You'd need to enclose it within an if clause where the link is parsed and finalised in the parser, I believe. Not sure if the one liner type entries in the array will allow that level of control, however.

Search. There is at least one mod already in existence.


(4 replies, posted in Programming)

Cheers. Just having a look now. Love that domain name. big_smile


(4 replies, posted in Programming)

So it basically gives a tad more versatility then, if I've understood that correctly? i.e: you can check for the absence of a match as well as an actual match?

Is it okay then to generally use left joins only for general straight match type queries? (Which I'm already guilty of doing upto just). big_smile

Thanks again Smartys,



(40 replies, posted in Programming)

It's not so much a case of being wrong. smile There are just so many differences between languages that practically every character will have some legitimate use in some language. You do have to remember that we English are awkward devils too, due to the fact that our language consists of bits from just about every common language there is/was. big_smile big_smile


(4 replies, posted in Programming)

Just trying to get a clearer idea of how these two actually differ. Been having a read of the pgsql docs, but I'm still very little the wiser. big_smile What exactly are the real world differences? Are there certain scenarios where one or the other should not be used? Any testing I've done always seems to work just as happily with a left join as an inner, so is there a real need to use inner, (as from what I could understand of the docs, an inner join is initially made on a left join anyhow)?

Cheers in advance for any 'drum it into the muppet explanations'. big_smile


p.s: Btw, is it just me, or do some queries really need a twisted logic to get correct? big_smile


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Cheers. big_smile


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Right then. big_smile I think I've drawn a blank on any other icons being upto the task, so which of the three shortlisted ones? Blackboard, (even though it's green), big_smile black and brown bound book or the gears on a blank page?

SuperMAG wrote:

if you still dont beleave that it has nothing to do with it then fine its not my problem

Glad to know you won't be offended by my ignoring this drivel then. smile

SuperMAG wrote:

but let some one else make a punbb mod for this so others can make it faster to search engines ...

You're obviously as good at using the search function on here as you are anywhere else.

Use full URI's. If they're all local to the server, prepend them with pun_config['o_base_url'] in your navlink generator, if it makes things easier.

Btw, the purpose of a forum or mailing list is so that problems and answers can be archived. Using alternate communication methods does defeat the purpose somewhat. smile

Assuming you are the genuine owner/admin of that account/domain, contacting your host is your best course of action.


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

Must admit, I've no idea. (Don't tell Elbecko, but I can hardly make head nor tail of that code). big_smile

SuperMAG wrote:

the only reason its not its not famous because it cannot be detected in Search engine ...

What bunkum. It's a sites content that the search engines are interested in. Either that, or my Google/Yahoo/Boardreader and other search engines listings are, in fact, complete and utter illusions.

I was just making sure people were on the ball. Honest. big_smile


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

bingiman wrote:

Neh, doesn't work.

In what way? Same error as before?


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

    if((regExpFile("#install_mod.*#i", './') || regExpFile("#file_2.*#i", './') || regExpFile("#file3.*#i", './')) && $pun_user['g_id'] == PUN_ADMIN)

Try that.

intedinmamma wrote:

Wouldn't $prefix="prefix" be better, so it's possible to set a prefix (or none) instead of the default one? Just a thought. smile

That's how it's done now, and I personally can't see how setting $prefix empty in any external scripts, (or to whatever prefix required), is any different to having a toggle within the query itself. I'd agree with you, personally. big_smile

CReatiVe4w3 wrote:

Please don't post if you haven't the slightest clue about an answer.

Don't judge me by your standards mate.


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

Did it work okay before the alteration?


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Dr.Jeckyl wrote:

What's this for.. curious.

Category icons. big_smile


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Still can't find a decent mortar board yet, but have found this:

If you put even the slightest bit of effort into reading threads which are stuck, (and for a very good reason, might one add), then you would know the answer to problem one. And I doubt you will find many mods which don't require some manual work editing on your part. Unless that is too much like hard work, that is.........


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Dr J, the Tango download link is dead. big_smile Edit: Scrub that. Just twigged to check the Tango homepage. big_smile

Hob, Did find a mortar board one, but the quality was low, to put it subtly.

Shedrock, just checking the project icons out now. smile

I'm gonna' have Gnome and KDE icons on the brain soon at this rate. big_smile

Nope. It has probably timed out. Check the server logs just to make sure. Check the threads for that plugin, if it is due to a timeout, and not a code error. There's a workaround for it.

    // Display the admin navigation menu
    $preview_message_body = nl2br(pun_htmlspecialchars($_POST['message_body']));
    $sql = "SELECT count (username) AS usercount FROM ".$db->prefix."users WHERE username != 'Guest'";
    $result = $db->query($sql) or error('Could not get user count from database', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
       $row = $db->fetch_assoc($result);