Michael Gauthier's solution in the comments linked there is the one I would go with, but yes, that sounds like it's the problem.
377 2008-04-05 21:40
Re: A SQL question (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
Yes, that was someone trying an SQL inject. The reason it's logged there is because the URL was too long for the field and PostgreSQL choked on it.
378 2008-04-05 21:37
Re: Unified converter! (InvPB, miniBB, PhpBB, vBulletin & YabbSE) (105 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
In the meantime, if you really want to use PunBB, you can find a converter that converts from ikonboard to a forum software that the converter currently supports and then do it as a multi-step process.
379 2008-04-05 21:35
Re: Subscription emails not being sent (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
1. Yes, you can edit the call to fsockopen in include/email.php. However, the timeout is currently set to 15 seconds: it sounds more like your forum has no connection at all, at times.
2. Yes, edit post.php, line 218 and remove the part of the large query that refers to the previous post time.
If I were you though, I would focus more on fixing the underlying issue with connections rather than on trying to hack around it and send more emails.
380 2008-04-05 21:33
Re: Unified converter! (InvPB, miniBB, PhpBB, vBulletin & YabbSE) (105 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
For 1.3, the converter will be redone and (hopefully) will support converting from even more forums.
381 2008-04-05 19:50
Re: Cannot reach the limit of 70 characters of topic length. (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Well, feel free to test out 1.3 and let us know if you run into any trouble with the UTF-8 support
382 2008-04-05 19:50
Re: Email to unverified users (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Moved to Modifications
383 2008-04-05 19:49
Re: Function question (5 replies, posted in Programming)
What you're doing.
test_function() does not run the command
test_function(false) does not run the command
test_function(true) runs the command
When Bekko said run, he meant the function.
384 2008-04-05 19:46
Re: Cannot reach the limit of 70 characters of topic length. (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Moved to Troubleshooting
385 2008-04-05 19:46
Re: Cannot reach the limit of 70 characters of topic length. (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
The issues probably don't exist because of the tweaks I've made to that site to support UTF-8 with 1.2. The issue wouldn't be fixed in 1.2.17, since 1.2 does not have UTF-8 support built in. 1.3, the version currently under development, does.
386 2008-04-05 19:44
Re: Function question (5 replies, posted in Programming)
Matt: If you mean will test_function() (as opposed to test_function(true)) make the if statement true, then no, it won't.
387 2008-04-05 17:22
Re: How to send a welcome email when email verification is set to off? (4 replies, posted in General discussion)
You don't need the {}s surrounding it.
And if you want to change the text of the email, you should probably create a new template, edit that, and then change this line
$mail_tpl = trim(file_get_contents(PUN_ROOT.'lang/'.$pun_user['language'].'/mail_templates/welcome.tpl'));
to refer to the new file.
388 2008-04-05 17:05
Re: Categories wise view only (13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
lol, why me?
yemgi pointed you to the easiest method, the collapse categories modification. Anything else would require a good deal more changes to index.php.
389 2008-04-05 17:00
Re: How to send a welcome email when email verification is set to off? (4 replies, posted in General discussion)
Edit register.php? The code would be similar to the other code you're referring to, just without an if statement
390 2008-04-05 14:31
Re: [Extension Release] Newsletter for 1.3 (24 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
Yes, but you're supposed to use $db->prefix because that's the prefix associated with the database object. It means you only have to globalize one variable ($db).
391 2008-04-05 12:59
Re: Just moved web hosts, now encountering problem, can't run copy (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Yeah, the error_log is what you need to look at. The error you're getting is a generic one from the webserver and as it says: "More information about this error may be available in the server error log."
392 2008-04-05 12:58
Re: Register - Adjust for DST (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
Oops! Fixed, thanks
393 2008-04-05 12:27
Re: Just moved web hosts, now encountering problem, can't run copy (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Check your error_log and see what the error is.
394 2008-04-05 12:26
Re: Request: remind unconfirmed members (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Moved to Modifications
395 2008-04-05 00:17
Re: Search hooks (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
Yes, a new action is specified using an if statement.
396 2008-04-04 10:35
Re: Hook requests (151 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
You mean you want to insert an element into the array between the message and the signature? That's what array_insert is for.
397 2008-04-04 02:11
Re: Hooks replacing pun_include??? (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
That's more of an issue of hook placement than anything else. We just need to put a hook before we echo out anything in each section. It's something that would need to be addressed anyway.
398 2008-04-04 00:52
Re: Description Meta Tag (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
Actually, that would be where hd_head comes in handy. Some code like this:
$tpl_temp = trim(ob_get_contents());
$tpl_temp = str_replace('<meta name="description" content="'.generate_crumbs(true).'" />'."\n", '<meta name="description" content="I like pie" />'."\n", $tpl_temp);
echo $tpl_temp;
would replace the meta tag with your new tag.
However, header.php could probably use some more arrays rather than echoing content out right away, which would allow you to make the change without messing with output buffering.
399 2008-04-04 00:34
Re: Hooks replacing pun_include??? (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
Well, potentially you could, since styles can have their own templates. The question is whether it's better to just let extensions take over, since they're more flexible.
400 2008-04-03 23:00
Re: Hooks replacing pun_include??? (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
I don't think we made a decision, but I have thought about it before. Can you think of any reason they shouldn't?