(17 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Ok this extension has no working link and no more support from extension developer. Will close this thread and point people to

http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/ … lease-mp3/


PS: We just had our first auto-delete here big_smile Some chinese IP wanting bad signature.

Audiofeeline wrote:

Using simple captcha image founded on this forum...

Slavok deleted 20k users that got past that captcha in the last 12 months (or so). And several users including myself have reported that the CAPTCHA on by defaut has been circumvented.
So I don't know if you've changed any other settings (for the captchas or elsewhere) or if your forum is just one not being targeted...

Audiofeeline wrote:

Spammers use thousand of domains

If the list has 10'000 domains (atm 1'700) and certain domains like ezinearticles (accounting for 1% of spam URLs) are blocked, it should get expensive and time intensive for the spammers, lowering their margins. That in turn makes the business model less attractive.

As always, it's not a golden bullet, but a further option. smile

PS: Which captchas do you use they can't get around?

Great stuff.  Just installed a slightly moded (style - I needed table font smaller) version of it here (packed into the stopforumspam extension).

Couple of features I'd find neat:

  • Data-Forwarding: Collection of IP, Username, Email-Addy, Post messsge from db - then email that info along with the offending URL to the site admin

  • and/or send a copy of the email to me/us (running the url list) so that we can add more URLs to the list - I assume a post will sometimes have new in addition to old URLs)

  • Delete-message: maybe a message alerting to where they can have the URL delisted (if it got on the list by mistake)

  • also echo the admins email addy on the page with banned reason

PS: The list would have already helped delete 3 bad IPs here today - look forward to the first auto delete big_smile Thanks again for the great work!!

Grez wrote:

TODO for version 0.5:
We should figure out how to "canonize" URLs (no spaces, "/" at the end...) and how to rid of duplicates in .csv file neutral
As well, I could try out how would MySQL table instead of .csv perform

I like the idea of importing the list into the MySQL table if its faster and more importantly can be updated via repository!
Duplicates in list: you mean www.badurl.xxx  www.badurl.xxx/xxx or  two times the exact same?

I thought maybe there's a way to add an admin page, or include on features page like the online_plus extension (improved online list) that the admin can define urls tld's and where they  should link to...

So 2 fields:
1. URL pattern to watch for (if URL = http://tinyurl.com/)
2. URL to send to (url http://tinyurl.com/xxx = http://preview.tinyurl.com/)

Maybe add the top 10 redirect sites like that. If someone is using a redirect site the forum admin doesn't like he could use another section in admin with 2 fields also:

1. URL to block use of  (Enter URL a)
2. We suggest you use (Enter URL b)  instead of URL a
the admin could enter URL b he trusts to do better job of policing...


(118 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

The bug regarding counter still isn't fixed btw.
Also I noticed that if I want to replace the attachment with a newer file and delete the old file from post a "Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated." will be served.

That's a shame as the search ranking was very good for one file that I deleted!
So maybe it would be good if there was a way to delete an attachment from a post without deleting it from the db ?

Will be very interested in those two fixes (deleted, counter).

Yes you're right, seems whatever table he's storing the urls in is a bit messed up.... smile

Today I received this post in a topic to be approved.
Is this someone  trying to execute code in a post, some kind of XSS?
Just think it's weird to have MYSQL errors in a posts text ....

I've recently found  
a marvelous search engine – 
MYSQL ERROR #126 : <small>Incorrect key file for table './spamer/urls.MYI'; try to repair it</small><br><VAR>SELECT u.url as url ,k.key as `key` FROM `urls` as u left join keywords as k on  (u.keyword_id = k.id) where u.id in (46959669741,872521,578290,1017509,1145856,1219828,1277089,821277,1166286,254265)</VAR><br /> 
P.S. Yahoo – everything will be found! Google: nothing was really lost…  
Bye to everyone!

