
could this approach be used to make the mods "login on frontpage" and also your "users online" work via extension + change to main.tpl?

Reines wrote:

You could add a new section inside the template (include/template/main.tpl), place something like <!-- forum_newthing --> where you want to add new content, then in your hook do something like:

<hook id="ft_end"><![CDATA[

    require_once $ext_info['path'].'/hook_ft_end.php';

    $tpl_temp = forum_trim(ob_get_contents());
    $tpl_main = str_replace('<!-- forum_newthing -->', $tpl_temp, $tpl_main);

Edit: Since that requires editing the template you can simple edit the one in include/template/main.tpl, but if you'd rather you could make use of the hd_pre_template_loaded hook to load a template from your extension directory instead of the default one.

part of quotes from:
http://fluxbb.org/forums/topic/2592/hoo … t-problem/

Oh and your extension could get some great coverage like this:
on this forum the devs or style makers could then post a topic "style screenshots" - and you'd see all the styles next to/under each other - like that people quickly can choose their favorite style based on colors and "small view" - then see it fullscreen. would be very cool!

I'd immediately add it to keydogbb.info for sure big_smile

YonasH wrote:

what you mean? settings for images or slimbox?

I meant: If someone's uploading / adding images into their post I'd - as admin - be able to choose what size it will be showing as. You saw on that http://www.digitalia.be/software/slimbox2 site they have the images as little boxes. Well I'd like to be able to choose my image box size

YonasH wrote:

image or slimbox background?

on that demo forum I was testing I couldn't easily tell that if I click on it, it will get bigger... My question is: How can I set it so that it has something (again) like that http://www.digitalia.be/software/slimbox2 site with a black border box around the resized image smile

YonasH wrote:

the problem is, that sometimes img should be bigger (like party posters on my forum). maybe new tag in bbcode? like [slim]

hm - see your point big_smile will have to think about that

EDIT: thought about - you could copy paste your code and create a "default resize images  slimbox" - so a different version and add those above features big_smile then check out which gets more downloads smile - but as you made it for your site and that need is covered I understand you not being to keen to do that aswell immediately smile


(31 replies, posted in Feature requests)

@forumfreak: good effort on the list - makes sense to see what people want at a glance
why don't you put it in a seperate post "ajax features wanted list"

everytime someone adds something from now on your list just goes into page 2 of x eventually?

next wish: private messages auto refreshing big_smile

and i think cereal meant oo fying Punbb db....


a very usefull feature would be to able change default slimbox size

something in admin section letting you set
for the images in your forum

and maybe also
having image surrounded by black borders
(or being able to choose color border so people realize it's a link)

unless I missed that

that way assuming I'm uploading 6 screenshots in a post they'd all neatly appear next to each other like a mini gallery... just a thought...


(115 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

I found the text usefull when using it first time.
Maybe it could be a help page link in addition to esupergoods suggestion? (so short 1-phrase info plus link to a help page like for bbcode)

both would fit everyones needs... first timers not getting it immediately... and regulars not wanting big text.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

would be cool to have something like this aswell talking of ajax

http://getsatisfaction.com/pivotal/topi … er_session

you can click on "i have that problem to"

in a forum like this it would be handy so that people interested in a feature like described above could easily show interest smile

Garciat wrote:

Browser session would be simpler, though.

on the browser session being simpler - sadly not simple enough for me to do smile

VERY cool! Like it

DEMO here: http://punbb-c.keydogbb.info/viewtopic.php?id=3

click on the image and you see it expand to full screen smile

thanks yonas. added to database smile

now all we need is possibility for people to upload to the actual forum - then we're talking an even sexier feature! I like those kind of effects big_smile sucker for them haha smile

http://www.keydogbb.info/img/new_images/menu_features.gif Extension Name & Version
imotion_smileydesign   V0.1.0

http://www.keydogbb.info/img/new_images/lightbulb.png Extension by
KeyDog  // Website

http://www.keydogbb.info/img/new_images/lightbulb.png Smilies by
SmileyDesign.net // Website

http://www.keydogbb.info/img/new_images/menu_version.gif Release Date


http://www.keydogbb.info/img/new_images/menu_download.gif Rapidshare Zip  or  http://www.keydogbb.info/img/new_images/menu_download.gif Mediafire Zip

http://www.keydogbb.info/img/new_images/quick_tutorial.gif Installation
Just upload imotion_smileydesign folder to extensions folder

http://www.keydogbb.info/img/new_images/information.png Information
Some of the smilies are animated.

