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Ok, I have modified your code:
<form id="login" name="login" method="post" action="login.php" onsubmit="return process_form(this)">
<input type="hidden" name="form_sent" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="<?php echo generate_form_token(forum_link($forum_url['login'])) ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="redirect_url" value="<?php echo $redirect_url ?>" />
<input type="text" name="req_username" size="16" maxlength="25" />
<input type="password" name="req_password" size="16" maxlength="16" />
<a href="#" onclick="document.login.submit(); return false"> Login</form>';
Yes, you're right. Thanks for reporting, fixed.
I think it will be better for you to add this line
after lines
if ($forum_config['o_check_for_updates'] == '1')
in <FORUM_ROOT>/header.php. In this case you will not miss notifications about new hotfixes when they are released.
Please, post here the code of JS-function "process_form". Maybe there is an error in this function.
You need to set the "Redirect wait" option to 0 at the page: <FORUM_URL>/admin/settings.php?section=setup.
Grant wrote:Any chance of a "See more tags" button?
Do you want to limit the list of tags and show them only by clicking this button?
I have added the new hook to the core. It is called "po_modify_quote_info" by rules of naming hooks.
Try to clear forum cache by removing all php-files from directory "<FORUM_ROOT>/cache".
Please post all hook requests in this topic.
This option is set for every users group. To edit it, go to "<FORUM_URL>/admin/groups.php" and press the "Edit group" link near the required group.
You can find styles in the file "<FORUM_ROOT>/style/<Style_name>/<Style_name>.css"
Please, describe your actions in more details. What version of Forum was installed?
Durkin wrote:I assume that I have left something on my webspace that is still trying to update the forum, but I'm not sure what it is.
What actions you have done, which can affected on functionality of your forum?
You should to play with transparency of page elements with id="brd-visit" and class="main-head".
You may use our unofficial repository to store your styles. It will be easy for other users to see the changes between different versions of a style.
New version 1.2.6 of pun_pm was released.
Latest changes:
Thanks for reporting, we have got your message and fixed this possible exploit in the new version of pun_pm.
If your forum URL looks like, for Folder Based or Folder Based (fancy) URL schemes you can use this rewrite rule:
rewrite /forum/.*[^(.php|.css|.png|.jpg|.gif)]$ /forum/rewrite.php last;
If you use File Based or File Based (fancy) URL schemes, you can use this rewrite rule:
rewrite /forum/.+\.html$ /forum/rewrite.php last;
If I understand you correctly, you need to add links in posts?
Yes, it can be an extension. But it needs more details for its development.
This problem has been reported here. The new version of pun_tags is under development now, and this error will be fixed there.
Thanks for reporting, we will fix it.
We have added a file with the list of differences between 1.3.2 and 1.3.3 in lang files, and a link to this file to the wiki page.
On what pages do you want to hide the admin status?
Here you can find the list of changes
It is a very nice idea to have changes in a language pack in wiki, now you can see changes only in trac (Here are the differences between 1.3.2 and 1.3.3). It will be useful for extensions' developers too.
xdu wrote:Are language packs backward compatible with minor versions, so we can keep only the latest 1.3.3?
In most cases they are compatible.
This ticket is active, and Parpalak will now develop the new styles. (
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