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VERY cool. Just tried it and especially like the spoiler!
PS: How do you HIDE again... what code would I need to add?
Question: I'm trying to post 4 divx clips each in a seperate spoiler and then when the user has finished one, he can click hide and show the next one....
I'm trying to get this .js to work;
var activeRow = null;
// Funstion to set the roll over color
function rowOver(whichEl) {
if ((!activeRow) || (activeRow && activeRow != whichEl)) whichEl.className = "row-over";
// Funstion to set the roll Out color
function rowOut(whichEl) {
if ((!activeRow) || (activeRow && activeRow != whichEl)) whichEl.className = "row";
by inserting this in .css
/* Row Over
.row {
background: #FFFFFF;
color: #000000;
.row-over A:link {
background: #CCCCCC;
color: #FF4400;
.row-over A:visited {
background: #CCCCCC;
color: #FF4400;
.row-over {
background: #CCCCCC;
color: #000000;
CURSOR: hand;
then adding
onmouseover="rowOver(this)" onmouseout="rowOut(this)
to the index or viewtopic;
problem: I can't seem to find the right place in the .php's to place that line
anyone got any ideas?
I tried
<div id="forum<?php echo $cur_forum['fid'] ?>" class="main-item<?php echo $forum_page['item_style'] ?>">
but that just makes the last post info expand across the whole forum width... :S
Best ask the forum admin of that site, using Vbulletin btw ....
If you want exactely those just right click and save? they don't have the copyright for them (I don't believe)...
moved this topic from punbb discussion to general discussion
frankpeng wrote:I do not know.
Your job to find out
frankpeng wrote:I don't know how to reset password.
Go to user profile, in introduction top right corner there's CHANGE PASSWORD
IMO this is not a bug, but a 'challenged user' problem (moved topic to troubleshooting)
semantics I guess
but a patch like you made
is unusual for a fix here... not even sure how I use that on mysql
you're the first person to ever post script/code like that anyway
normal procedure:
bug report => extension gets fixed and update released....
EricB wrote:Correct! I also had to change this line to avoid it giving me an error:
else if (utf8_strlen($subject) > 70)
$errors[] = $lang_post['Too long subject'];
yes forgot that ... yw
mySQL 5.1.x
punBB 1.3.2
in this particular instance I see there must be large timelag because the counters do change over the course of 24 hours ...
but either way you're right... the bug needs to be fixed in extension....
you need to go to
change maxlength
<span class="fld-input"><input id="fld<?php echo $forum_page['fld_count'] ?>" type="text" name="req_subject" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['req_subject'])) echo forum_htmlencode($subject); ?>" size="70" maxlength="70" /></span>
charlyx wrote:download_counter keeps value 0 in db, because the script exits without ending the transaction.
I've looked at my db values for downloads and they are counted, but do not load immediately on refresh of page. It seems to take a while for the download_counter to return the value?
frankpeng wrote:Then one user reported he could not login.
Did he have this problem with all browsers, which one is he using?
Jürgen wrote:I was told by somebody that Internet security software and toolbars might interfere with cookies.
I noticed today with FF 3.5.8 on Vista that when I login and it tries to redirect FF blocks the new page from loading, asking if I want to allow it to go to a new website. Strange.
bmaker wrote:Nontheless it would be appropriate to recode the german language files that are downloadable at the main page. Last update seems to be from 2005..
There's a zip with 1.3.4 - that was last year.... but true in principle, I think anyone can upload to the wiki....
PS: Don't delete posts, edit them to being empty if you're ashamed ! Looks like I'm talking to myself otherwise.... and thanks for the list of which files are bad...
no coding ansi and utf-8 are not equivalent
go to format in pspad and change to uft-8 then save
simple as hell
open the templates that don't work in pspad or equivalent and then save as UTF-8
also check in the bottom right hand side of pspad whether the template giving you trouble is currently ANSI - if it's ANSI the solution should be UFT-8
Agree with 1. + 2.
must have extensions
for 2. probably pun_attachment could be modified
I think it's much better to host the images than have them elsewhere...
I have two css files and the 1.css #2 arrow.png is colliding with #1 .star rating 'rate-star.png' in IE and firefox, but no Chrome. Anyone got any ideas why the arrow.png would be repeat-appearing over the stars which are coded correctly to repeat? (it's not directly related to punbb, that's why I'm posting here)
1.css #2
background:transparent url(../images/arrow.png) no-repeat scroll left top;
2.css #1
.star-rating, .star-rating a:hover, .star-rating a:active, .star-rating a:focus, .star-rating .current-rating {
background:transparent url(images/rate-star.png) repeat-x scroll left -1000px;
the css of the ajaxpopform didn't have li background: none set .... so the li image from my other main .css was showing... you get rid of it by changing the
.star-rating li {
display: inline;
background: none;
ajaxpopupform is a jquery based cool popup window which can be used as contact , feedback … forms on your websites . It’s easy to install and customize .It use ajax to check the email , null fields and use phpmailer to send email
Download 0.0.1
// first step
contact.php // change lines:
87, 88
$to, $subject
// second step
ajaxpopform.js //change line
url: "http://yourwebsite/extensions/ajaxpopform/contact.php",
// third step
backup your main.tpl
change main.tpl in include/template (extension)
to what you want the form to say
then replace your include/template/main.tpl in root (not extension)
// fourth step
install the extension (place unzipped folder in extensions folder)
PS: THIS IS A BETA!!! any improvements to the extension welcome (i.e. changing main.tpl isn't pretty) also the stars aren't showing as they should !
