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ok another problem... again i appreciate all the help.
i get this error
An error was encountered
File: /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/
Line: 158
PunBB reported: Unable to fetch category/forum list
Database reported: Unknown column 'f.reply_only' in 'field list' (Errno: 1054)
when i click on "forums" in my admin panel.
this is line 158 of the admin_forums.php
$result = $db->query('SELECT AS cid, c.cat_name, AS fid, f.forum_name, f.forum_desc, f.closed, f.admmod_only, f.reply_only, f.disp_position FROM '.$db->prefix.'categories AS c LEFT JOIN '.$db->prefix.'forums AS f ON ORDER BY c.disp_position,, f.disp_position') or error('Unable to fetch category/forum list', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
does any of this make sense?
this is what i put in just to test
ALTER TABLE `forums` ADD `reply_only` TINYINT AFTER `admmod_only` ;
UPDATE `forums` SET reply_only = 0 ;
and i get this
Your SQL-query has been executed successfully
SQL-query : [Edit] [Create PHP Code]
ALTER TABLE `forums` ADD `reply_only` TINYINT AFTER `admmod_only` ;
UPDATE `forums` SET reply_only = 0;
yes i just tried that and i get the same thing. am i typing in the correct command?
thank you for the quick response.
i'm having trouble with editing/modifying the sql tables.
here is what i put in, and here is what i get. what am i doing wrong? am i typing in the correct command the correct way? any help is appreciated.
pgregg wrote:For the Postgres users out there, you'll need to use:
ALTER TABLE [forum-prefix]forums ADD reply_only SMALLINT;
update [forum-prefix]forums SET reply_only = 0;
i also tried this and get
Database punbbe107 running on localhost
SQL-query :
ALTER TABLE [punbbe107]forums ADD reply_only SMALLINT
MySQL said:
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '[punbbe107]forums ADD reply_only SMALLINT' at line 1
any specific mod you have in mind?
do they have to be .png or can they be .gif? i would like a small animated one, nothing fancy tho.
zc923 wrote:Double quotes might get you in some trouble.
try this:
background-image: url('backgif.gif');
SWEET! that was it. THANKS GUYS!
and the results
here is the entire css i'm editing:
BODY {background-color: #ffffff;
background-image: url("backgif.gif?);
background-repeat: repeat;}
TD {
font: 10px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #333333
font: 10px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #333333
font: 10px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #333333
FORM { margin: 0 }
font-size: 11px;
margin: 0
TABLE.punmain {
border: none;
width: 100%;
background-color: #606060
TABLE.punplain {
border: none;
width: 100%
TABLE.punspacer {
border: none;
width: 100%
TR.punhead { background-color: #C2C9DC }
TR.puncon1 { background-color: #D3D7E3 }
TR.puncon2 { background-color: #E3E6EE }
TR.puncon3 { background-color: #BFC5D5 }
TR.puntopic { height: 1.5em }
TD.punhead { color: #102945 }
TD.punheadcent {
color: #102945;
text-align: center
TD.puncon1 { background-color: #D3D7E3 }
TD.puncon1cent {
background-color: #D3D7E3;
text-align: center
TD.puncon1right {
background-color: #D3D7E3;
text-align: right
TD.puncon2 { background-color: #E3E6EE }
TD.puncon2cent {
background-color: #E3E6EE;
text-align: center
TD.puncon3 { background-color: #BFC5D5 }
TD.puncent { text-align: center }
TD.punright { text-align: right }
TD.puntop { vertical-align: top }
TD.puntopright {
text-align: right;
vertical-align: top
TD.punquote {
background-color: #F6F6F6;
border: #606060;
border-style: dashed;
border-width: 1px
A:link, A:visited {
text-decoration: none;
color: #C85900
A:link.punhot, A:visited.punhot { color: #C85900 }
A:link.punclosed, A:visited.punclosed { color: #C85900 }
A:hover {
text-decoration: none;
color: #F06B00
A:hover.punhot { color: #F06B00 }
A:hover.punclosed { color: #F06B00 }
IMG.punavatar {
margin-top: 3px;
margin-bottom: 3px
.puntext { font-size: 11px }
.punedited {
font-size: 10px;
font-style: italic;
.punsignature { font-size: 10px }
.punheadline {
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;
.puntitle {
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: bold
.punhot { color: #C85900 }
and here is the test forum i've set up
i appreciate the help.
