hcgtv wrote:
Anatoly wrote:

I can't say now for how long.

If and when you stop support for 1.2, you'll open the door to someone putting up their own community support site.

I'd completely agree on that point. There are a lot of us who have no intention of going with the latest and "greatest" unless absolutely necessary, or unless other circumstances require it.


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

This type of thing?


That is similar to the code over on the PunRes wiki:


If 1.2*, run something similar to that code between a header and footer include. smile If 1.3*, specifics on how to code it ain't my strong point, but the same principle applies. big_smile

fantasma wrote:

it's hard work

You've mastered the explanatory sentences. big_smile

Deval: More info on specifically what your current layout is, and more info on exactly how you want things to work and intermingle, would be helpful. Your post above is awfully vague on specific details.

Edit: Which version, btw? I assume you're going to be using 1.3*?


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Garciat wrote:

Woah, you got suspended because of PunBB?

There tend to be quite a few naff hosts who'll suspend accounts for anything resembling what most would class as normal usage. The free hosts are especially tiresome in that regard.

It's displaying in quirks mode. Best course of action would be to sort the basic problems out first and then see if the problem persists. Whilst those other errors are present however, you'll be fighting a losing battle trying to sort any other problems.

http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http% … or%2F1.591


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Looks good. smile Nice separation between columns.

You have a couple of minor errors on the css. Your pun .H1, near the top of the file, has an excess closing curly brace, and these lines:

.pun TD , .pun TH {
border-bottom : medium none inherit; 
border-right : medium none inherit; 
.pun .tcl {
border-left : medium none inherit; 

are iffy too. Nice job overall, however. Not oft one sees a dark style done well. smile

Link to your forum?

hcgtv wrote:

I emphasized open because it's very important, and it doesn't just mean the code base. Open communication is more important to a project than having anonymous SVN access. Anyone can spit code out for all to see, it's those projects that first and foremost value transparency that garner the strong community. An excellent example of this is Joomla!, when they split from Mambo, they opened up to their community, what ensued was nothing short of amazing.

To be truthful though Bert, Anatoly and the other Devs have become far better at communicating and taking advice on board than they were initially. The fact that a company is now in charge does not detract from their personal efforts. smile

Anatoly wrote:

Could you please post your solution to be used by other users.

A join in the query to check the forum_perms table.

In the groups table, there are two columns: g_pm and g_pm_limit. g_pm is set 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled. g_pm_limit is obviously the group message limit. 20 by default, I believe.

Edit: One thing I would suggest checking with the plugin is for php short tags, i.e: <? instead of <?php. You may not have those enabled on the server, and I seem to recall the mod was a sod for those everywhere, unless they were changed in the last update.

toxitrip wrote:

I am 14 years old me are not of income if you can make it free..... thx

It's doubtful anyone will oblige. If you are willing to learn HTML and CSS, you will be able to design it yourself. If not, you most likely will have to pay someone to do the design work for you.

compengi wrote:

Anyone could give me another advice how to backtrace it?

Without having some info from the logs about specifics, it's akin to peeing into the wind trying to say where the problem may lie. Your best option is to read through existing threads, (both here and on punres.org), on this mod, and see what's mentioned in those.

compengi wrote:

or atleast if nothing further than this could be done, could tell me how to change the number of default allowed messages in inbox per user?

There should be a plugin which you can access through the admin section.

Yup. Extern.php or do a search for quakers frontpage? script.


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

Moderate the forum. If I remember correctly, the option is there. Can't remember if there's a link in the footer when you're viewing the topic too. You have to be logged in as admin or a mod, (with respective privileges for that forum), btw.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Link to site?


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

dadee wrote:

My forum was working for a while, but now I am having login issues. Where a user logs in successfully, is redirected back to the index page, but then is not actually logged in.  This seems to be happening for a number of users.

What has been changed on the setup or in the files between it working okay and it not working?

There are no PHP errors at all in the logs? Try setting error_reporting to E_ALL in include/common.php and see if that shows anything in the logs.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'd guess that PHP short tags are disabled on your server.

Write permissions on the directory?

Anatoly wrote:
Sirenic wrote:

Hmm, i think ill just find a new layout ^_^

Heh... consumer society: doesn't work? move to trash, get new one :-)

big_smile big_smile big_smile

If it integrates with, or uses, PunBB code, then it has to be GPL.

Slavok wrote:

We tried to run an SMTP-connection check, but most servers responded incorrectly. Do you have any ideas how to do this checking?

You can't do it reliably.

Anatoly, what do you class as, quote: 'all necessary greetings'?


(4 replies, posted in Programming)

Enclose it within single quotes and you don't need to escape the double quotes, i.e:

$xmlString = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n".'<playlist><trackList>';


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Go and ask the question on the PhpBB forums, where it belongs.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Example from changeset 316, (I believe), for the PM mod:

<span class="submit"><input type="submit" name="pm_delete_<?php echo $type ?>" value="<?php echo $lang_pun_pm['Delete message'] ?>" /></span>

Would it not be preferable as such:

<span class="submit"><input type="submit" name="pm_delete_<?php echo $type.'" value="'.$lang_pun_pm['Delete message'] ?>" /></span>

Edit: Could you shift this over to extensions, btw. Realised I've popped it in the wrong section. smile