Burnsy86 wrote:

When I backup the database I get a .sql file.  Does it contain all of the info necessary to make an exact duplicate on a brand new database/server?  Or is there any programming I would have to do?

Can't say as I've tried either of them, but they both work both ways I believe, extract and restore. Their documentation will tell you more.

Can you install plugins? If so, there are a couple of db backup plugins on the download page:

What type of database? Mysql, Pgsql or Sqlite? What database management interface do you have available?


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Distributed denial of service. Most likely you're just seeing the result of some quirk, however, not being subjected to a DDoS attack. That type of attack would generally cripple your bandwidth/server in no short order.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

What did you alter before the problem occured?

Do a dump of the database? Then upload it to the new SQL server?

File/dir perms are dependant upon setup. If the http daemon is the dir/file owner, 0700 for dirs + and 0500 for files will suffice.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)


For example:
koper wrote:

I know that, Matt, the problem is - the board on my server works only with 755 perms up. For testing I gave 777, but it's not the solution, no save changes in admin options.

I wonder, does the initial installation chmod the files automatically (since it was working ok then) ?

Starting again, what is your exact problem? In your initial post you said you were receiving an error when you tried saving changes, but above you're saying the save changes option isn't present. So which is it?

koper wrote:

should it be 775 ?

Depends upon your config. 666 gives read/write access for all. First number is owner, second number is group, third number is everyone else. But, as I say, depends upon your setup what perms are needed. A 666 will be the easiest for testing, then change to minimal required perms once you've done the testing.

koper wrote:

I did that, removed files and 777 to the folder, but I had to move back cache_config.php and cache_bans.php to simply display the forum. I granted 755 to the files inside, but no trouble shot still. In the admin interface save changes is problematic.

I guess there's some minor fix required.


-rw is 6, not 5. 5 is r-x. If you've 755'ed the files, they're only writeable by owner.

Dr.Jeckyl wrote:
bingiman wrote:

open header.php and look for:

<script type="text/javascript" src="include/global.js"></script>

is that in header.php? if it is i can't find it.

It may be specific to his installation. Just add that boxover line with the other script/link/style lines near the top of header.php.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

Out of curiosity, just tested it. big_smile It changes the amount of queries on the forums.php page from seventeen, (with the portal code in the header as normal), to ten, (with the portal code enclosed within that clause). So it does make a notable difference on the amount of queries made. smile


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Burnsy86 wrote:

Is there something going wrong with my "guest counter" because I never have more than 15-20 guests online and right now it keeps growing and growing and won't stop.  Theres over 100 guests online.  Its almost like whenever a guests gets on, the counter goes up, but then when they leave it doesn't go back down.  Its not a big deal, but its kind of weird!

One thing I have noticed is with certain ISP's who use the proxy/caching servers, whereby the users visible IP changes each time they view a different page, so you may have upto five apparent connections for one user, until they timeout. Just a thought.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

rajuru wrote:

So, my recommendation to everybody not to use PurPortal Mod if performance is a issue. This mod includes some sql query in header.php file which is not needed except the homepage. as in header.php these queries are executed in each page.

thanks all for advice and helps

Enclose those punportal lines in the header within the following:

if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'index.php')

It should only execute the code for index.php, then, which is the only? page where it's required.

bingiman wrote:

Well, can someone please help modify Quaker's code to truncate the subject lines?


Hell no. big_smile big_smile (I remember what happened last time I helped with truncation). big_smile big_smile

When I looked at Highslide and Thickbox?, I would have said they were more intensive, rather than faster than Lightbox or Greybox. That's just be my personal opinion, though.

Looks like your script is gathering a following, Bingiman. big_smile Btw, apologies for not doing any updates on it over the last day or two. Got a tad sidetracked with another article/news cms I've been trying out. big_smile big_smile

eric235u wrote:

crap, should it have been in mods?

big_smile big_smile big_smile  PMSL. big_smile

BertrandB wrote:

Okay i think it's better to stop discussing implementation.

The questions are :
1) would be interesting to have a native complete multiforum in punbb ?
2) may styles be uniq ?
3) same questions for img ?