so this
BODY {background-color: #ffffff;
background-image: url("backgif.gif?);
background-repeat: repeat;}
is the way it should be?
i've been familiarizing myself with style sheet editing for a site i am fooling around with, so i've been reading the style guide and it's been a great help with some questions, but i just can't get an image i have to tile, or even show up for that matter.
this is what i have and would like that image to tile in the background of the forum. the image is also in my "/httpdocs/e107forum/img" folder and that doesn't work either.
BODY {background-color: #ffffff; background-image: url(?e107forum/style/backgif.gif?);
background-repeat: repeat;}
is this correct? i'm also reading this guide on more advanced .css editing with no luck also. any help would be appreciated.
edit:this is for a punbb forum i have and have been modding and finding the right mods i like. just changing it to suit my needs and style of the site.
i would suggest just letting them edit regular members accounts and not admin's accounts. kinda like the way snitz has it set, admins can't edit admin's accounts but can edit mods and below.
which cms if i may ask are you "skinning"?
but i guess a better question is would someone be willing to build a cms with punbb in mind? VERY lean and fast with a admin panel to administer the forum and the content.
how hard would it be to make a cms like Rickard's that has an admin panel? or is there one in the works, hopefully? i have been looking for one ever since i found punbb and have found only 2 sites so far, Rickard's and . unfortunatly i'm not a coder in any stretch or i would do it myself.
did you code your main site yourself? if so would you mind sharing it? i have been looking for a simple punbb-like cms for a while and your's and Rickard's is the only ones i've seen.
Gardener wrote: Would you need the login and registration to work on both Mambo and PunBB, or would it be sufficient if I implemented it in Mambo? The latter is how it works with my UBB.threads integration, and it would mean a lot easier integration, and easier to keep it updated if I only need one script to work on.
which ever one makes it easier to add staff(someone who can admin or posts articles) for the mambo part that have moderator/admin status in the forums as well i would say.
Paul wrote:Great idea but I would certainly delay expending any time on it until the next version of PunBB (v1.2) is released.
tease. ![big_smile](
i would switch to mambo if there was seamless integration between punbb and mambo. please keep us informed.
if i'm not mistaken coppermine is also a stand alone so you could just add a link to the nav bar up top. but i can see the agrivation of users who need to register for both.
you could subscribe to the topics, but that would mean you have to see the topic to begin with and may not be what you are looking for. sorry if this doesn't help.
ok so is the php used foreign or unfamiliar? i don't understand.
this(code below) is a module for postnuke(3rd party) that i use for my site. i would like the "link to us" images that are shown be vertical not horizontal and have their respective filenames that are shown in the rollout put to the right of them which will make selecting a button from multiple images alot easier. PLEASE and thank you. i posted this here becuase everyone here seems to be very helpfull and quick to respond.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// POST-NUKE Content Management System
// Copyright (C) 2001 by the Post-Nuke Development Team.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Based on:
// PHP-NUKE Web Portal System -
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// To read the license please visit
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Filename: modules/NS-Link_To_Us/index.php
// Original Author of file: Crick Da Crack
// Purpose of file: Let's user make links to the PostNuke site
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Changelog
// 03/10/02 - Crick : Started this little module
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!defined("LOADED_AS_MODULE")) {
die ("You can't access this file directly...");
$ModName = $GLOBALS['name'];
//Change the value of those vars if you need to
$lts_imgdir = "modules/$ModName/img/"; //Use $ModName for the module name. Default : modules/$ModName/img/
//Here the script, don't edit if you don't know what your doing !!!
