Actually if someone doesn't receive an activation link by e-mail he can run the restore password procedure.

Or you can manually change the user's group and password and send the password to the user.

oo wrote:

2. I can see the list of everybody that have registered (even those who have not set password or Logged in after setting password.)

Yes. You can find it in Administration -> Users -> Searches.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)

Utchin wrote:

When registering, the email address has to be unique, however, when changing it in the profile, it isnt checked to see if its unquie.

Fixed in [1126]. The fix differs from what has been done in FluxBB.


(15 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Unfortunately, there are no hooks.

Smith wrote:

I will let you know where I added them and hopefully you can add some in the similar place.



(2 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Styles are discussed in PunBB 1.3 additions.


(13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

See this topic: … sent-work/

Maybe you have the same issue.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

The image script url is

The error message displayed there is the following:

Internal Server Error

Directory "/home/geekeo/www/extensions/pun_antispam" is writeable by group

Apparently you use pun_repository and it sets permissions for extensions directories to 777. But running scripts from a directory with such permissions is probably disabled by your hosting admins.

Now you can uninstall pun_antispam, remove it from extension directory, then upload it manually by FTP (not via pun_repository) and finally install it again.

Actually it's a question of server settings. But we'll think how to avoid setting permissions to 777 in pun_repository.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

If someone has an access to the cookie information (maybe there is an unknown XSS in PunBB?), he can get admin session, then change the e-mail to his own and finally run the password reset procedure.

Do you know if your profile contained a hacker's e-mail?

There is a link "New messages" at the top of every page. When a user receives a PM it becomes "New messages (1)".

I've send you a PM for testing and you could see it.


(15 replies, posted in Feature requests)

By the way, if you need some hooks in pun_pm just let me know. I'll add them and release a new version.

Ok, let's consider a situation. A user sends me a PM. I receive an e-mail notification. Then user changes his mind and cancels PM sending (pun_pm allows this). I go to forum and see no PM. I'm confused.

It should be noted again that the current logic of pun_pm does not imply e-mail notifications.

Works fine for me.
Maybe this has already been fixed.


(15 replies, posted in Feature requests)

See this discussion, please.

I think these extensions should set priorities for hooks. For example, an extension for the [video] tag should have maximum priority and an extension for the [center] tag should have usual priority. This case the [video] tag will be processed first independent of the installation order.



(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

It's a good idea for a simple site. As to forum, the content of every page depends on user settings and groups. For example, moderators see more than users and administrators see even more.

There is another idea related to cache: extension parser_cache. The most frequently displayed posts (or topics) can be fetched from DB, partially parsed and stored to a cache (a file or some files). This would reduce page generation time and CPU load.

8k84 wrote:

It seems to me that for a "lightweight" forum that's kind of high, isn't it?

By the way, what extensions do you have installed? Maybe there is one that produces high CPU load.

Also, you can include define('FORUM_SHOW_QUERIES', 1); in config.php to see what SQL queries are executed.

I don't know what style you have but I think if you remove "width: 10em;" (or maybe modify margins or paddings) you'll obtain these items on the same line and aligned correctly:

.brd .mf-set .mf-yesno .mf-item {
    float: left;


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I've explained our point. Other opinions?


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

The global option in the admin panel must be copied to the profile of new users when they register.

In Oxygen.css:

.brd .mf-set .mf-yesno .mf-item {
    width: 10em;
    float: left;

Delete this style and the "Ascending" and "Descending" options will take two lines (like other radiobutton groups).


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

We've called the link 'New messages' because it's similar to 'New posts'. But everyone can change this by editing the following lines in pun_pm/lang/English/pun_pm.php:

    'New link'                 => 'New messages',
    'New link active'          => '<strong>New messages (%d)</strong>',
    'New link full'            => '<strong>New messages (!)</strong>',


(40 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

SuperMAG wrote:

i think you people should release 1.3.3 now, there are alot of bugs fixed.

There are some bugs to be fixed. Then we'll release 1.3.3.

Casemon, what browser do you use?

I've checked the page in IE6, Opera, Firefox and Safari (win), labels and inputs are aligned fine.

It looks quite good for me. Does anybody have other opinion?

Consider this fix.