(32 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Display subject of last updated topic in forums on index page.


  • Use fast query without mysql JOIN - on big forums faster then all other analog ext.

  • Well tested - work since first release in 2009.

  • Tested with SQLite db backend.

  • English and Russian lang included.

  • Have configurable settings.

After installed you must click one time on link "Sync all forums" on ext description in admin page.

Download for PunBB 1.3
last_topic_title_on_forum_index.tar.gz — version 0.4.1

Download for PunBB 1.4
last_topic_title_on_forum_index.zip - version 0.6.8





(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Test version is here — http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/ … cy-alerts/


(40 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Extension provide 3 separate type of alerts.

1) When you create topic and other user post reply in this topic. When you read this topic (page with this reply) - alerts disabled. Work only for new topics, created after installed this ext. Also you can alerts on to any other topic. During install ext automatically subscribe author for their topics for last 3 month.

2) When somebody quoted your message.
3) When somebody use your nick in form



With installed fancy_jquery alerts status updated automatic without reloading page — settings present. Default is off.

Dont upgrade if you have version before 0.10 - instead remove it and install version 1.0

Download for PunBB 1.3
fancy_alerts — version 1.3.5

PunBB 1.4
fancy_alerts.zip — version 1.5.10


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Work in progress - 2 days for alpha version.


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Ok. i`m check my ext in default punbb instaliation and answer you.


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Im work ext with this functions - but i need time to complete it and test - 7-10 days.
Fancy Alerts.


(6 replies, posted in News)

Any news here?

FluxBB team rewrite SQL-query for retriving posts in viewtopic.php and got 10x faster on big topics.
I ported his idea to my ext http://punbb.ru/post28307.html#p28307 and it work good, except with ext that change post order in query. But i think one hook may help.

May be we should integrate this imporvents in core and release in 1.3.5? Yes, it break some very small part ext, but results will be good.

I known Slavok tested some things in 1.3-exp branches.


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Its another ext provided javascript library JQuery + addon modules

List of js-modules in lib

  • jquery-1.6.2.js

  • jquery.fancybox.js

  • jquery.form.js

  • jquery.easing.js

  • jquery.timers-1.2.js

  • jquery.cookie.js

  • jquery.mousewheel.js

  • jquery.fader.js

  • jquery.hotkeys.js

  • underscore.js

  • common.js

  • forum.utils.js

Whats new in this ext

  • full automatic process of compile and compressing all js-modules in 1 file

  • lib include forum default common.js, and automatic disable built-in, that disable 1 http-request in server

  • added jquery.fancybox

How use it in own ext


If you use fancy_js_cache - update it to version 1.1. Previus version fancy_js_cache bad working with some css files.

Production version — fancy_jquery.zip — 1.9.4


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I have ext for this called Fancy_fast_gun, it use AJAX without reloading page, but it requires for work this ext http://punbb.ru/topic3551-rasshirennyi- … query.html and maybe little custom work.


Be carefull, this version unoptimized and not tested on clean forum - i have custom build of punbb.

Current dev version optimized and good work on my forum http://forum.iteam.ua/


(13 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Update to version 0.8.5

  • Added logging for email change event


(13 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

In profile added section «Activity» with all security related important actions — login, password change, email change. Saved date and IP-address of action.

Ext has support 2 language - russian and english.

fancy_user_activity.zip — 1.0.3

2 screens

Current stable version - 1.0.1

fancy_js_cache.tar.gz — version 1.0.1


(47 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

No. I have no time for this feature.


(151 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Yes, i known that is possible - but its not normal method. Hook will be much better.


