Make sure that you are closing the db connection before the script ends too.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

You're just taking the piss now.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

It took less than three minutes to find one with implicit instructions. … ail-error/


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

SuperMAG wrote:

how do i do that. sorry i am not a coder.

You do have the ability to read, however. Try looking in the threads for the plugin before asking a question which has already been answered on this subject.

sirena wrote:
esupergood wrote:

I'd be more worried about the link in your sig with provocative images of apparently underage girls.

Huh? There doesn't appear to be anything suss or CP about his site at all.  It is very tame.

He's British. Most of them are scared of looking at their own shadow these days. It's mainly thanks to all of the anal retentive laws we have in this country.

I would also suggest altering that if/else clause from:

if($pun_user['username'] == 'Guest'){
echo '';
echo pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_user['username']);


if (!$forum_user['is_guest'])
    echo pun_htmlspecialchars($forum_user['username']);

The else part is completely unnecessary.

Edit: Just noticed the pun_htmlspecialchars. That has also changed in 1.3. Not sure what that functions new name is, however, so someone else will have to advise you on that bit. smile

Use $forum_user inplace of $pun_user.

Glad that sorted it. smile

Give the img tag a class and use a right float in the CSS for that class. CSS for the simple reason that you have better tweaking potential.

Post for the Mods/Devs. Have you seen the top of this page when you view the topic?

Well, how silly of me. Do remember to reprimand me next time due to me not having trudged through all of a thread instead of merely trying to read what I class as the relevant parts when seeing if my helping someone is feasible. How could I be so inconsiderate. Anyhows, I'll just saunter off and merrily not suggest anything from hereon in.

blinks wrote:

Obviously, you don't understand the problem. Does the term 'doublicate content' ring a bell with you?

Have you examined the meta headers on both of those pages, perchance?

Btw, how the hell is anyone other than yourself supposed to look at your site when it requires authentication? I personally have absolutely no intention of registering on any site when the owner wants help. Make it public or don't post the link.

Checking if the function is defined is a safer method than merely commenting anything out. Solutions such as the latter have a tendency to bite you on the arse on occasion.

mansim wrote:

erm... ok

well i worked it out... i wasn't being lazy but a newb...

big_smile thanks!

Good show. smile

Search the Fluxbb wiki. There is information on there regarding Lighttpd and rewrite.

Btw Mods, why is this topic still in the 1.2 section?

The whole point of an educational grading system is to evaluate the time and effort that you put into revising a scenario and creating a solution. I would suggest that you start by studying the subject properly, instead of just asking for the quick way round. You can examine the code the same as anyone else. Do so. Otherwise, if someone gives you the answer, you will be receiving a grade based upon another persons knowledge, not your own.


(14 replies, posted in PunBB show off)

Nevethir wrote:

If similar, I would understand. They were just copied, even without name change.

Then I shall digress as you have a valid point. smile


(58 replies, posted in PunBB.NET discussion)

Btw, can we please have the bog standard quote system reinstated. This damned quick quote setup is highly annoying.


(58 replies, posted in PunBB.NET discussion)

hcgtv wrote:

What I call shitty is the way Microsoft lured Anders Heljsberg away from Delphi so he could create C#. Anders was like a programming God to many of us, by him selling out, he lost his aura, he lost his glow.

So, it's the fault of M$ and not the programmer who, (one can only assume), buggered off purely and simply for money, (or some other equally shallow motive)?

hcgtv wrote:

But creating a .NET equivalent of PunBB sends the wrong signal.

I doubt the overall Pun image can be tarnished much further than it already has been.


(14 replies, posted in PunBB show off)

Nevethir wrote:

Sorry, but graphics are also protected by law.

Graphics can be copyrighted, yes. Again, however, how can you specify that no-one mimics your style? I could, for example, create a graphic which would be extremely similar whilst not being the same. That would not be copyright infringement.

I've no intention of doing so, but conversely, I also find that 'do not mimic or copy' approach irksome. If someone downloaded your style and removed your copyright when you specify it has to remain in place, I could see the point. You are not doing that, however.

D9r wrote:

I take it this means we should just go ahead and use version1.3and stop using1.2?

If you want stability and quality, stick with 1.2*.


(14 replies, posted in PunBB show off)

If someone mimics your style, there is pretty much nothing you can do about it. Mimicking is not an infringement of anything. At the end of the day, if someone copying your general look  bothers you that much, don't put your forum on the internet.


(25 replies, posted in Programming)

Gunnar wrote:

Sigh. Why am I not surprised that a Windows Server installation should not be UTF-8 compatible. And, of course, with Server admins who regard Open Source as the antichrist, that will likely continue to be the case.

They're running PHP, which is Open Source, so they are hypocritical zealots if so. smile

Edit: Oh, and tell that 'Windoze technician' that he's a muppet.

If you are making an extension, make sure to use the db layer functions and not the specific mysql_ ones.