Thanks for that. I'll move this to bug reports.
676 2010-08-17 07:13
Re: Bug in Ext Pun_BBCode: bar is missing - Parse error in code (23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)
677 2010-08-16 20:41
Re: Pokemon Opal Scrolling Error (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Link/code would be useful.....
678 2010-08-16 20:40
Re: Main.tpl and inserting onload .js aswell as div and style of div (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
I like the feel and ease of adding images etc to that one I used ... plus you don't have to click to make it drop down . But I have used that kind of script you did (hideshow)...
What is very cool is how you've done the album with pictures - lightbox/slimbox effect? Or what are you using there to make the images larger? There's an extension here that does something like that … n-slimbox/
679 2010-08-16 18:38
Topic: Main.tpl and inserting onload .js aswell as div and style of div (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
I'm working on a extension that puts a dropdown menu on my site. See here for working example. Some of the .js I'm already calling via extension manifest.xml. However main.tpl remains my issue.
The first and last line are what is already in main.tpl ... there's also body tag, but I'm adding the onload of the ajax and then the div and the script....
My question: What would the elegant way be to do this all via the extension?
<body onload="initMenu()">
<div style= "left: 68px; top: 6px; position: absolute; border: 0px;">
<div id="menuObj"></div>
</div> <div class="content">
var menu;
function initMenu() {
menu = new dhtmlXMenuObject("menuObj");
menu.loadXML("http://forum/extensions/dhtmlx_menu/ajx/samples/common/dhxmenu.xml?etc="+new Date().getTime(),function(){
// menu.addNewSeparator("file");
<div id="brd-wrap" class="brd">
680 2010-08-16 17:51
Re: [Extension release] URL Checker For Posts And Signatures (43 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
You can't search it
Strange, I see everything as I should... AH HANG ON, I just split a topic off, and it doesn't show up either, you're right
EDIT: I just noticed that if the post that is being split is say 5 days old, the new split of topic will be down the list, when that post was made so 5 days ago....
Is splitting topics core part of PunBB or is it an extension?
Pun Move Posts 1.0.1, I believe....
Done. Download link
Thanks a lot, will test... EDIT: Can confirm works as wanted ! Great stuff.
NOTE: I have incl. the latest spam.csv file in this release with over 1200 URIs
681 2010-08-16 12:34
Re: [Extension Release] Icon Images (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
The images are very simple, they're in the extension folder "images" ...
Just download and check...
682 2010-08-16 12:32
Re: [Extension release] Antispam (30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
There isn't any settings page.
It's only possible to go directly into phpmyadmin for example and see what IPs are being banned.
If it's installed it's "on".
683 2010-08-16 10:45
Re: Script that kills/deletes any user with 0 posts and a signature or www (7 replies, posted in Feature requests)
FYI; Just received this response/instruction to set it as a daily cron job.
Might be useful to others
Put your above sql in a file called /root/delete.sql and create a shell script as follows /root/
mysql -u 'DBuser' -p'DBpassword' -h localhost punbbDBName < /root/delete.sql
Test it with dummy data and once it worked set up real db name and call /root/ using a daily cron job.
contrib by:
rockdalinux @ … -post.html
684 2010-08-16 05:02
Re: [Solved] Allow View / Download of Attachments Without Login (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
In your "yourforum"» Administration » Users » Groups » Edit existing group
Go to guests and set
Attachment rules
X Allow users to download files
685 2010-08-15 23:35
Re: Is there a Cash Mod for PunBB 1.3.x (1 replies, posted in Feature requests)
No... please continue your quest here … cy-system/
686 2010-08-15 23:20
Re: Script that kills/deletes any user with 0 posts and a signature or www (7 replies, posted in Feature requests)
This worked (thx Grez and Alex Kemp)!:
just noticed I had given the table a prefix (so fer instead of punbb)
and more importantly:
IS NOT NULL is the correct syntax it turns out
DELETE FROM fer_users
( num_posts = 0 ) AND
( registered < ( NOW() - 2592000 )) AND
( signature IS NOT NULL ) OR
( url IS NOT NULL )
687 2010-08-15 20:58
Re: [Release] Portal by Daris (170 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
Excuse me
How to fix this problem?