(151 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Needed HOOK for adding elements to $visit_links array in HEADER.PHP

if ($forum_user['g_read_board'] == '1' && $forum_user['g_search'] == '1')
    $visit_links = array();

    if (!$forum_user['is_guest'])
        $visit_links['newposts'] = '<span id="visit-new"'.(empty($visit_links) ? ' class="first-item"' : '').'><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['search_new']).'" title="'.$lang_common['New posts title'].'">'.$lang_common['New posts'].'</a></span>';

    $visit_links['recent'] = '<span id="visit-recent"'.(empty($visit_links) ? ' class="first-item"' : '').'><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['search_recent']).'" title="'.$lang_common['Active topics title'].'">'.$lang_common['Active topics'].'</a></span>';
    $visit_links['unanswered'] = '<span id="visit-unanswered"'.(empty($visit_links) ? ' class="first-item"' : '').'><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['search_unanswered']).'" title="'.$lang_common['Unanswered topics title'].'">'.$lang_common['Unanswered topics'].'</a></span>';


$visit_elements['<!-- forum_visit -->'] = (!empty($visit_links)) ? '<p id="visit-links" class="options">'.implode(' ', $visit_links).'</p>' : '';


  • added compability with ek_chatlite и ajax_post_edit.

  • added ability dont cache inline-javascript

  • rewriten engine

  • added French localization

Beta version for test
fancy_js_cache_test_0.9.7.tar.gz — version 0.9.7
Development and code in GitHub.


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)

In file register.php invalid working FORUM_PAGE type. It`s always set to FORUM_PAGE='rules' even selected register. On default css-style it`s no matter, but if you defined css for class .isactive for navlinks - you can see - when u on register page — rules link is active, not register link.

You can reproduce this bug on informer style or looking in generated html.

Tested again — now looking as not bug, just confused design.

For example in Russian punbb forum http://punbb.ru — i click register link, and go to rules page, but in browser addressbar see http://punbb.ru/register.html (and isactive rules in navlinks) — must be rules.html or something.

On this forum too — go to register, see rules, rules link isactive, but url in addressbar is http://punbb.informer.com/forums/register/ In this case isactive must be register, not rules link.


(11 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I have extension that dont allow users with < 50 posts (configurable) make posts with > 3 links.
That simple method block 99% spam posts becouse all it have many links.


(47 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Its depend of your hosting and count of active torrents, by tracker create very small querys.
U can watch trafic by server logs.

Tracker/Announce url depends of url-shceme using by your forum. But u always may use raw url http://keydogbb.info/extensions/fancy_t … nounce.php

But it work only with torrents added to your forum db - table torrents.


(47 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Not all world use utorrent. Linux users and built-in routers torrents use transmission or rtorrent. They not supported multitrackers spec. Please read this spec http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0012.html

And i dont understand

The url I've used as my tracker (i.e. your extension), will that generate a lot of traffic on my shared host?

I'm interested to know if by default a host doesn't like such trackers and if they block them by default? How could I found out if my host was blocking my tracker?


(47 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Just added more trackers in torrent - bad idea. Becouse u need upload your torrent file to this trackers, ok, not for all but for many of trackers. its may work only in a case of use anonymous trackers without registration and ratio system. May work... but its not standard way and u have more problems becouse user that uses not utorrent or not transmission 1.8 will have problems with peers - becouse all other clients not working with more than 1 trackers. They work but in different way, it use only one tracker and this tracker may not have peers/seeds for your torrent. Thats why this working today. Exception - utorrent and transmission 1.8 - it breaks specification but work good with more than 1 trackers.

And always use lattest version of Simple Bittorent - now it 0.8.21


(47 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

No, normaly use 1 tracker. Becouse mostly bittorent-client use only first tracker url or random url. Exception uTorrent and last version Transmission (1.8). It`s not tracker problem that u cant seed. And still exists method to find other seeds — DHT.

But i can optionally add ability to add other open, not private trackers. In new version. But maybe is not good idea ad trackers where current torrent file not register. Need think and read spec.


(47 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

I think that filename from Topics subject is more informative than just name of torrent. But i can make this configurable - in the next release, in monday.


(47 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

My torrent-forums hide from world an work only in big local net out provider. - that why i cant show u demo - only in screenshot.

Yes, u need create torrent-file in you favorite torrent-client and add this file in new topic. U dont need specify tracker url, becouse forum do it automatically. After create new topic with torrent — u must download torrent file from forum and add it to your bittorent-client for start seeding.


(47 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Version 0.8.21 with fixing errors founded in 0.8.18-0.8.20

fancy_tracker.tar.gz — version 0.8.21