Being a bit more descriptive regarding what you are trying to do and in what way it's not working would help, including error messages/logs if needed.

Just incase anyone fancies have an arse around with it, to see what they think, have setup a test account on it:

Username: Testaccount
Password: testpass

Think I've finally got everything working spot on now, so I'm open to opinions again. big_smile big_smile


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Running the validator against it can also be useful. smile Tends to point out things you may have overlooked. … mp;group=0


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

A tad more difference in scale between the grey text and background colour would be better, but other than that, rather nice. smile


(2 replies, posted in Programming)

elbekko wrote:

I believe so. Run it through the validator?

That would have been too easy. big_smile big_smile You were correct, btw. smile Cheers.


(2 replies, posted in Programming)

Just another quickie. smile Are the hyphen(-) and forward slash(/) valid characters in an alt="" tag?



Why not just change the usergroup title to an image link in the lang file? i.e: instead of 'Member' have an img tag in the lang file.

Do a search for Quaker & Bingiman's frontpage index mod. By the sounds of it, that may be close to what you're wanting to do, or easily modded to your needs if not.


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Well, I can honestly say that this has been a chore and half. big_smile I think I've finally got everything fully XML compliant. Nothing has gone arse side up for the last few minutes, so I'm assuming that's good. big_smile Have it set so that IE gets served as Xhtml1.0 - text/htm, and everything else that identifies xml is served as Xhtml1.1 - application/xhtml+xml. Have also renamed the Atom and RSS scripts with a xml extension, as browsers and such seem more ready to do something useful with it if they ain't got a reader/aggregator/client setup. Made stylesheets for both Atom and RSS so that if they do open in a browser directly, it looks a tad more aesthetic than the bare tree structure. big_smile

If anyone wants to try and break it, feel free. big_smile Thanks CodeXP for all your help on this, btw. smile

Here's the testforum:




(7 replies, posted in Programming)

Cheers for that advice. smile Just finished going through the scripts and replacing everything with it's numeric counterpart.

Thanks again,



(7 replies, posted in Programming)

Cheers Paul. It may well have been that tag causing that previous issue, judging by your description. I have had a few occasions when testing the html code where the validator has displaced an error due to an earlier syntax error. The scenario where curing one error sorts all the phantome errors too. big_smile Whilst I'm going through the code, btw, am I better off using numeric entities rather than the character ones, for the sake of future proofing as much as possible? Using < instead of < and so forth?

Cheers again,



(7 replies, posted in Programming)

Just out of further curiosity, I originally thought this problem was due to their being an input field inside the table data field, as previously when I put that code through the parser/validator, it said that <input couldn't appear with <td, according to Xhtml specs. Was that a glitch with the validator? It now doesn't put that info up when I run the html validator over that page.


(7 replies, posted in Programming)

elbekko wrote:

Show us the full page source and error?

Was just about to pop it up, and then twigged why the XML parsing was failing. (The error message pointed to a completely different spot on the line than where the problem lay). big_smile I'd used normal <> for an img code line instead of &lt: and >. This xml thing does make you triple check your code, doesn't it? big_smile The way this is going, I doubt this'll be the last question I'm asking today though. big_smile Cheers Elbekko. smile

Edit: I'll expand on that further just incase anyone has this problem in the future. Inside the input field, I'm supplying the <img code for inclusion in posts, as such:

$getimg = '<img src='.$image.' alt='.$filename.'/>';

echo ("<br /><input name=\"img\" type=\"text\" value=\"".$getimg."\" onclick=\"highlight(this);\" />");

The problem lay with that $getimg var. It needed formatting as below:

$getimg = '<img src='.$image.' alt='.$filename.'/>';


(7 replies, posted in Programming)

Run into one minor, snag whilst I'm setting things up as Xhtml/XML proper. Gallery script doesn't use valid syntax, (knowingly), for tables:

  <a href=[path to image]>[image thumbnail]</a>
  <input type=text[contains selectable image link 1]>
  <input type=text[contains selectable image link 2]> 

It's the input part. I did it that way for aesthetics and ease, (and also just because it worked), big_smile but obviously now the scripts are being properly parsed, it's just throwing an error. Is there a viable alternative for achieving the above type of setup, and making it correct, syntax wise, in the process?




