you're running 1.2.x
you need to get the mysql database from your host (backup)
your style will only work on 1.2.x
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PunBB Forums → Posts by KeyDog
you're running 1.2.x
you need to get the mysql database from your host (backup)
your style will only work on 1.2.x
I deleted the line
$show_as = 'posts';
in search_functions.php
after lines 529-530:
$url_type = $forum_url['search_user_posts'];
$search_id = $value;
does that show them how you'd want them?
only problem is that then sticky and closed aren't defined... but the layout would be right
these are the lines 1355-1361 which are relevant to the profile (profile.php)
if you choose the green block you'll get the last posts of user....
// Setup search links
if ($forum_user['g_search'] == '1')
$forum_page['user_activity'] = array();
$forum_page['user_activity']['search_posts'] = '<li class="first-item"><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['search_user_posts'], $id).'">'.sprintf($lang_profile['View user posts'], forum_htmlencode($user['username'])).'</a></li>';
$forum_page['user_activity']['search_topics'] = '<li><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['search_user_topics'], $id).'">'.sprintf($lang_profile['View user topics'], forum_htmlencode($user['username'])).'</a></li>';
i.e. replace search_topics with search_posts in the Amelotti post etc...
With our next release just around the corner, we wanted to give our labs community a taste of what we’ve been cooking up since our launch of DivX Plus Web Player 2.0... We’ve received some great feedback and suggestions from everyone and have been working hard to enhance the web player’s performance. Our latest labs release version 2.0.1 is now available for download with the following enhancements:
Decreased buffering time
Enhanced CPU usage
Improved subtitle characters
Improved stability and performance
Increased picture quality (sharper text)
Fixed issue with mouse cursor disappearing
Improved calculation and display of buffering
Improved compatibility with web servers that support limited HTTP features
More specific and clearer error messages
Improved handling of JavaScript API
1. I've just tried on two seperate installations to download attachments as a guest. With guests set to allow. Did not work. If it works on your test-environment I guess it must be something I've changed....
2. Try and download from here , then from my page: … -beta.html
I have settings to allow guests.... and CHMOD settings are okay as one can access via 3rd site...?
EDIT: my bad, viewtopic.php file was corrupt... all seems to be working as it should now.
To clarify:
On entry to the forum, you want an additional link
$visit-links['newtopics'] at the top right I assume,
so you need to look at lines 202, 204, 205 of header.php
Then in search.php you want to add the additional variables
for the quicksearch starting line 78 (probably near line 89 add lines
else if ($action == 'show_newtopics') [etc]
Then we'd need to know the 'forum_id'/'cat_id' , i.e. the specific forum
you want to filter search by...
We also need 'posted', not 'last_post' to be searched.
Just trying to get the parameters right...
from lines 413 onwards you can see the way quick searches are generated
so closest example for you will be case on line 425.....
the biggest change I can see in the code from your last post with your code from back then is:
AND t.forum_id IN ("3","30", "31")
you need to add that below your block of code imitating line 435 I think
might be even better for you?
Did you have this working on previous version , what was mod (link)?
Change the value of the $base_url variable in config.php
1. How do I make attachments visible for guests?
2. The download link [...]misc.php?item=[#]&download=1 can be pasted into another website (assuming a member has accessed it and copied it) and the file then downloaded without any restrictions (however the counting then stops on my website) - so : is there a way to keep counting, or even know where it is being accessed from?
(ps: the good thing about 2. is that I can pop in the download link to anything I've uploaded to my forum here and the file is directly downloaded to the client without any rapidshare, mediafire, etc etc limitations or ads!)
I was just trying to figure out a way to get a link showing next to post-byline and can't seem to find it in a div anywhere
which makes me wonder why is there post-author as div class and not also one for post-byline or vice versa...
My aim was to have a function that toggles the userinfo when clicked (saving having to go to user profile or clogging page with info which is mostly not needed - by me )
I'm trying to get the same effect as with my hide show category ext/mod....
Or if they're trying to have a site that's easier to navigate on HTC, iPhone, netbooks (i.e. small screens) ?
probably if you download and zip
a. the database via phpmyadmin and
b. the rest via ftp to your drive
all things will be ready to upload should you lose it
in my experience it's more important your mysql host is reliable as they can fix a lot and create daily backups (frequent in any case) of the database....
Hide Show Category (Beta)
beta testing mode
Current roadblocks: (It's still a mod more than an extension)
1. I've not yet found a way to replace the code on lines 115-122 with what I needed. (I've just changed them in index.php to what I wanted, but would like to do this via the extension)
2. I can't manipulate the images (plus/minus.png) as I wish via the stylesheet (I currently need to go to index.php and align etc
3. I'm not using jquery commands, only what I believe to be regular javascript commands
4. If someone visits without js activated they can't navigate forum (this could be bad for SEO!)
See the installation notes in zip
Download V.0.0.1
Download V.0.0.2
Any and all feedback welcome.
Currently running on
build me a style giving what i have already got … -13-order/
Get in touch with that person....
when you're logged in as admin you have seperate language settings
you need to go to your profile and change language in settings there aswell
Liked this idea and tested it as an extension
Shows the Topic ID as (Ref #x) in forum overview....
To Developers:
I propose following 2 new css id's are added to version 1.3.5 ! : extensions , extcopyright
i.e. oxygen.css
/* Footer
#brd-about #extensions {
text-align: left;
float: left;
color: #000000;
margin-left: 0em;
/* display: none;*/
#brd-about #extcopyright {
text-align: right;
float: right;
color: #000000;
margin-left: 0em;
/* display: none;*/
so that for example in the hook about_ft_end such code can be added in future updates of extensions:
echo '<p id="extensions">Currently installed: <span id="extensions-used" title="'.implode(', ', $pun_extensions_used).'.">'.count($pun_extensions_used).' extensions</span><br>
<p id="extcopyright"> Powered by <a href="">PunBB</a></p>';
to make it look like this footer (save colors):
Cool, makes sense that userlist search is disabled for guests
... I already have the next idea as I like that autocomplete function
the same for SEARCH of topics / posts! but there without being disabled for guest ?
PS: where is color set for the autosuggestions... on my test forum it's always black on a darkish grey...
<title>Show links in new window</title>
<description>Open all links from posts, signatures and user websites in new windows</description>
also solves that problem
the file url_replace.php is missing from the package you downloaded...
try just copying the one from lang/english ....
I added (or modified) the below to some of the extensions, official or non official, on my board and
added display: none; to the copyright css
<hook id="co_common"><![CDATA[
$pun_extensions_used = array_merge(isset($pun_extensions_used) ? $pun_extensions_used : array(), array($ext_info['id']));
<hook id="ft_about_end" priority="9"><![CDATA[
if (!defined('PUN_EXTENSIONS_USED') && !empty($pun_extensions_used))
if (count($pun_extensions_used) == 1)
echo '<p style="clear: both; ">The '.$pun_extensions_used[0].' official extension is installed. Copyright © 2003–2009 <a href="">PunBB</a>.</p>';
echo '<p style="clear: both; ">Currently installed: <span id="extensions-used" title="'.implode(', ', $pun_extensions_used).'.">'.count($pun_extensions_used).' extensions</span><br> Powered by <a href="">PunBB</a></p>';
What I don't know is: how do I change the code so that the currently installed and powered by can be manipulated via the css - no problem to add extra # .brd installed - but in the code above I'm unsure...
the difference is:
if you make a forum unreadable via permissions, the guest will not even see that it exists
with this extension:
you see the forum that is disallowed for read, can see the topics, but only when you click on a topic and want to read the post does it redirect you to login page
PunBB Forums → Posts by KeyDog
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