You can see a screenshot of the smilies set in

demo.gif   or here:
http://www.keydogbb.info/img/new_images/menu_screenshots.gif View It

http://punbb-c.keydogbb.info/viewtopic.php?id=2  <--- see them in action

http://www.keydogbb.info/img/new_images/menu_solution.gif Note

You will need latest file  include/parser.php (parser.php is located in info_docs folder in case)

http://www.keydogbb.info/img/new_images/bug.png  Bugs

Please give any feedback on the extension in the forum at
Or regarding the smilies





(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)

been doin some research on this topic:

http://support.proboards.com/index.cgi? … ead=256021

this is the feature I was talking about

proboards are going to implement it - it lets you decide when you log on if you want to stay for entire browser session.

interesting to see that video and what kind of features are coming to other boards....


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)


this should help you maybe? the link in that post leads to how to upgrade

EDIT: only  just saw your post garciat - good approach... big_smile


(115 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Q: I noticed the results come on a white background. How would I set it to use the forums background?
Only manually?

hm can this topic be moved to additions?
or shall i start new one?

Garciat wrote:

You should make this an extension or a 1-step cut-and-paste mod.

Can one make it an extension seeing as it affects main.tpl?
Kind of thing 2.0 will need to be able to do for sure....!

##        Mod title:  Add a login box above header
##      Mod version:  1.0.0
##   Works on PunBB:  1.3.2
##     Release date:  27-JAN-2009
##           Author:  Orginal made by Artic Chill for 1.2.x,
##                    Mod by KeyDog/Garciat for 1.3
##      Description:  This mod adds a login box on index page
##                    You are free to place it where you require in :
##    Affected file:  include/template/main.tpl
##   Included Files:  include/user/login.php


Rapidshare ZIP

Mediafire ZIP


please report here




Feedback Welcome


HALLELUJA big_smile



// Show login if not logged in
    if(!isset($focus_element) || (isset($focus_element) && !in_array('login', $focus_element)))

    // Load the language files
    require FORUM_ROOT.'lang/'.$forum_user['language'].'/common.php';
    require FORUM_ROOT.'lang/'.$forum_user['language'].'/login.php';

    // Try to determine if the data in HTTP_REFERER is valid (if not, we redirect to index.php after login)
    $redirect_url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && preg_match('#^'.forum_htmlencode($forum_user['prev_url']).'/(.*?)\.php#i', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) : 'index.php';

    $required_fields = array('req_username' => $lang_login['Username'], 'req_password' => $lang_login['Password']);

        <div class="logintop">
            <form id="login" name="login" name="qpost" method="post" action="<?php echo forum_link($forum_url['login']); ?>" onsubmit="return process_form(this)">
                    <input type="hidden" name="form_sent" value="1" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="save_pass" value="1" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="<?php echo generate_form_token(forum_link($forum_url['login'])) ?>" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="redirect_url" value="<?php echo $redirect_url ?>" />
                    <?php echo $lang_login['Username'] ?>:
                    <input type="text" name="req_username" size="16" maxlength="25" />
                    &nbsp;<?php echo $lang_login['Password'] ?>:

                    <input type="password" name="req_password" size="16" maxlength="16" wrap="virtual" onkeypress="if(event.keyCode==13) document.login.submit()" />
                    &nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="document.login.submit(); return true"><?php echo $lang_login['Login'] ?></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="register.php"><?php echo $lang_common['Register'] ?></a>

it works.