(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Cheers. smile With the cdata tags then, I assume it would be best to use them if there are ever any inline scripts, (even if they're not technically required), as a precautionary measure anyhow? Better safe than sorry, so to speak. big_smile Just about to copy all the new scripts over to a test server and give it a whirl. Fingers crossed. big_smile

It's amazing that what started out as putting together an Atom script has turned into a full site revamp, ain't it? I'll learn one day, honestly I will. big_smile



(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

big_smile I've spent nigh on half a day on and off chasing around that typo.

The css has all been lowercased. Did that because I hate seeing uppercase in scripts, then found out it's a requirement, so it served a real purpose. big_smile

With the javascript bit, I'm still a bit uncertain on that one. Am I correct in assuming that this first example is fine as it is:

<script type="text/javascript" src="./mod-addons/global.js"></script>

but that this second example would need the cdata tags enclosing all text/script placed between the '<script></script>' tags?

<script type="text/javascript">
function process_form(the_form)

   [ Rest of function trimmed out ]

// -->

Thanks for all your help and advice with this, btw. I really do appreciate it. smile


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Well, guess who's feeling a right muppet again? big_smile big_smile I was just posting the header output script code in this post for you to check it over, and happened to notice what was causing the problem. Spot the discrepancy below. big_smile big_smile (I'm off to find a dark corner to lurk in now).

if($mimetype == "application/xhtml+xml")

$prologue_type = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.$lang_common['lang_encoding'].'"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="'.$pun_config['o_base_url'].'/style/'.$pun_user['style'].'.css"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" dir="'.$lang_common['lang_direction'].'">

header('Content-Type: '.$mime.'; charset='.$lang_common['lang_encoding']);


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

This last php/xml bit is driving me to distraction. big_smile

IE gets the correct header type, (text/html), and opens the forums.php, (running the portal mod), fine. Firefox gets the application/xhtml+xml header and tries downloading the forums.php file. Works fine with the same file renamed as forums.xml. I know I must be missing something obvious here, but can't find out what. big_smile


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

CodeXP wrote:

I make a few styles every now and them when I don't have anything more productive to do, but very few of them are actually uploaded...I just like playing around wink

Like the Submerged one. The left pinky grows on you after a short while too. smile Those two have that something.

CodeXP wrote:

I've also made a few changes to my own extern.php now, but I haven't bothered with Atom just yet (don't know if I'll ever, because I don't really need it).

Must admit, I've no real need for Atom either, but thought it only fair to offer the more O.S of the two formats too. big_smile Must admit, having messed about with it, I do actually prefer the layout of the Atom tags and such to the RSS ones. Easier to adapt to and work with. If you want that Atom script to play with, I can post it up. I think I've ironed out any little niggles/wrinkles now. big_smile

Could I pick your brains a tad more btw? Firstly, the Atom and RSS scripts. Should they preferably have the extension .xml rather than .php, and then get the webserver to execute them as with .php scripts?

Secondly, how do you manage the .php/.xml part with regards to the forum/site itself? Since having a diddle and look at your site, decided to have a go at getting the forum served up in xml or html, dependant on the browser. Have it almost working fine, apart from the fact that a XML capable browser will try to download the .php file rather than just open it, whereas, obviously, a .xml file it will open and display as it should.




(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Cheers. smile I'll get that hardcoded charset altered to use lang_encoding too. Thanks for the pointer. smile Btw, like that theme on your site.


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Cheers for the advice chaps.  smile Have just added a HTTP_ACCEPT statement to the atom script:

if (stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"], "application/xml"))
        header ("Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8");
        header ("Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8");

and popped that on the testforum server. Is that code correct in it's design? Is it working as it should now? (I'm still getting used to this bit with regards to testing, so I'm not overly sure). big_smile

Thanks again for all the help on this one. I highly appreciate it. smile



(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Sod's law that I get it right for once and then change it. big_smile big_smile Is it worthwhile doing that at the moment though, or is it better just leaving it on the incorrect but more accessible, (and not dependant on registered filetypes being setup in M$ correctly), option?


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Paul wrote:

Tested in Opera 9, Safari 3 (Win) and FeedDemon. Works fine.

Cheers. smile Greatly appreciated. smile


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Cheers for testing it. smile I've tested it with the Sage FF plugin, but the more testing it gets with different readers/clients, the better. smile


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Just bet you to the post on that one. big_smile Sorted it. The post is just above yours. smile I'd used the header type I'd seen in another atom script, rather than just specifiying text/xml as in the rss script. That's what was causing the problem. Proper text output on it now. smile