1.2.7 and previous, this was working fine:


$curl_handle = curl_init();
// Where should we get the data?
curl_setopt ($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://www.sadreminders.com/interaction/extern.php?action=active');
// This says not to dump it directly to the output stream, but instead
// have it return as a string.
curl_setopt ($curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
// the following is optional, but you should consider setting it
// anyway. It prevents your page from hanging if the remote site is
// down.
curl_setopt ($curl_handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 1);
// Now, YOU make the call.
$buffer = curl_exec($curl_handle);
// And tell it to shut down (when your done. You can always make more
// calls if you want.)
// This is where i?d probably do some extra checks on what i just got.
// Paranoia pays dividends.
print $buffer;


it's not outputting the discussions anymore.

any ideas? thanks!


(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

sverrir wrote:

Nice to see dreamhost users here lament smile

yeah they're great, except for this last bit of downtime. my punBB install was hacked on Saturday, and then the big LA power outage knocked them offline, which delayed further my request for a db restoration.

when they did finally restore it, they restored 3 days worth and appended the date to the tables, but i didn't realize that until Smartys pointed it out in my troubleshoot thread. smile


(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

well all the cool kids slap a "Hosted by (MT)" on their site.. yet MT was down longer than my host (Dreamhost) during the LA power outage earlier in the week.

Media Temple is pretty much hated by a lot of people. smile

thanks again! smile


(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

you guys haven't heard of Reinvigorate?

it's the first thing i thought of when i saw Mint.  pretty much functions like Mint, but it's free.

New version soon, so you can't really test it out yet. they're having a closed beta test currently.


I sent this to Smartys, but maybe someone can help me out (Connor)?

after reupping the 1.2.7 files (on Smartys suggestion of replacing the files), of course it disabled Connor's PM mod.

well after modifying the appropriate files to add the PM functionality and uploading them, everything is fine - except it's not showing the
Messages link in the header for users to access their inbox.

in looking at the php for the functions_navlinks.php:

       require PUN_ROOT.'lang/'.$pun_user['language'].'/pms.php';

               $links[] = '<li id="navpm"><a

i'm guessing that the db thinks that 0_pms_enabled is NOT on.  but in my forum, there are PM links on the profiles, and you can send/receive messages just fine.  it's just not showing in the user main navigation.

it's even in the Admin under Personal Messages, and it's set to On. I turned it to OFF, and the PM links were still showing on users
profiles, but when you click it, it says "Youdo not have persmission to do that" or something along those lines..

I've deleted the cache files in the cache folder. no luck.

any ideas?

smartys is brilliant..

my host restored my db with "20050910_punbb_" instead of "punbb_" prefixes.

thanks! smile

lol I don't care who does it.. I just want this thing rocking. smile

As I said before, Rickard, I can give you access. can i send you the login/password?

and would you like shell access or just phpMySQL access?

And Smartys - I just reupped all the files with no luck. sad

Rickard wrote:

Well, if you restored the full database, you should see them like it was before.

so since I still can't see them, is there anything I can look at in the code to make sure punbb is checking for these forums?

so.. Rickard? anyone?

as far as i know.. which ones should i reup to double check?

done that several times. sad


the one in post #14?

i'm a noob with phpmyadmin.. the cat IDs are listed in the screen shot.. here's what the categories are showing:


i'm leaving work but I'll be home shortly if you respond.. thanks for the help here so far.

Smartys wrote:

and cat_id is set correctly for them to an existing category id?

i guess?  like i said, the db is restored back to normal, i updated punbb to 1.2.7.

how would i check that?

yeah there are.. smile


and here's how it's showing on the site:


did that, but they're still not showing up.

I just took this screen shot of the admin.  The ones in red are the ones that were deleted from the forum and are now restored, but not showing up on the site.


and as you can see from the dropdown, they're still being recognized.


I don't want to re-add that forum to the category that's not showing up on the site because I'm thinking it might wipe out what's in there, which I don't want.

Rickard whatever screen shots you need on phpMyAdmin, let me know.


i ran the updater and it updated fine.

here's what's in my cache folder:


should i delete it all?

thanks for the help guys.. i just really want to get this thing back up and running. i have 750 users wondering wtf is up. smile

the db was restored to its previous state before it was hacked.

however, like I said, I updated from 1.2.4 to 1.2.7 between the time it was hacked and the time the db was restored. 

so punbb thinks I have 4 less dbs than I really do.

so where in the punbb code can I poke around and make sure that it looks for forum ids  7, 12, 16, 18 (the forums that were deleted but are now restored) and stick those in there?

do i need to delete some cache files or something?


well I'm thinking because I upgraded to 1.2.7 with the databases NOT in there at the time, now that they're restored - punBB doesn't see them?

I can give you access..

edit: I went from 1.2.4 to hacked (4 forums removed) to 1.2.7, then db restore.

OK I just went in and I see the forums in the db, so they were restored.  there's actually 4 forums that he deleted, the bastard.

so what do I have to edit in the punBB code to associate the forums?

id 7, 12, 16, 18 are the forums that were deleted.

Hey all,

Was hacked on Saturday morning and he deleted 3 of my forums.

I upgraded to 1.2.7, then put it in maintenance mode until my host restored the db.

They finally just emailed me and said they restored it - but I'm not seeing the 3 forums.

What should I be looking for in phpMyAdmin to see if they're really there, and if they are, how can I get punBB to recognize them again?
