum/style/imports/minmax.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">

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float: left;
width: 180px

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define('PUN_ROOT', './forum/');
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';

// Show login if not logged in
    if(!isset($focus_element) || (isset($focus_element) && !in_array('login', $focus_element)))

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    require PUN_ROOT.'lang/'.$pun_user['language'].'/common.php';
    require PUN_ROOT.'lang/'.$pun_user['language'].'/login.php';

    // Try to determine if the data in HTTP_REFERER is valid (if not, we redirect to index.php after login)
    $redirect_url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && preg_match('#^'.preg_quote($pun_config['o_base_url']).'/(.*?)\.php#i', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) : 'index.php';

    $required_fields = array('req_username' => $lang_common['Username'], 'req_password' => $lang_common['Password']);

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                    <input type="hidden" name="form_sent" value="1" />
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                    <input type="text" name="req_username" size="16" maxlength="25" /><br /><br />
                     <?php echo $lang_common['Password'] ?><br />

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<h2><span>News - Sunday, 13 May 2007 - Strauss to lead England at Lord's</span></h2>
        <div class="box">
            <div class="inbox">

<p><b>Andrew Strauss will captain England in the first Test against West Indies 
at Lord's on Thursday, and wicket-keeper Matt Prior will make his Test debut.
<p>Michael Vaughan misses out after failing to recover from a broken finger, but 
will hope to be fit for the second Test at Headingley from 25 May. <br>
<font size="2">
<img alt="Andrew Strauss" hspace="0" src="" border="0" align="right" width="203" height="152"></font><br>
Batsman Owais Shah is included, but there are no places for Lancashire pair 
James Anderson and Sajid Mahmood. <br>
Liam Plunkett is one of three Durham players to feature in a squad of 12. </p>
<p>As expected, number one batsman Kevin Pietersen has shrugged off a calf 
muscle injury to be fit for selection. </p>
<p>Strauss led England to a 3-0 Test series win over Pakistan in the summer of 
2006 when both Vaughan and Andrew Flintoff were injured. </p>
<p>Though Flintoff is fit and will play at Lord's, the Lancashire all-rounder 
struggled as captain during the Ashes tour and was later stripped of the 
vice-captaincy for indiscipline during the World Cup. </p>
<p>Prior has beaten England's World Cup wicket-keeper Paul Nixon to selection, 
despite enduring some rocky form with the bat for Sussex in the early part of 
the season. </p>
<p>Shah scored 88 in his only Test appearance in Mumbai in March 2006, and has 
been a heavy run-scorer for Middlesex in the past three seasons. </p>
<p>It was felt he struggled to fit into previous coach Duncan Fletcher's 
long-term plans, but has worked well with new coach Peter Moores at the Academy.
<p>Assuming Pietersen is fit, however, Shah is likely to be left out of the 
starting side with England set to play four seamers and a spinner in the Test.
<p>Chairman of selectors David Graveney told BBC Radio Five Live: "Everybody is 
aware that [Vaughan] fractured his finger, unfortunately, in the game against 
Hampshire. </p>
<p>"We monitored his progress and we felt that there was a very slim chance of 
him playing. </p>
<p>"We did not want to go down the route of injections or him trying to play 
when not 100% fit and I don't think it would have been fair to Andrew Strauss 
either. </p>
<p>"The waters would have been muddied. He will be with the team and will 
continue his rehab and hopefully will be fit for the second Test. </p>
<p>"With a broken finger you suddenly turn a corner. At the present stage he can 
get his hand in a glove and he is doing really well. <font size="2">
<img alt="Matt Prior" hspace="0" src="" border="0" align="right" width="203" height="152"></font></p>
<p>"But let's not take the risk. We have done this before, trying to cut 
corners. Let nature take its course." </p>
<p>"The selectors came to the conclusion that Andrew Strauss did a very good 
last summer but in Andrew Flintoff's case we want him to concentrate on his 
batting and bowling." </p>
<p>Unsurprisingly, Graveney admitted that the wicket-keeping area had been a 
prime area of debate. </p>
<p>He said: "There are a lot of contenders out there to keep wicket. We only put 
two wicket-keepers in the performance squad but we could have put six in. </p>
<p>"[Prior] has been involved with the set-up and has played international 
one-day cricket. It was a close call but his capabilities of scoring runs, which 
he has shown over quite a long period of time with Sussex, probably swung the 
balance." </p>
<p>Plunkett will be one of the happiest men in English cricket following the 
squad announcement. </p>
<p>A peripheral figure on the Ashes tour, he mystifyingly lost his place in the 
one-day starting XI during the World Cup despite some strong performances. </p>
<p>But he has outbowled both Anderson and Mahmood in county cricket this season.
<font size="2"><hr></font>
<p><b>England squad:</b> Andrew Strauss (captain), Alastair Cook, Ian Bell, 
Kevin Pietersen, Paul Collingwood, Andrew Flintoff, Matt Prior, Liam Plunkett, 
Steve Harmison, Matthew Hoggard, Monty Panesar, Owais Shah. </p>