I used Firefox 3.6.6.
I was just looking at the portal in a window that was only 840px and that happened aswell
However if I fix the size of the board to minimum 950px in style/Oxygen.css it aligns correctly
Try that...
/* General Layout
.brd {
padding: 1.3em 2em;
margin: 20px auto;
max-width: 1100px;
min-width: 950px;
width: 90%;
688 2010-08-15 16:55
Re: PunBB 1.3 (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)
I ask for help so that the user can have an avatar through a url. (As usually do all boards)
That is, by default it is to attach avatars but I would be using a URL.
Can you give a link of a board that has what you want, maybe a screenshot aswell...
PS: I'm pretty sure what you want doesn't exist at the moment. Plus: You need to find someone who can help you write in english what you want. It would probably be a feature or more likely an extension request.
689 2010-08-15 16:34
Re: Dudes, please help :) (1 replies, posted in Discussions)
Can you please continue in your initial post:
I'm closing this.
690 2010-08-15 16:32
Re: Script that kills/deletes any user with 0 posts and a signature or www (7 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Guess you really hate spammers, right?
Not even. It's more along the lines: why let them make money or defraud your forum users...
Thanks for code but I get this;
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'NULL OR url NOT NULL)' at line 1
691 2010-08-15 13:53
Re: Parameter/email (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
Welcome to PunBB … -user-end/
If that doesn't solve your problem, please ask in that thread. I'm closing this one.
692 2010-08-15 10:34
Re: Script that kills/deletes any user with 0 posts and a signature or www (7 replies, posted in Feature requests)
This is one (well parts of) I was shown for PhpBB
Should look easier for PunBB as we have the IP stored ...
// note before: these are snippets taken directly from an admin script; I'm not going to show everything!
// `$cnx' is the connection resource for the phpBB2 db
// `sudoers' needs to be setup before to allow the `sudo` CLI command to work
$C_USR_WHERE = "(`user_active` > 0) and (`user_posts` < 1) and ((`user_website` > '') or (`user_sig` > ''))";
$C_USR_MAN_ON = ( mysql_result( mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE $C_USR_WHERE", $cnx ), 0 ) > 0 )
$select = '*';
$from = 'users';
$where = $C_USR_WHERE;
$order = 'user_id';
$r = mysql_query("
SELECT $select
FROM $from
WHERE $where
ORDER BY $order
LIMIT $cStart, $ShowRows
", $cnx );
$users = array();
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $r )) {
$users['user_id'][] = $row['user_id'];
$users['username'][] = $row['username'];
$users['user_website'][] = $row['user_website'];
$users['user_sig'][] = $row['user_sig'];
$users['user_interests'][] = $row['user_interests'];
$users['user_email'][] = $row['user_email'];
$users['time'][] = (( $row['user_lastvisit'] > $row['user_session_time'])
? $row['user_lastvisit']
: (( $row['user_session_time'] > $row['user_regdate'])
? $row['user_session_time']
: $row['user_regdate']
$oldSetting = ignore_user_abort( TRUE ); // in case it takes forever
if( !empty( $users['username'])) foreach( $users['username'] as $key => $username ) {
// phpBB2 does not store IPs in user record
// first check if there is a chance of getting it
if( $users['time'][ $key ] > $five_weeks_ago ) {
$str = "/bin/egrep -hm 1 '\"$username\"' /var/log/httpd/access_log /var/log/httpd/access_log.1 /var/log/httpd/access_log.2 /var/log/httpd/access_log.3 /var/log/httpd/access_log.4";
( $str = trim(`sudo $str 2>&1`)) and
(( $pos = strpos( $str, ' ')) !== FALSE )
) {
$users['user_ip'][ $key ] = substr( $str, 0, $pos );
} else {
$users['user_ip'][ $key ] = '';
} else {
$users['user_ip'][ $key ] = '';
$userHidden->val = $users['user_id'][ $key ];
$Cip->val = $users['user_ip'][ $key ];
$Submit->val = 'Remove';
$remove = $Form->show( $userHidden->show() . $Cip->show() . $Start->show() . $Submit->show());
$Submit->val = 'Clear';
$clear = $Form->show( $userHidden->show() . $Clear->show() . $Start->show() . $Submit->show());
$rowStyleTog = ( $rowStyleTog ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
$Rows .= hTR(
hTD( $remove ).
