1,082 More fields in Profile

by tanzaweb

1,084 sub forums

by mastiland

1,085 Convert from PHPBB TO PUNBB?

by sikatzonline

1,086 PHP Tag

by Bwongar.com

1,087 link

by mastiland

1,090 Google mod

by mastiland

1,094 Restrict Users to Topics

by tobyb

1,095 Printable Version of Topic

by vibien

1,096 punbb older version

by apotoxin4869

1,100 breadcrumbs (wrapping issue)

by Connorhd

1,101 subscribe..

by hubabuba

1,103 post flood protection for guests

by Queen Elizabeth II

1,104 Better Banning

by Myrrh

1,106 Forum description

by Sander D.

1,107 Use chmod in install.php

by Smartys

1,108 Migration from FSB

by kiplantt