i wish it also checked your installed mods and plugins.

is there already something like this?

No, there isn't, although it would be a good extension when 1.3 comes out (it would be easier to include a URL to check in the XML). Of course, it would require mod authors (or PunRes) to keep a file and update it whenever a new version comes out.

As for automatic updates, you can get more information on that here:


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

1. Yes, the lost password link will generate a new password for them, that's how you're meant to do it

update prefixusers set group_id=1 where id=user

where prefix is the database prefix and user is the ID of the user you're giving admin permissions to

As for fixing it another way, I know after converting phpBB there's an option to choose moderators and administrators. However, if there isn't, I'd guess that the script thinks it's detecting SMF's admin/moderator settings properly when it isn't.

That's what I get for doing it too fast, here's the way it should be


            if ($pun_config['o_show_post_count'] == '1' || $pun_user['g_id'] < PUN_GUEST)
                $user_info[] = '<dd>'.$lang_common['Posts'].': '.$cur_post['num_posts'];


            if ($pun_config['o_show_post_count'] == '1' || $pun_user['g_id'] < PUN_GUEST)
                $user_info[] = '<dd>'.$lang_common['Posts'].': '.$cur_post['num_posts'].' ('.round($cur_post['num_posts'] / floor((time() - $cur_post['registered']) / 86400), 2).' posts/day)';

That is not an SQL query. It looks nothing like an SQL query. It is PHP. You need to open viewtopic.php, find the code I posted in the FIND block, and replace it with the code I posted in the REPLACE WITH block.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Below the footer? I'd edit include/template/main.tpl


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Hi, can i set html tags in announcements box?
I have tried this, but it not works.

Yes, you can: the announcement in this forum uses HTML

In addiction, can i display more than one announcement?

Not without modifying the code

Yes, except that query is old and not the one you should be using. Like I said, just use the query that exists and add g.g_color to the list of columns in the select query


(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

This one line can drain 64KB of RAM. Assuming that temporary strings remain in memory until the end of script execution (do they?)

I don't think that's a fair assumption to make (and no, I don't think they do) wink

I also don't see what is so confusing about this.

It's not very commonly used and thus people might be confused about it.
Also, the commas only work for echo, not normal string concatenation, which is the consistancy issue.

And as Jansson said, Rickard did some testing and found that the gains were minimal.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Moved to Troubleshooting

Now, if you want to make it look like that...


            if ($pun_config['o_show_post_count'] == '1' || $pun_user['g_id'] < PUN_GUEST)
                $user_info[] = '<dd>'.$lang_common['Posts'].': '.$cur_post['num_posts'];


            if ($pun_config['o_show_post_count'] == '1' || $pun_user['g_id'] < PUN_GUEST)
                $user_info[] = '<dd>'.$lang_common['Posts'].': '.$cur_post['num_posts'].' ('.round($pun_user['num_posts'] / floor((time() - $pun_user['registered']) / 86400), 2).' posts/day)';

Moved to Modifications

That's not the main query, look further down viewtopic.php
The query looks very similar to the one they wanted you to modify

winger wrote:
Smartys wrote:

It looks to me like you just have to add g.g_color to the list of columns in the select query

Where? tongue

In the main query in viewtopic.php

winger wrote:

Also, I just changed it and it works, on userlist and viewtopic, but not in the index.


Make sure you followed the instructions properly for index.php

It looks to me like you just have to add g.g_color to the list of columns in the select query

But that's actually the big point. If you submit a sitemap and go from zero to a thousand indexed pages, you probably get very happy, but did you remember to check how much traffic comes from google? You will probably get 10 visitors a month if you are lucky.
That's the google illusion, how many times do you click on the number 2 to check the second result page on google? Personally i do that in less than 1% of my searches. So whats the point of having thousands of indexed pages if they don't show on the first page? I would prefer to have one single page that is all the time on top of google.
I know it's a big temptation, having all the pages indexed as quickly as that, but the truth is that you might be taking the place of valuable external linked spidering that would really value your position on google.

I haven't seen any indication that sitemap indexing is "taking the place" of anything. It's no different than regular indexing except that it will potentially index more pages. In the end, it's up to the administrator to use all the tools provided to him/her when optimizing for Google.

