Utchin wrote:

I can only find broadcst_email

And that's only for 1.2 isn't it?


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

stay logged on by default for x min unless I log off actively...

It is in settings, here it is:

Seconds idle before being removed from the online users list

Just increase the value


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

But what if you leave the browser open and then go for a shower, then go for food, then go out to the shop. You wouldn't want the system showing you as logged in for that whole time. I think the current system works well. Maybe just lengthen the time that you are shown online after a period of non-activity?

If users cannot be arsed to use a space bar, they can blame no-one but themselves.

It isn't that they can't be arsed, they simply don't know HOW to do it so I get lots of PMs and new topics asking why smilies are broken when all that is needed is a space bar to parsed before each smilie code.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

i've subscribed this topic so i can implement this later.
Thanks smile

some of my users can't figure out smilies because they only work if you put a space in front of the smilie. it would be good if the smilie code that is outputted included a blank space before the smile


(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

screenshots posted to photobucket or flickr would be nice smile

I agree there should be some static links in the forum template or punbb homepage showing links to the latest themes and extensions. So much good stuff gets lost in the forum archives and search is not easy

yes download some first. there are some here:

there are some here too
http://www.keydogbb.info/dhtml/keydog-1 … styles.php

I think you need to upload some themes to your forum directory.


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Helpful, no
Friendly, yes


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Never mind that, your forum is YELLOW!!! AGH!!!!
Just kidding dude, good luck fixing your problem.


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)

a user reported this to me yesterday. I'll try to find out what browser he is on.

for me, that's perfect smile
other people might think it would be nice to have them under each post, but not for me.

I'd rather it was tucked away on the profile page to stop wasting any vertical space. it's useful info but not so useful that it needs to be shown on every single post.

sounds good to me.
the user should have the option to turn this off for privacy reasons. for example my site is focussed on a small town in England. if a user suddenly goes offline for a few days it could leave them [feeling] vulnerable to being burgled because people will figure out that they've gone on holiday.


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I would love an arcade with a leaderboard showing registered member's scores.


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)

There are a few bugs using the iphone with punbb1.3. Post your own below.

1. email link unknown:
When I subscribe to a topic and receive an email to the built-in email client on the iphone, the link contained in the email leads to an error page. Bad link.

2. Page jumps when finished typing
When viewing a long topic and I use the quick reply at the bottom, once I've finished typing I click "done" on the iphone keyboard and then the screen jumps right up towards the top of the page and I have to scroll all the way back down to post.


(32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

fantasma wrote:

yes broacast mail i need too

same here smile


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Garciat, what's good about it?


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I'm looking forward to future extensions smile


(21 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

8k84 wrote:
gokieks wrote:

The best way to do it, IMO would be to let users silent edit until there's been a reply, or X minutes has passed, whichever comes first...

I second that.


Cheers Garciat.
People are struggling so far with Firefox and (I'm assuming) Internet Explorer.
No reports of problems with Opera or Chrome yet.

Hmmm. Not really. Only really just the main.tpl moving something things around.
But other people have posted here with the same problem. So I'm not sure it would be that.

i've tried a few things now but this issue is costing me visitors and members. They are so fed with no being logged in properly that they are going elsewhere.

Here is a comment this morning from one of my members

Every time I log on to catch up on the threads and I want to add a comment  I have to login again.   mad  Aah I get so fed up I don't bother in the end. sad Is there a way to stop this? neutral

This is the second time I've tried to do this comment.

They are ticking the "remember me" box. That isn't the issue.
The users are at http://www.forumurl.com as opposed to http://forumurl.com (thanks to Garciat for fixing this).

This must be a bug.
I end up telling members to install opera or google chrome to get over the problem as it only seems to affect internet explorer and firefox. But installing a different browser cannot be the answer.

I'm really loving 1.3. It's making everything so easy to moderate BUT the logging in issue is causing lots of unhappy users.