(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Same error here...and clicking the "Skip Intro" link didn't work right away (had to click it about 10 times)....at least my pop-up blocker stopped all the pop-up windows....but on dial-up, it took forever just to get it to load........


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

You're using PunBB ++, which you got from PunRes, rather than a straight 1.1.* version that you downloaded from this site.  Jansson is the one who runs PunRes, and he is probably the best one to look at this and tell you what the problem may be.  I'm not familiar with how the PunBB++ package is set up.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

How bout a link to your forum so that some of us can look at it and see if we can figure out what's wrong? smile

Also, are you talking about a problem with a mod that you've installed, or an "out of the box" version of PunBB??  Knowing that would help us pinpoint what's wrong.

Got it - thanks again! smile

Maciek wrote:

Btw. You have 'closeallTag' bug ,you must install this update click me

Can you put the latest version with the 'closeallTag' bug fix into a zip file, like you did before, so I can open the file once it's downloaded?  (sorry to be such a pain...lol)


(98 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

For the :X, I like A.


(98 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I prefer E.

Got it - thanks!! smile

When I downloaded the .rar file, it came up with no file type, and I was unable to open it.  If you could make it a zip file, that would be great - thanks! smile

I tried downloading your mod from the link you provided in your post.  It downloads as a 5kb file that I am unable to open, as there is no file type specified.  Is it supposed to be a zip file or what?


(39 replies, posted in General discussion)

I've been using Firefox for a little over a month now, and absolutely love it! smile  Am using the Web Developer plugins to help with the design work that I do - am trying to figure out now how I ever lived without them!! lol

DougBTX wrote:

Firefox beats IE, but Opera leaves Firefox in the dust.

Possibly for ease of use in some respects, but not for a designer - they are not standards compliant.  I tested a layout yesterday at Browsercam in 23 different browsers on 5 different operating platforms (Mac, Linux, Win98, WinXP, Win2000), and it was identical in almost every one of them (overlooking the usual IE padding/margin bugs) except for Netscape 4.78, Netscape 4.8, and Opera 6.0 and Opera 7.  The 2 Netscape browsers bonked out on the style, and Opera added padding to all 4 sides of the page - I had already stated in the CSS not to have there (margin: 0).

If Opera is what works best for you and is what you prefer, then definitely use it.  My personal preference is Firefox 0.8. smile

Rickard wrote:

me runs and hides in a corner because he hasn't made "the switch" yet.

Sorry Rickard - we can all still see you! lol  There's nowhere you can hide! wink

Apology accepted. smile

dhdesign says he'd prefer to "...leave it in the user's hands to make the choice". That's exactly what I mean, except that today, the user is able to make that choice using his/her web browser technology, according to his/her decision for each individual link. The profile option represents a decision of the webmaster about which links (e.g., "external" links) should be opened in new windows. Again, that decision should be the user's to make.

The option in the profile still leaves it in the user's hands - it is each member's choice as to how the links open, not the webmaster's.  I do understand what you're saying - each of us surfs the net in a different manner and have different preferences.  I'd just prefer to have the option still available for each user and let them make their own choice. 

And, just to clarify, it's "she'd prefer", not "he"...;)

Rickard wrote:

It's a classic discussion. I like my links to open in the same window, but the general public seems to prefer that at least external links (to pages outside of the current domain) open in new windows. An alternative to the current behavior is to add some logic to the parser to open local links in the same window and external links in a new window. What do you think?

I would prefer to have external links open in a new window, and local ones in the same window.   If you are going to remove the option from the profile, then you might set it up in the code to automatically do this.

Myself, I'd prefer to see the option remain in the profile, and leave it in the user's hands to make the choice. smile


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

I set this up for a client - take a look and tell me what ya think: wink


(rest of the site is still in construction phase, and is subject to some changes)


(21 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I agree that a mod would be the best way, and that would be fine with me! smile

Now, would anyone here like to take on the challenge of creating this mod?


(21 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I have searched the forum, and have not found any other mention of this.