      <td width="100%" height="97">


If it still produces an error please post the error text here

try the following in front of "//Show login if not logged in":

define('PUN_ROOT', './forum/');
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';

That should make it work.

what exactly?

better take the code for the login box from the miniportal, because there it is actually a box on the side

that is all included in PunPortal. You would have to cut and paste and edit a little but that should be ok. Still wanna chat?

Here is the code:

<title>Live Cricket World And Entertainment</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Forum/style/Mercury.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="Forum/style/imports/minmax.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">

margin-left: 190px;
float: left;
width: 180px

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<h2><span>News - Saturday, 12 May 2007 -  Gambhir inspires India series win</span></h2>
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<p><b>One-day international, Mirpur: India 284-8 (49 overs) beat Bangladesh 
238-9 (49 overs) by 46 runs
<a class="bodl" href="">
<p>Gautam Gambhir hit his second one-day century as India won their series in 
Bangladesh with a game to spare. </p>
<font size="2">
  <p align="right">
  <img alt="Gautam Gambhir" hspace="0" src="" border="0" align="right" width="203" height="152">
<p>The left-handed opener made 101 off 113 balls, including 11 fours, as they 
totalled 284-8 from 49 overs in Dhaka. </p>
<p>The tourists then restricted Bangladesh to 238-9 in reply, with 18-year-old 
leg-spinner Piyush Chawla taking 3-38. </p>
<p>Mashrafe Mortaza hit four successive sixes off Dinesh Mongia in his 42 off 22 
balls but it was not enough as India wrapped up a 46-run victory.
<!-- E SF --></p>
<p>Both sides made one change with Bangladesh recalling pace bowler Mashrafe 
Mortaza and India giving Chawla his one-day debut in place of Shanthakumaran 
Sreesanth. </p>
<p>Gambhir and Virender Sehwag put on 43 from the first seven overs after Rahul 
Dravid won the toss before Sehwag (21) hit Syed Rasel to a diving Javed Omar at 
mid-off. </p>
<p>Mahendra Dhoni was promoted up the order after his match-winning 91 not out 
in the opening game of the best of three series and batted responsibly to help 
Gambhir add 87 for the second wicket. </p>
<p>Dhoni made 36 before edging to the keeper off Mohammad Rafique, who claimed 
his second success by taking a return catch to remove the dangerous Yuvraj Singh 
for 24. </p>
<p>But Gambhir continued to use his feet superbly to combat the spinners and his 
placement was equally good as he reached three figures off 111 balls, his first 
limited overs century since making 103 against Sri Lanka in 2005. </p>
<p>A weary swipe across the line saw him bowled by Rasel and Bangladesh picked 
up four more wickets late on as India tried to accelerate, Rafique finishing 
with figures of 3-59. <img alt="Piyush Chawla takes a wicket" hspace="0" src="" border="0" align="right" width="203" height="152"></p>
<p>The home side were soon in trouble at the start of their innings with Tamim 
Iqbal gesturing in frustration at partner Javed Omar after being sent back when 
he called for a quick single, only to be beaten by Chawla's throw and run out 
for seven. </p>
<p>Omar (11) and Saqibul Hasan fell to Zaheer Khan and Mohammad Ashraful (12) 
followed when he was deceived by Chawla's googly and edged an attempted cut into 
his stumps. </p>
<p>Aftab Ahmed hit a six and five fours in an aggressive 40 but was bowled when 
he was lured down the pitch by off-spinner Ramesh Powar and failed to make 
contact. </p>
<p>Habibul Bashar (43) and Mushfiqur Rahim (35) put on 59, but when Bashar was 
stumped off Chawla, his side were in the impossible position of having to score 
another 108 runs off just eight and half overs to win. </p>
<p>Mortaza gave local supporters something to cheer with his assault on Mongia, 
a tremendous effort considering he was suffering from cramp, but he holed out 
off Chawla at the start of the penultimate over. </p>

