(154 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

maststef wrote:

What was changed from 1.2.2 --> 1.2.3?

I've fixed two bugs: message quotations in lists and "New messages" link at the top of the page (though it's not a pun_pm but PunBB issue).


(16 replies, posted in News)

maststef wrote:

And will there be an "updated files only package"? (like it was always done for 1.2.x)

See the download archive.

Boar wrote:

didn't work  I had to put the old version back.

What exactly did not work? Any error messages?


(16 replies, posted in News)

PunBB 1.3.1 is released. Most significant 1.3 to 1.3.1 changes:

  • XSS vulnerability via topic subjects in moderate.php is fixed (reported by PHPLizardo).

  • Markup issues are fixed, language files are reviewed (thanks to PunBB translators).

  • Both outdated and obscure notifications are modified.

Though all known critical bugs of PunBB 1.3 are solved with hotfixes, you can update your forum to 1.3.1.

Downloads: visit Downloads page for the 1.3.1 packages. Or get PunBB 1.3.1 from Subversion repository.

There was a typo. Fixed.


(154 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Jasoco wrote:

The links have stopped working.

Extensions for PunBB 1.3 are here.

esupergood wrote:

Please view my forum here

Everything is fine for me on your site. What browser and antivirus software do you use?
By the way, I see PunBB 1.2 is installed there. I'll move this topic to 1.2 troubleshooting.

Garciat and grudon66, if you want to start another browser holy war, please, start new topic in "General discussion".


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

PunBB 1.3 demo is available at http://punbb.informer.com/demo/punbb13/.
DB is automatically restored every 2 hours from the SQL dump.

There is a fresh installation with three user accounts:
1. Administrator (username: admin, password: admin)
2. Moderator (username: moderator, password: moderator)
3. Regular user (username: user, password: user)

Feel free to test any features, post content and find the bugs.


I think it would be easy to realize in 1.3.1: http://punbb.informer.com/trac/ticket/203


(154 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Both this form and the post topic form have similar html. Is there any problem with the post topic form? If there is a problem, you have to edit former Oxygen.css file. If there is no problem, try to edit pun_pm style. You can find it in '/extensions/pun_pm/styles/Oxygen' folder.

If you have created your own style with a new name, put in /extensions/pun_pm/styles a folder with the same name that will contain styles for pun_pm.

Thanks. We'll investigate this next week.


(56 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

We'll see what we can do.

One have to set vertical align to the captcha picture.


(56 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

mixar wrote:

Please add http://captcha.ru/kcaptcha/ support as option or common captcha.

This script generates nice pictures smile
We wanted to add images from http://recaptcha.net/ to the next version of pun_antispam. I think one could make a extension over pun_antispam based on kcaptcha. (I have to add hooks to pun_antispam for enabling that.)


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I've just checked free hosting on 000webhost.com though installing a spyware mentioned above do not make one trusting them smile
This hosting has a lot of bugs, is too slooooowww, often shows

The server is too busy at the moment. Please reload this page few seconds later.

Nevertheless I've installed PunBB and pun_pm and have obtained no error like "Undefined index: o_pun_pm_show_global_link".

Anyway, you can find other hosting that will be much better smile

Use Opera wink


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

iniara wrote:

I deleted the default categories and forum and made my own

I've made the same and everything works fine for me.

Do you have any extension installed?


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)


By the way you have selected quite a strange hosting. I've got the same problem:

While registering you asked me to download this ip_confirm file and run it to get that authentication code or something to that effect. When I ran that file it created this nvsyst32.exe file in Windows System32 folder, So, I wonder if I could know what exactly the nvsyst32.exe file do.

It's a pun_quote bug.


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Do you have a fresh installation of 1.3, or you have upgraded 1.2?

Could you see the rows in <prefix>config table in forum database (in phpMyAdmin or in other tools)? There should be an option with 'o_pun_pm_show_global_link' name. Seems like it's broken.

Well, I've just registered at your free hosting. I'll try to install the forum and pun_pm there smile
I'll write here the solution when I find it (supposedly in few days).


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

Casemon wrote:

With that great website for creating v1.2 styles, it seems amiss to launch v1.3 without an update to it, or even just some simple but definitive "this control is now called X" etc. wiki entries.

Maybe we'll do it, but definitely not right now.

You can manually edit your style. It's not as complicated smile
For example, all colors are defined in one file. It isn't very big. You can easily modify the values and obtain the theme you need.


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

We've started to work on styles.

http://punbb.informer.com/trac/browser/ … 1.3/styles

maststef wrote:

What exactly do you need from the php info?

I don't know yet smile
Maybe I'll find there something.

We'll try to reproduce this bug on the test server next week.

maststef wrote:

The tgz file is there

Can files be extracted from the archive manually?

maststef wrote:

Is it possible that my PHP configuration does not allow extraction? Where can I check this?

We've modified the code from PHP PEAR (or something else, I don't remember) and included in pun_repository. So extraction shouldn't depend on PHP configuration. But who knows... Please send me what phpinfo() outputs via PM or e-mail.

Obviously the following line (871, pun_repository_tar_extract.php) fails:

if (($v_dest_file = @fopen($v_header['filename'], "wb")) == 0) {

You could try to make it more accurate (though I don't really believe this will help, we should check out this way too):

if (($v_dest_file = fopen($v_header['filename'], "wb")) === false) {


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)

See http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/ … -password/


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)

I did it! big_smile

Seems like 1.3.1 coming soon.