PS: Just found a wordpress user who had same issue, but no answer
http://forum.wordpress-deutschland.org/ … entar.html

or maybe with something like this:

#below is another code example I found#


Not bad blacksuns' method, but i like doing things my way
Here we go:

//there are several servers monitoring tor network status,
//uncomment the one you find more appealing smile
//$curl = curl_init('http://torstatus.kgprog.com/ip_list_exit.php/Tor_ip_list_EXIT.csv');
//$curl = curl_init('https://torstatus.all.de/ip_list_exit.php/Tor_ip_list_EXIT.csv');
//$curl = curl_init('http://torstatus.amorphis.eu/ip_list_exit.php/Tor_ip_list_EXIT.csv');
//$curl = curl_init('http://torstatus.cyberphunk.org/ip_list_exit.php/Tor_ip_list_EXIT.csv');
//$curl = curl_init('http://tns.hermetix.org/ip_list_exit.php/Tor_ip_list_EXIT.csv');
$curl = curl_init('http://torstatus.blutmagie.de/ip_list_exit.php/Tor_ip_list_EXIT.csv');
$fp = fopen('/tmp/tor_nodes', 'w');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);

$db = mysql_connect('host', 'user', 'pass');//replace with your values
mysql_select_db('verlihub', $db);
mysql_query('TRUNCATE TABLE tor_nodes');//faster than DELETE FROM...
$row = 1;
$file = fopen('/tmp/tor_nodes', 'r');
while (($data = fgetcsv($file, 16, '\n')) !== FALSE)
    $num = count($data);
    for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++)
        //echo $data[$c] . "<br />";//if you need some testing
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO tor_nodes(node_ip) VALUES('$data[$c]')", $db);

Next, we need a table, something like the folowing will do:

CREATE TABLE tor_nodes (node_ip varchar(16) NOT NULL);

No indexes, no fluff, only one column. If you find MyISAM too slow, convert to MEMORY (HEAP), the amount of data is very small, and the speed excellent. Now put the script into a cronjob(hence the shebang), running it hourly won't kill anyone.
So, we have everything up to date, a lua script is all we need, fortunately our friend Shagrath® shared one, to serve as starting point (thank you). Here we go:

foo = 1
function VH_OnUserLogin(nick)
      local res, OpChat = VH:GetConfig("config", "opchat_name")
      local res, userIP = VH:GetUserIP(nick)
      local res, host = VH:GetUserHost(nick)
      local query = "SELECT node_ip FROM tor_nodes WHERE node_ip = '"..userIP.."'"
      res, match = VH:SQLQuery(query)
      if match >= foo then
        VH:SendDataToUser("<BOFH> This hub doesn't accept connections from tor exit nodes. Bye.|",nick) --let him know what happened
         VH:SendPMToAll("Tor user detected, disconnecting... :)\nnick:\t"..nick.."\nIp:\t"..userIP.."\nHost:\t"..host.."\t Neeext!|", OpChat, 3, 10)
   return true

That's it, now run your benchmarks

**Edit: added VH:SendDataToUser, let the tor/proxy rider know what is going on.

source: http://forums.verlihub-project.org/view … amp;t=4691

If any coders have some spare time big_smile
I'd love to be able to set in my admin panel

X   Disable users from Tor network to post  ( if user <3 posts)
X   Disable users from Tor network to register

/* NOTES on Irongeek's TorOrNot script:
To use this php script on some pages it will need it to have a png extension.
To do this, put a redirect from a png file to the php file in your apache config file (httpd.conf) or .htaccess.
Example line:
Redirect /torornot.png /torornot.php

Consider this code to be GPLed, but I'd love for you to email me at Irongeek (at) irongeek.com with any changes you make.
More information about using php and images can be found at http://us3.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php
More information on detecting Tor exit nodes with TorDNSEL see https://www.torproject.org/tordnsel/

Adrian Crenshaw
header("Content-type: image/png");
//header("Content-type: text/html");
if (IsTorExitPoint()) {
$im = imagecreatefrompng("tor.png");
$im = imagecreatefrompng("nottor.png");
imageAlphaBlending($im, true);
imageSaveAlpha($im, true);

function IsTorExitPoint(){
if (gethostbyname(ReverseIPOctets($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']).".".$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'].".".ReverseIPOctets($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']).".ip-port.exitlist.torproject.org")=="") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function ReverseIPOctets($inputip){
$ipoc = explode(".",$inputip);
return $ipoc[3].".".$ipoc[2].".".$ipoc[1].".".$ipoc[0];

source: http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=secu … ode-in-php