I personally doubt it's anything that would become a core feature, (devs correct me if I'm wrong), but all the above should be fairly straight forward to add through a little, big_smile, coding. I would suggest your best philosophy for ease of design and resilience may be to have a root forum dir, with multi-forums then a second level directory within that forum_root, and the db lookups split between two db's, so that you have a global $pun_config['o_base_url'] which is referred from the master db, with separate user account and site information from a second db instance, (unless you want all user info in the same db, regardless of forum). There is a thread in programming regarding how to split the db queries over separate databases. Obviously, replacing relative paths with $pun_config['o_base_url'] would provide more resilience as well. I've done that with a lot of paths in the scripts which makes creating N depth directories plausible. (The redirects are the sneaky ones to find). big_smile

Just my personal opinion, of course. big_smile Another thing I found useful was adding an array for lang files, and calling them from common.php, to avoid any chance of forgetting to add a lang file require to a script if you adapted it.

Edit: Btw, best of luck if you decide to try coding this up. I'll be intrigued to see how this progresses.

BertrandB wrote:
MattF wrote:

Just working upon your theory of './include'. What happens if a script needs to call one of your master scripts from a second level depth? i.e: root_forum_dir/scripts/script.php Your method would not work in that scenario.

But I never never speak about "./include" if you know how to use sed look at shell script. And what you speeak may not arrive there is no subdir in local with callable .php (in 1.2.15).
Ok in 1.3 you have the admin subdir.
A solution is to put full path in punroot.php, create a constant in punroot.php with the complete path of config.php and modify install.php et common.php to use this consant. "Et hop dans la poche".

I'm sorry for you but it works fine and I use it. tongue

It was an example, not a factual representatation. big_smile Yes, I do know sed, and of late I know the source code quite well too, so know exactly what you are referring to. smile All I'm meaning to say is that your proposal allows little, if any variation. It's not resilient. It should work fine with a standard system, but that's it. For anyone who has, like I, moved the admin files into a separate forum_root/admin/ dir, for example, that method would be useless. The theory in general I agree with, as using relative paths is a fallacy, (although in 1.3 I believe this has been changed), but I am merely suggesting that some level of adaptation might be better suited for something like this. You are taking a scenario and creating another one in almost the same vein, just via a different method.

BertrandB wrote:

Yes there is always different ways to do the same thing. Soft Links is one of them. An advantage with my way of doing is that you never need maintenance mode, and you can switch forum by forum on new versions of code.

You wouldn't need maintenance mode with links, either, as mv is atomic.

BertrandB wrote:

If you don't want my solution ok it's not a problem but consider that with the PUN_ROOT constant and the $db_prefix punbb is only in half way to a multiforums.

For the moment we only spoke of the code. The real problem in multiforum is what to do with img and styles.

Just working upon your theory of './include'. What happens if a script needs to call one of your master scripts from a second level depth? i.e: root_forum_dir/scripts/script.php Your method would not work in that scenario.

BertrandB wrote:

Yes yes yes ...
what is the purpose
of the PUN_ROOT constant %o)

PUN_ROOT isn't a constant. It's configureable at the top of each script.

define('PUN_ROOT', './');
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';

What difference is there in that to your initial post suggestion of changing PUN_ROOT.'include' to ./include?

Again, if you require multi-forum setups, there are far better ways to achieve the result required.

elbekko wrote:

softlinks are a very simple and efficient way to deal with multi-forums ... ( i think that's what every forum hosting service like mypunbb does )

Hardly, just sending the identifier through the URL is much easier.

Softlinks are cronable. No input required for those either. big_smile Horses for courses, really. Whichever is ones preferred method. big_smile

BertrandB wrote:
MattF wrote:

Why not just shift them into an external directory and softlink them, if you only want to maintain one copy of the files?

Because you'ld may not have a ssh/telnet access to the server.

Surely you're joking? You're talking about a scenario which would only serve any purpose in a large scale multi forum site, and you seriously wouldn't have access to administer the system correctly? That is a disaster waiting to happen.

Edit: Edited for a spelling error. big_smile