Credits: … axpopform/
I included jquery 1.4.1 directly in the extension
100% correct. That's where my prob was (configured ajaxpopform with instead of! Now it works without any other changes.
Thanks a lot.
The original uses this contact.php code which is called from ajaxpopform.js here.
Contact.php uses
function validEmail($email)
$to = '';
$subject = 'Test ajaxpop form';
$from = $_POST['email'];
Not really sure how this will relate to the email.php of punbb...
Do I need to include email.php in contact.php or is it enough replacing
function validEmail($email) with
function forum_mailer($to, $subject, $message, $reply_to_email = '', $reply_to_name = '')
I've integrated a ajax pop form into my test site
bottom right corner
taken from … axpopform/
now I don't understand how the sending of the email will work -
a. should I try and get the phpmailer sending it and seperately configured or
b. is there some way to use the forums mailer?
any pointers appreciated
I'd like to put the code below in my index.php via an extension
What does the manifest.xml need to look like?
($hook = get_hook('in_users_online_pre_online_info_output')) ? eval($hook) : null;
<div id="brd-online" class="gen-content" style="display: none;">
<h3 class="hn"><span><?php printf($lang_index['Currently online'], implode($lang_index['Online stats separator'], $forum_page['online_info'])) ?></span></h3>
<?php if (!empty($users)): ?> <p><?php echo implode($lang_index['Online list separator'], $users) ?></p>
<?php endif; ($hook = get_hook('in_new_online_data')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>
($hook = get_hook('in_users_online_end')) ? eval($hook) : null;
then I guess I'll be able to deduct for the second block which is this one:
($hook = get_hook('in_stats_pre_info_output')) ? eval($hook) : null;
<div id="brd-statistics" class="gen-content">
<h2 class="hn"><span>Board: Statistics <a id="clickMeA" href="javascript:toggle3('brd-stats','clickMeA');"><img src="/extensions/hide_show_category/img/plus.png"></a> | Online <a id="clickMeB" href="javascript:toggle3('brd-online','clickMeB');"><img src="/extensions/hide_show_category/img/plus.png"></a></span></h2>
<div id="brd-stats" class="gen-content" style="display: none">
<h2 class="hn"><span><?php echo $lang_index['Statistics'] ?></span></h2>
<?php echo implode("\n\t\t", $stats_list)."\n" ?>
($hook = get_hook('in_stats_end')) ? eval($hook) : null;
($hook = get_hook('in_users_online_start')) ? eval($hook) : null;
thx for feedback
new version:
Download V.0.0.2
change: added a seperate .js file instead of adding code to manifest (seems that isn't compliant with xhtml....)
Question: What do I need to do, to replace/add to a div of index.php?
I'd like to put it into manifest so that no manual code change is required!
What a bunch of dicks running that site! I just checked their most "popular" forums... they're all fall of spam posts and spam users... says a lot about their service.
You've given them thousands of ad impressions and the bastards won't even back up your db (work of 2-3min).... bad show
Interesting that phpbb can be extracted like you mention above.... I guess it's possible after all somehow then, but you saw the guy who made the hack: cost of developing something like that, time invested etc = very large if he wasn't doing it for fun
You basically need a major rewrite of the css to fit a 320px screen as that's less than halft the current minimum width size...
In my opinion YOU (or your users) need to specify what info you do and don't want. Example: the left colomn in viewpost is something that would probably have to be hidden/display:none and instead next to the date at start of post inser the name of poster to save those 15-20% width for a start... etc etc
PS: What percentage of your daily users comes on with mobile devices?
I know that when I wanted a customisation quickly of something specific for 1.3 that required several hours of coding, I contacted a coder and paid him for it... He did it as an extension and I paid him 50% upfront rest upon completion ... If you need it and can afford it, it's a good way to get quick results...
If you have time, then you can add it to wiki as extension feature request and hope that someone does it... as I don't know how many other "tickets" / "requests" are pending etc I have no idea how fast that will be...
I happen to think it will be a useful addition personally as an extension. But sadly beyond my capabilities
simple answer: No
PS: maybe give them a call
Tel. +1.7734230210
US, chicago number ....
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