      <td width="100%" height="97">


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<h2><span>News - Saturday, 12 May 2007 - Morton stakes Windies Test claim</span></h2>
        <div class="box">
            <div class="inbox">

<p><b>Tour match, Taunton: West Indies 237-4 v Somerset (day one, stumps)
<a class="bodl" href="">
Match scorecard</a></b></p>
<p>Runako Morton was the star attraction for West Indies on day one of their 
warm-up match against Somerset. </p>
<p>After hitting 15 fours and two big sixes in his 103 the Nevis right-hander 
limped off with a leg injury before the tourists closed on 237-4 at Taunton.
<font size="2">
<img alt="R Morton" hspace="0" src="" border="0" align="right" width="203" height="152"></font></p>
<p>But Morton said later: "It was just a light strain - nothing to worry about.
<p>"Playing in these conditions, you need to play within your strengths - the 
aim for us on Sunday will be to get as much batting practice as we can."
<!-- E SF --></p>
<p>Morton and Shiv Chanderpaul (82no) had combined well to take the tourists out 
of a hole at 44-4 in the morning. </p>
<p>Morton's sixes came off Michael Munday, one into the Ian Botham Stand, the 
other deposited into the River Tone. </p>
<p>After West Indies had won the toss, Daren Ganga and Chris Gayle put on 26 for 
the first wicket before Steffan Jones had vice-captain Ganga lbw playing across 
the line. </p>
<p>Then Gayle dragged a wayward half-volley from Mark Turner onto his stumps, 
before James Hildreth picked up a sharp chance in the covers to remove Devon 
Smith. <font size="2">
<img alt="Steffan Jones " hspace="0" src="" border="0" align="right" width="203" height="152"></font></p>
<p>Jones, who bowled 20 wicketless overs against Northants in a match finishing 
on Friday, took his third wicket when removing skipper Ramnaresh Sarwan, lbw 
playing a backward defensive shot. </p>
<p>It was not what coach David Moore would have wanted, but Chanderpaul and 
Morton turned things round emphatically as they began their partnership before 
lunch. </p>
<p>A flurry of Morton boundaries broke the shackles, and he raised the bar in 
the afternoon with more attacking shots - leg-spinner Munday singled out for the 
most severe treatment. </p>
<p>Morton always scored faster than Chanderpaul, who nudged and nurdled before 
opening his shoulders later in the day between rain breaks. </p>
<p>Thirteen players from each side can take part in this three-day match, with 
11 batting and 11 in the field at any one time.<!-- E BO --> </p>

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This includes only the shoutbox and the adsense box. What do you mean by optional? That you can switch it off via administration?
For latest posts you need PHP anyways...

Thanks. I just noticed that the numbers for replies/posts in index.php and viewforum.php are wrong yet. I will fix that in Version 1.0.1

This is a beginning:


Version 1.0.1
Now includes an install_mod.php file


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)