The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA Act) requires that any website operator comply with this act when collecting information from children 13 or under.  IPB has a section in their Admin panel to turn on the COPPA settings so that the registration requires someone to identify if they are 13 or under, or 13 or over.  If 13 and under, they are required to have their parents either fax or mail a completed COPPA form to the website operator.

I'm from the United States, and most of the people that I do design work for are from here, and have to comply with this.

I guess what I'm wondering - are there are any plans to either incorporate this into PunBB, or design a mod that would allow people in my situation to add this function to their PunBB forum?

skinmaker123 wrote:

i can't install any mod for  punBB v.1.1.4

You are running a version of PunBB that this mod does not support. This mod supports PunBB versions: 1.0.1

Which mods (besides the attachment mod) are you trying to install on your forum?

blobert wrote:

Firstly, can I adjust the overall time zone of the forum. My server is in Californa (about 9 hours behind where I am). I went into the Admin panel and changed the time zone in "options" but this only applied to me. When I logged out and visited the site the posting I had made was being shown as the wrong time again.

Is there some way of fixing this so that everyone sees the same (right) time.

The Options section in the admin panel sets the server time (in your case, California time).  The members' profiles allow them to select the timezone they are in so that the time displays correctly for them.  As far as guests, there is no way to set the time zone that they see so that it is correct for them - they will see the server time when they view the forum.  Sorry. sad

That fixed it - thanks!  big_smile

I have installed the PunPoll mod to the forum I'm setting up.  The installation went just fine, and I have been testing this feature.  I have run across an issue which hasn't been addressed here from what I can find when I've searched this forum.

When a user opens a post with a poll in it and clicks "Don't Vote" first (I changed that to read "View Results"), the poll results show up.  However, when they go back to the post and try to vote after doing that, there is no option to do that anymore - clicking on "Don't Vote" first somehow is registering in the database that they have already voted, when it should come up as a 'non-vote', and still allow them to vote in the poll.

Have tried logging out and back in again, and no dice - the forum still thinks that the user has already put in a legitimate vote rather than recognizing that it was a 'non-vote'.

I opened up phpMyAdmin and checked the database - it is showing that the user has already voted, when all they did was view the results (2 votes and only 1 vote).  Here is the listing of the results from the polls table in the database:

id: 4      
topic_id: 7
question: Now?
answers: a:3:{i:0;s:4:"Yep!";i:1;s:5:"Nope!";i:2;s:4:"Huh?"...
voters: ,3,2,
votes: 0|0|1
tot_votes: 1
type: 0

I also checked the stats in the Admin panel, and it is showing both users have voted in that poll, but only 1 vote was registered.

Any idea on what is going wrong, and how to fix it?

I just installed the Most Users mod to the forum I'm working on.  Installation went without a hitch. wink

Do have one small issue - the text is displayed fine except that there is no space between 'was' and the number of users online (see red circle in image below).


Where in the code do I have to change something in order to put a blank space between 'was' and the number?

I have 5 mods that I need to apply to the forum that I'm setting up:

- Most Users
- Private Message System
- PunOnline
- PunPoll
- Search Userlist

These were downloaded prior to the release of V1.1.4, so all of the readme.txt files indicate compatibility thru v1.1.3.  Are these going to be compatible with v1.1.4 as well, or are there changes that need to be made to these mods so that they will work properly?


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

I really like the design! smile

The images next to the topics in your forum are 25x25.  The default image in PunBB for new posts is 16x16.  Did you have to change anything in the code in order to accommodate the larger images? 

Reason I ask is that I'd like to increase the size of the new post image some - maybe even up to 30x30 if it won't break the layout of the forum.  If you can point me in the direction of the right file and section of code, I'd be truly grateful. wink

The point of moving a post from one topic to another, either to an existing one or starting a new thread, would be if an existing thread got so far "off-subject" and the admin/mod felt that it warranted becoming a thread of it's own.

IPB and phpbb have this feature ('merge topic' or 'split topic').  I think what Shiva may be looking for is the ability to split a topic maybe?