Today I came across this spam post

<a href="http://tinyurl.com/m7ryjy">How to Train a Puppy</a> and <a href="http://tinyurl.com/nzluf2">Small Dog Breeds</a>
[url=http://tinyurl.com/23s7omg]Puppy Training[/url]
[url=http://tinyurl.com/25x8dgq]Puppy Training[/url]

After speaking to the founder it turns out tinyurl has a cool function to add




so I was able to find the backlinks (without going to the spammers site) the guys above are generating traffic for:

http://www.puppy-training-at-home.com/     Small Dog Breeds 
http://hubpages.com/profile/puppytraining09     Puppy Training 
http://ezinearticles.com/?expert_bio=Ricky_Chea    Puppy Training

Now I'm wondering should every URL from tinyurl be parsed to preview.tinyurl ?


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)

since you installed a certain extension?

Can you post the exact full post in code tags here
or email it to me  see my avatar....

and the IPs they've been using?

Edit: found some of their urls and keywords:

[url=http://www.overstocksilver.com/sterling-silver-rings.html]Silver Rings[/url]
[url=http://www.overstocksilver.com/[/url]]Sterling Silver Necklaces[/url]
[url=http://www.overstocksilver.com/diamondczrings.html]CZ Rings[/url]
[url=http://www.overstocksilver.com/tiinstsidicz.html]tiffany key pendant[/url]

* added big_smile

Now we just need our ace Grez to make this code take out those users posting those links... not just warning tongue


(34 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Also just noticed while using, you'd probably want a check to see if the user being tagged is online. Not much point emailing if a member is online. Just a private message would probably be enough.


(34 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Tested and working my end! Love it! Thanks!!!

Edit: Just wondering now how to transition that extension into a board like this one.
Is it something that board users should be

  • informed about before, but set as default

  • only activated for users who have agreed (like with rules)

Any opinions?

ephestione wrote:

user whom the mail is arriving to, must be registered as "admin" in said forum

Afraid not big_smile It's going to the owner of a CMS on another URL  ! And it's showing the URL of the CMS instead of anything to do with forum. Definitely need to revisit the mail being replaced by forum_mail


(34 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

The good news; it's now putting links to @user, however bad news, it's not sending any email. unless I missed the setting to turn that on?

No, ntw, the extension 1.1.0 works without disabling anything on my board.

Intention I have:
Block the url being posted AND show to admin (as it doesn't ban the user)

Some bots immediately tried the backslashes.

So what would have to be changed to get the result:
1. Warning as is now
+ if you publish this URL your account will be blocked.
2. If user tries to publish even then:
You  tried to publish a URL on the spam list, you're account is temporarily blocked. A moderator will contact you shortly, ( for example)

Edit: Example - I've had the same spammer come and post 3-8 posts, all with the same 8 links. If that code in URL Checker blocked the user as soon as he confirmed he's wants to send those links, dozens of users would not get an email with his spam links. Very important in my eyes.

Just a little issue I have... the email addy it's coming from is not the usual forum email I have set...
It's using another one... I have two websites with different URL and different email admins etc... but your extension is somehow getting them from the root....

Any idea what I have to do to get default forum email sending?

Are you using v. 1.1.0  or 1.0.2  of the spoiler ext?

I think it may have been user activity monitoring!
or then improved online list

try them two
I know you want them all, but like that I know it's not just my setup or board that's playing one off against the other....


(34 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

nhodges wrote:

Which PunBB are you using, and do you have the latest version of the extension?

Yes and yes (1.3.4 / 1.0.9)

But more important
MySQL Improved 5.1.42
PHP: 5.2.12

Which MySQL are you using?

I had that recently aswell that exact error. Could only fix by disabling another extension, but forgot which!
Which other extensions do you have installed?


(34 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

getting this;

An error was encountered

The error occurred on line 2483 in /.../include/functions.php

Database reported: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY p.id DESC LIMIT 1, 1' at line 1 (Errno: 1064).

when trying to post with @username