hTD( $username ).
hTD( $users['user_email'][ $key ]).
hTD( $users['user_website'][ $key ]).
hTD( $users['user_sig'][ $key ]).
hTD( $users['user_interests'][ $key ]).
hTD( $clear )
,'','','','','','','','', (( $rowStyleTog ) ? $StyleHi : ''));
ignore_user_abort( $oldSetting ); // don't mind user-abort now
$TableHead = $Form->show( hTHead(
hTR( hTD( $search->show(), 6 )).
hTR( hTD('', 6 )).
hTH('Username '. _T_DESC ).
hTH('Email Address').
,'', 'middle'));
693 2010-08-14 17:11
Re: change image board (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)
Your welcome.
Any questions or probs in this thread (closing this one)
694 2010-08-14 17:09
Topic: [Extension Release] Icon Images (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
This extension replaces the current icons with images.
You can easily add your own set to the images folder in the extension for personalisation of your board.
Download Mirror 1 …
Download Mirror 2
Download Mirror 3 …
Note: Based on a Rich Pedley extension called Forum Fixes Images
695 2010-08-14 17:03
Re: change image board (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)
If you have some png images you can download this extension and then just replace the existing ones with yours.
The extension uses a .css stylesheet to replace the existing icon style. There's also a folder with icon images.
696 2010-08-14 10:20
Topic: Script that kills/deletes any user with 0 posts and a signature or www (7 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Any user or your board who has not posted does not need (or deserve )a signature, except for spam.
That's why I'd appreciate a script that that kills/deletes any user with 0 posts and a signature or website link.
Looking at my phpmyadmin tables
num_posts <1 + signature (not null)
and / or
num_posts <1 + url (not null)
delete user from table
697 2010-08-14 06:26
Re: [Release] User Activity Monitoring (9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
Settings ->Features -> Show User Activity Online only Admin
Very nice, thanks.
Bug report:
I noticed that any images being display - either through main.tpl or navlinks I use - disappear when I go to the page "myforum"/who_does
Reason: Your code rewrites the links to images as "myforum"/who_does/"path to image" instead of keeping "myforum"/"path to image" ...
Thanks for taking a look.
698 2010-08-14 05:24
Topic: Auto-Blocking users who post <a href="">, i.e. html links (1 replies, posted in Discussions)
I've noticed a lot of the automatic bots signatures, sometimes also posts, include <a href=""> links .
It's rare for a real user to make the mistake of posting html.
Maybe it would be good idea to temporarily ban/block any user that tries to post such links automatically?
Maybe have an email sent to the "offending" user telling him a moderator or admin needs to unblock his account?
Or is that to extreme?
Should maybe just a warning appear that tells the user that he needs to put such links in code tags?
699 2010-08-13 15:10
Topic: Antispam PLUS URL Checker (13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
Here's the corrected version incl the URL checker:
Grez added auto-delete if the user has less than 5 posts and tries to send a URL on the list
26-08-2010: v1.0.4
21-08-2010: v1.0.3
16-08-2010: v1.0.2
13-08-2010: v1.0.1 … (rapidshare)
You can download the latest list of bad urls by going to
this page and downloading the latest .csv
700 2010-08-13 13:12
Topic: User Search - Only possible to ban / not unban (0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting) … =find_user
Wouldn't it be a good idea to add an unban button next to the ban button? (if the user is already banned)