Script to remove users with signatures but no posts from PunBB 1.3.x
Author: Slavok


define('FORUM_ROOT', '/home/.../public_html/.../');
define('NUM_DAYS', 7);

include FORUM_ROOT.'include/essentials.php';

$select_query = array(
        'SELECT' => 'id',
        'FROM'   => 'users',
        'WHERE'  => '( num_posts = 0 ) AND (registered < ( NOW() - '.(NUM_DAYS * 86400).' )) AND (( signature IS NOT NULL ) OR ( url IS NOT NULL ))'

$query_result = $forum_db->query_build($select_query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$num_users = 0;
while ($cur_user = $forum_db->fetch_assoc($query_result))
        delete_user($cur_user['id'], false);
echo $num_users.' was removed from DB'."\n";


Thanks a lot to Slavok for coding this.

Grez wrote:

they would have to register to and generate their API key

It's a very fast process. And compared to the time admins spend on deleting posts, users, signatures: tiny effort. smile Also it's optional to submit. The extension would be easy and non-hassle even with this feature. Additionaly: As we've seen here: While it reduces registrations significantly, there will always be a few that get past. So when someone does get past, you want it  to be 1st and last time big_smile

Grez wrote:

I don't have time/mood for doing that

Fair enough. You've done a great amount in little time, for which I personally am very thankful.

Hey Grez

Found some php code for submitting spammers to stopforumspam, do we need anything else to be able to integrate the "report spammer" feature?

If required, data can be POSTed to the API, using the following example PHP code
function PostToHost($data) {
$fp = fsockopen("",80);
fputs($fp, "POST /add.php HTTP/1.1\n" );
fputs($fp, "Host:\n" );
fputs($fp, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n" );
fputs($fp, "Content-length: ".strlen($data)."\n" );
fputs($fp, "Connection: close\n\n" );
fputs($fp, $data);


(25 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Grez wrote:

You could use hook "co_common" and alter $forum_user['style'] if it's $mobile_browser

If you ever find time to come up with some code for that , I think this might be something worth integrating in the core. Normally I'm not a fan of increasing the size of PunBB, but  the percentage numbers of users with mobile devices justify it, IMO. So very appreciated big_smile

in Oxygen.css


/* General Layout

.brd {


and also

.brd table {
    width: 90%;
    table-layout: fixed;
    empty-cells: show;
    float: center;

A forum member just reminded me of something I thought I'd seen discussed here before, but I can't find the thread.

Some users would like to subscribe to their PMs, or to get an email alert when they have a new private message.

Added this to trac

Sounds interesting.

littlebigfred wrote:

I was wondering if PunBB provided this information itself.

I guess it isn't, if it is, someone please correct me smile


(2 replies, posted in Discussions)

Can you elaborate a bit more, under what cirucmstances you need resending of the validation email?

Added this to trac just now
directly quoting you big_smile


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

As you told me on the [url=[/url]french language forum[/url], this is the solution

RedirectMatch permanent /forum/sujet(.*)$1


To narrow down your problem;

  • which mods

  • what version punbb are you using

  • have you upgraded

  • what upgrade tool did you use

  • check your config.php has got all the right parameters


(35 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

It's because of automatic url detection that is set in admin > settings > features

  Allow BBCode parser to detect URLs and put them into [ u r l ] tag

See working demo here

Edit: added ticket to trac

cornish wrote:

buttons from my site

I'd suggest you create an additional div in /include/template/main.tpl  inserting it at the top and adding your hosting plan offers / logo...

if you want the regular links of the forum to be images just do a search of navlinks here and replace the images found in there with yours.

I think it would be better to change default

line 86 in search.php
            $value = (isset($_GET['value'])) ? intval($_GET['value']) : 86400;
            $value = (isset($_GET['value'])) ? intval($_GET['value']) : 186400;

or even a higher value

The best solution:
add the option to admin panel > features > change active topics
just show last 10 pages, i.e. include pagination for active topics...

Which version are you using?


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Alternative link:


  • Grez added auto-delete if the user has less than 5 posts and tries to send a URL on the list (PS: has worked here 3 times already big_smile )


Mirror 1 | Mirror 2

1. It wouldn't help too much yet if we add it to repository, as the spam.csv file doesn't need a new version each time... 
2. You go to admin page, then scroll down and you see how many bots and how many deletes you've had.
3. Use edit function when posting here instead of two one-liners! big_smile


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Any possibility you can take a look at integrating your geolocation with pun_approval on registration process? … napproval/


(1 replies, posted in PunBB show off)

Hope this topic move answers your question big_smile Anyone wanting to show off will or has done so here....


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

This user also wanted images for ranks, he called it 'badge' for certain member types... … ease-read/

I think so anyway.
Can be cool.

I was just thinking, after deleting users number 1001 from the philippines, and user 1002 from india, and user 1003 from china, that it would come in very handy if I could set in my admin panel countries from which I want registrations to go to pun_approval.

So certain countries I'd set to auto approve and the spam nations I don't expect much regular users from would still be allowed, but need the approval of mod/admin.


(34 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)


I was just thinking it might be good to have the email sent out have the following options at the bottom and in user profile. (Big job I know)

User Tag Notifications

  • Turn on/off email notifications - Link

  • Turn on/off pm notifications - Link

Like that it could be turned on by default and people getting to many etc can just turn it off.

Thanks, have opened a ticket on trac


How should we deal with such URLs (one with spaces, the other with backslash) ?

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