$sitename = pnConfigGetVar('sitename');
$slogan = pnConfigGetVar('slogan');
$baseurl = pnGetBaseURL();
include 'header.php';
echo "<font class=\"pn-title\"><a href=\"".$modurl."\">"._LTS_TITLE." ".$sitename."</a></font><br><br>";
if (!$link) {
$lts_dir = opendir($lts_imgdir);
$lts_filelist = array();
$lts_ext = array('.jpg','.gif','.png');
$i = 0;
while ($file = readdir($lts_dir)) {
if ((strrchr($file,'.gif') == '.gif') || (strrchr($file,'.jpg') == '.jpg') || (strrchr($file,'.png') == '.png') || (strrchr($file,'.bmp') == '.bmp')) {
$lts_filelist[$i] = $file;
if (empty($lts_filelist)) {
echo _LTS_NOIMG."<br><br>";
echo "<form action=\"modules.php?op=modload&name=$ModName&file=index\" method=\"post\">"
._LTS_YOURCHOICE."<br><select size=\"1\" name=\"link\">"
."<option selected value=\"text\">"._LTS_TEXT."</option>";
else {
echo _LTS_BLIST."<br><br>";
$i = 0;
while ($lts_filelist[$i]) {
echo "<img src=\"$lts_imgdir/$lts_filelist[$i]\" alt=\"$lts_filelist[$i]\"> ";
echo "<form action=\"modules.php?op=modload&name=$ModName&file=index\" method=\"post\">"
._LTS_YOURCHOICE."<br><select size=\"1\" name=\"link\">"
."<option selected value=\"text\">"._LTS_TEXT."</option>";
$i = 0;
while ($lts_filelist[$i]) {
echo "<option>".$lts_filelist[$i]."</otpion>";
echo "</select><br><input type=\"submit\" value=\""._LTS_SUBMIT."\">"
else {
if ($link == "text") {
echo _LTS_PREVIEW."<br><a href=\"".$baseurl."\">".$sitename." :: ".$slogan."</a><br><br>";
echo _LTS_CODE."<br><textarea rows=\"4\" cols=\"80\"><a href=\"".$baseurl."\">".$sitename." :: ".$slogan."</a></textarea><br><br>";
else {
if (file_exists($lts_imgdir.$link)) {
echo _LTS_PREVIEW."<br><a href=\"".$baseurl."\"><img src=\"".$baseurl.$lts_imgdir.$link."\" alt =\"".$sitename." :: ".$slogan."\" border=\"0\"></a><br><br>";
echo _LTS_CODE."<br><textarea rows=\"4\" cols=\"80\"><a href=\"".$baseurl."\"><img src=\"".$baseurl.$lts_imgdir.$link."\" alt =\"".$sitename." :: ".$slogan."\" border=\"0\"></a></textarea><br><br>";
else echo _LTS_ERRIMG."<br><br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "Link To Us Module 0.1 : Crick Da Crack (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Web</a>/<a href=\"mailto:hell@[removethis]\">Email</a>)";
include 'footer.php';
i just got done downloading and editing all of the required files and thank goodness for:
#---------[ 87. UPLOAD ]------------------------------------------------------
install_mod.php to /
admin_forums.php to /
admin_groups.php to /
group.php to /
profile.php to /
viewtopic.php to /
search.php to /
viewforum.php to /
functions.php to /include
common_admin.php to /include
(language)_common.php to /lang/(language)
(language)_profile.php to /lang/(language)
(language)_userlist.php to /lang/(language)
in the readme/install instructions, cuz silly me didn't re-upload each file as i was done with it and i had forgotten where i got them from.
nice mod by the way, it works perfect!
BigPunn ![big_smile](
looks kewl.
would you consider releasing you cms/portal for all to use? or could you let us know how you did it please? this is about one the most efficient and fastest sites i have ever been to.
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