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Posts found: 1,101 to 1,125 of 1,606
new link:
Just upload your image file and it generates the favicon for you.
Download it, then place in root of forum and you'll see it in the tab....
Best free tool I've found so far for that.
You upload the extensions to your server - the extensions folder of the forum - then install them from the admin section of the forum.
you might as well post the code you use supermag incase anyone else has that question. thx. … or one with no download limits: …
there you go.....
not the latest I just noticed....
let's hope Daris has mercy and uploads it somewhere
okey .... I just tried my method of just changing common.php in lang folder.... with a 1.2.x and it worked aswell.
probably best bet is to change in functions.php
info on navlinks that might help: … o-navlink/
you could also maybe search at for more help / mods for adding/changing links on navlinks bar...
a. I credited the fluxx forum for that answer. Are you blind?
b. The inverse has happened aswell I'm sure, namely that someone has not found solution to their problem at flux and come here. What harm can it do?
get a life mate
what pun version are you even running? if not 1.3.x don't bother reading on
admin>extensions> then find it on the list....
maybe a cache problem
try installing this extension then uninstalling it... then maybe you'll see the changes from common.php as it replaces navlinks...
just an idea...
in oxygen.css
find this code..... then change display to inline (thx fluxx forum)
.brd .main-content .main-item cite,
.brd .main-content .main-item span,
.brd .main-content .main-item a {
display: inline;/*block*/
padding: 0 1em;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
// Stuff for the navigator (top of every page)
'Index' => 'Home',
'User list' => 'User list',
'Rules' => 'Rules',
'Search' => 'Search',
'Register' => 'Register',
'register' => 'register',
I just changed mine in /lang/english/common.php and it showed immediately...
You say you can't do that?
I don't know. It isn't a pure style issue. Not solvable in the .css files I believe...
But this way of asking might help:
How do I move "Last_Poster" to same line as "Last_Post"
(put that in topic! )
[this is code from index.php but I can't see what needs to be done...]
$forum_page['item_body']['info']['lastpost'] = '<li class="info-lastpost"><span class="label">'.$lang_index['Last post'].'</span> <strong><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['post'], $cur_forum['last_post_id']).'">'.format_time($cur_forum['last_post']).'</a></strong> <cite>'.sprintf($lang_index['Last poster'], forum_htmlencode($cur_forum['last_poster'])).'</cite></li>';
because I can't see how one can fix it in oxygen.css
.brd .main-content .main-item cite {
overflow: hidden;
width: 18em;
The spacing is being caused by a linebreak for the "av Lanzar"
Now at least I understand your problem
sorry... I can see they look different, but I don't understand what you want changed.... that's why I said screenshot of exactely what you need changed....
unless you want
by username to be on same line as date?
I tried searching the word Klistrad... and it's not on start page if not logged in.... so it's a pain in the a$$ to find....
edit: to find what you're talking about....
no offence
should be in the language/../common.php file...
Screenshot would be more helpful....
@FalconFour (or anyone else for that matter)
What needs to be modified/added so that after TOPIC TITLE my guests see which FORUM it was posted in?
I know for german it's like this:
ä = ä
ü = ü
ö = ö
if you download a swedish version of pun then search the lang files... you should find your answer....
I noticed today that the default for all extensions is english.... (nothing new really)
Is there a reason not any available translations would be added to the extensions (official or other) ? Like that when someone UPGRADES they keep their language....
the german lang file for those interested (as it only comes in english...)
just unzip then add to Extensions>Pun_PM>lang> ....
also noticed when updating that ext, pun doesn't warn me that my language (german) will be lost when I download and install latest version...
btw: it might be good idea to add some openId logo (visual alert) to forums that allow openId registration? at least if openId increases in popularity people might register faster if they see they can use their openId....?
Just added a small extension for showing the OpenID logo in the navlinks bar. Not very pretty though... Any ideas where it would look best anyone? Size etc....
Mediafire RAR
Rapidshare RAR
PS: It did now work with ClaimID aswell - easier than versign really, as there are less choices/parameters. Only silly thing is that captcha on my site. Otherwise it would rock even more. It even noticed I was trying to enter duplicate email addy...
This is still a problem by the way of this attachment extension.
I just tried installing fresh version of the latest pun_attachment and get a dozen lines of warning code with that error when I click in Admin, Settings, Attachments.... LINE 26!
PHP 5.2.9
MySql improved 5.1.30
Btw. what do I have to do to this ext, so that ALL visitors to a site can see the last people online.... I deactivate IP adresses and just want to show users who were online....
good points
question is: should the pun devs of that ext add an exception for this ext of yours? i.e. best would be if the captcha ext knows that if someone with openid is regsitering or at least logging in, it shouldn't bother asking for captcha entering...
webmeister wrote:If you want your users to enter a captcha, they should do so when using an OpenID too (otherwise a spammer might just use his own OpenID provider to bypass the captcha)
you think its likely that they easily bypass via own openid provider?
maybe options could be added to captcha ext
a. disable for openId registrations
b. disable for openId log ins....
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