*  Invision Power Board 1.3
    * Invision Power Board 2.0
    * MiniBB 1.7d
    * phpBB 2.0
    * PHPNuke 7.4
    * vBulletin 3.0.0
    * YabbSE 1.5.5
    * SMF 1.0.5
    * SimpleBoard 1.7d
    * PHP-Fusion

All you have to do is move the files and change the base URL in admin options


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Yes, you'll just need to set one of the URLs as the base URL and only do administrative actions from there.

I'm not exactly sure: are you using MySQL?


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

AlexisPavon: Don't worry about it, I tested it with another Netfirms user (that's how Mediator came with his solution wink )


(5 replies, posted in Feature requests)

orlandu63 wrote:
guardian34 wrote:

They already use something like this:

<meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX, FOLLOW" />

Doesn't robots.txt have to be at the root of a server?

No, it does not. Example:


Yes it does.


The Robot will simply look for a "/robots.txt" URL on your site, where a site is defined as a HTTP server running on a particular host and port number. For example:

    Site URL    Corresponding Robots.txt URL
    http://www.w3.org/     http://www.w3.org/robots.txt
    http://www.w3.org:80/     http://www.w3.org:80/robots.txt
    http://www.w3.org:1234/     http://www.w3.org:1234/robots.txt
    http://w3.org/     http://w3.org/robots.txt

Note that there can only be a single "/robots.txt" on a site. Specifically, you should not put "robots.txt" files in user directories, because a robot will never look at them. If you want your users to be able to create their own "robots.txt", you will need to merge them all into a single "/robots.txt". If you don't want to do this your users might want to use the Robots META Tag instead.

The fact that certain search engines may or may not look at the file outside of the root does not change the fact that it SHOULD be at the root.
And as I said, the meta tag accomplishes the same thing without the need for an extra file

No, not at all: it's what the forum is here for wink
If you don't mind me asking, what made Vanilla so much easier?

There's a topic in Bugs about this wink
And the fix is sitting in SVN right now: http://dev.punbb.org/changeset/773

1. I don't believe it can directly. What you can do is use a converter for another forum software that supports mercuryboard and then convert from the other forum software to PunBB
2. I don't know what the process of integrating with Drupal entails: you might be better off asking at the Drupal forums

After you install the mod, that install page should never show up again: it sounds to me like nothing is actually getting installed.

Locky wrote:

is it possible to let the users post *.wmv and *.swf files into the forums. like we are chatting here. I've got the youtube modification installed, and would like to know if the .wmv / .swf is possible. It would be very helpful for me.

It's possible: you could write a mod to do it. However, people could do all kinds of nasty things with that power.

Closed, you use a free forum host (my free forum host, actually) and you can't add modifications to it. If you need help, the place to ask is the support forum for the host.
But to remove the Moderated By thing, I added an option in Admin Options under Display.

Moved to Integration
The link is dead right now, but my recollection is that the page only discusses adding a logo to the header.
When you can do is edit main.tpl to add the header/footer for the site.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)


I think the topic having thousands of posts is more of an issue. tongue
Once you have thousands of rows being returned by a more complex query, you're going to run into slowdown issues: for every pageview, the joins etc have to be done for thousands of posts. You might be able to rewrite the query a little to speed it up, but I'm not sure how great it would be.

zuxx wrote:

What do you mean?

The admin plugin has settings for the mod like the address of the IRC server.

You don't have to include every column. I would look at your PHP syntax because to me it looks like the query actually being executed is
INSERT INTO prefixscores (`username`) VALUES ($username)

where prefix is the database prefix

What did you set the server address to?


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Moved to Troubleshooting, since these don't appear to be bugs with PunBB but rather issues with your setup.

It sounds to me like you messed with the permissions for your various folders. Make sure PHP can write to the avatars folder and to the cache folder (and try removing all the .php files in the cache directory)


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Look at the bottom of the page when viewing a topic as a moderator/admin. You'll see some options like

    Delete multiple posts
    Move topic
    Close topic
    Stick topic

Send an email to Rickard wink

PUN_ROOT is the relative path from the folder the file is in to the forum folder.
So if the file is in /my/ and the forum is in /discussion/, the PUN_ROOT is ../discussion/

Yeah, I guess
I'd ask in the topic over at Punres for that mod

AG wrote:

New row.

And I made the 'id' the primary key to auto increment. There are multiple scores, so I need a table. The problem is, I don't know how to add a row when a user is created. I also don't know how to delete it for that matter.

What I would do is copy a $db->query call from elsewhere (the full line) and start work with that. The way your code is set up now, you would never know if the query failed.

Yeah, I'm not really sure what you're asking for wink