Besides this there is still another problem with google sitemaps: they are not reliable. If you check your pages on google on a daily basis you will notice that you can go from 10000 pages on one day to 100 pages the day after, for no reason. You may get your 10000 pages back the week after, or even the day after, but you will lose al ot of visitors that pointed their interest to some other similar site.

I haven't seen that with my sitemap and I haven't seen anybody mention anything like that with sitemaps. In fact, wouldn't it make more sense for that to happen when you don't have a sitemap, since changes in links could hide a page from Google?

That code is PHP, not an SQL query

pedrotuga wrote:
Smartys wrote:

As a sidenote i should mention that i laugh like crazzy a few months ago when the web out there found out that deleting the google sitemap from their sites would give them an immediate gain on the number of indexed pages.

I hadn't heard that mentioned anywhere: where did you hear it? smile

It was not mentioned on the press. But it was a lot of talk about in discussions like this one. Check out some webmasters and SEO communities ou there and search for 'google sitemap'. I remember it was a big fuzz on  digitalpoint forums as i ocasionaly check those forums, but it was talked about all over the web.
I don't have the habit of reading blogs, but i am sure there was people talk about it. If you go through these blog articles you can quickly find some google sitemap downsides exposed.

These are the only things I've found, which is a bit different from what you're saying:
http://www.seomoz.org/blog/expert-advic … ont-submit
Is that what you meant? Because it isn't that the sitemap affects the number of pages indexed negatively, it's that the sitemap affects it POSITIVELY and thus you can't tell that a page lacks "the necessary components for inclusion, be they architectural, link strength, content-related, etc."

I use Sitemaps (actually, I use a sitemap for every PunBB-Hosting forum and a sitemap index in the root to tie them together) and that's not an issue for me at all: if I were writing my site completely from scratch it might be, but for a forum all you can do is hope that Google thinks the topics themselves are enough content.

No, you're fine. You can be paid to integrate GPL'ed software, there's nothing prohibiting that. And since it's being used only on the site, distribution doesn't become an issue.


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

In the past these types of topics have become flamefests, so in an attempt to keep that from happening, your topic has been moved to the staff forum.
We were already aware of that specific site but thank you for mentioning it.

For anyone interested: the topic in question was about a website which was potentially violating the GPL with relation to PunBB.

As a sidenote i should mention that i laugh like crazzy a few months ago when the web out there found out that deleting the google sitemap from their sites would give them an immediate gain on the number of indexed pages.

I hadn't heard that mentioned anywhere: where did you hear it? smile


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

You're right, my bad smile
It doesn't prevent registration, it prevents logging in with that name (check_bans function, so you'll login and then get the ban message)


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Username bans only affect registration, not posting


(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I don't think that would work very well (I'm assuming "populated with the default localized help" means "a copy of the HTML for the page"). As you pointed out, there are language issues, there is PHP involved in some cases, etc. I don't think you can reduce the existing help file into an HTML page for editing.
However, adding a hook at the end of the page and creating an extension that allows you to add "entries" to the existing help would certainly be possible.

sirena wrote:

Thanks for that info.

pedrotuga wrote:

I don't think that's an issue. Vbulletin and invision have a low-fi version and that's the one that is iindexed by google all the time. I guess that's because of the fancy urls.
I don't think google will pull your page rank down because of duplicated content.

But if you have a look at:

http://www.google.com/support/webmaster … &type=

forums with lo-fi versions are the first item on the list when Google's Help Center talks about duplicate content:)

Duplicate content generally refers to substantive blocks of content within or across domains that either completely match other content or are appreciably similar. Mostly, this is not deceptive in origin. Examples of non-malicious duplicate content could include:

Discussion forums that can generate both regular and stripped-down pages targeted at mobile devices..

So it pays to be careful in setting up mods like this. Google has some suggestions on how to address any issues if they arise on that link.

It sounds like it is working well for you though, which is great.

Most software that offers that kind of option these days is very careful to avoid such issues by using robots.txt and meta tags to direct Google to spider the lo-fi version.


(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PunBB | Wikipedia has a list of some of the major features