anything else strike you  that could give grief - let me know garcia

// Try to determine if the data in HTTP_REFERER is valid (if not, we redirect to index.php after login)
    $redirect_url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && preg_match('#^'.preg_quote($forum_config['o_base_url']).'/(.*?)\.php#i', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) : 'index.php';

I had taken out this code (from the original mod) stupidly - well it was given me errors (but as shown in the code posted to you)

What does it need to be  - http_referer doesn't work does it?

following thing is happen:

I enter log in details

I see REDIRECTING page aka successfully logged in

but then it sends me to some page that doesn't exist

with the errors described above in the url bar

and the page displaying

object not found

.keydogbb.info/<br%20/><b>Notice</b>:%20%20Undefined%20variable:%20redirect_url%20in%20<b>etc in the url bar...


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

great job. best way of putting to rest rumours that informer is not commited to pun smile

thanks. that gives me
undefined variable   redirect_url    in /include/user/login.php

put in that code you gave in action=" yourcode    "

also this error


any ideas?

sure thanks


// Show login if not logged in
    if(!isset($focus_element) || (isset($focus_element) && !in_array('login', $focus_element)))

    // Load the language files
    require FORUM_ROOT.'lang/'.$forum_user['language'].'/common.php';
    require FORUM_ROOT.'lang/'.$forum_user['language'].'/login.php';

    $required_fields = array('req_username' => $lang_login['Username'], 'req_password' => $lang_login['Password']);

        <div class="logintop">
            <form id="login" name="login" name="qpost" method="post" action="login.php?action=in" onsubmit="return process_form(this)">
                    <input type="hidden" name="form_sent" value="1" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="save_pass" value="1" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="<?php echo generate_form_token(forum_link($forum_url['login'])) ?>" />
                    <input type="hidden" name="redirect_url" value="<?php echo $redirect_url ?>" />
                    <?php echo $lang_login['Username'] ?>:
                    <input type="text" name="req_username" size="16" maxlength="25" />
                    &nbsp;<?php echo $lang_login['Password'] ?>:

                    <input type="password" name="req_password" size="16" maxlength="16" wrap="virtual" onkeypress="if(event.keyCode==13) document.login.submit()" />
                    &nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="document.login.submit(); return true"><?php echo $lang_login['Login'] ?></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="register.php"><?php echo $lang_common['Register'] ?></a>

this is what I am using.

thx for looking.

You mean that particular set or any other sets on that site smileydesigns.net  aswell?

Of course I understand they're only for very specific forums big_smile must be some simpsons fan forum - or someone thinking of starting one big_smile

Thanks for feedback though.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

5.28 is current release
if you're running 4.x you should upgrade anyway... that will sort out your problem.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

You're not telling me that GODADDY - one of the mamoths of the industry hasn't got php 5 big_smile
you're having a laugh?

They have 24/7 help support line;
even in the UK

24/7 Sales & Support (480)505-8877
24/7 Sales & Support 020 7979 2661

suggest you upgrade?


(14 replies, posted in Discussions)

Utchin wrote:

A modification that could benefit others should be done freely.

I think admins who run non profit sites, i.e. without adds should be using extensions for free. However extensions that are run on commercial (ad-financed) sites should remember that their site wouldn't be attracting revenue and users if it wasn't for people at PunBB (Devs) and Ext Devs.

So I think PunBB should actively encourage people who are making money to give back to the project (PunBB) and also not forget the ext devs (garciat, rich pedley, yonash, cereal etc).

Extensions are the most efficient way for a dev to fullfill needs of many users in easy way.


Utchin wrote:

I am recommending modifications and stuff to be done publicly, so that they are freely available. But this is for people who have rather unique needs. This would be stuff that is only needed on a one off client.

But who's going to judge what is needed one off? With so many PunBB running in so many countries the need is likely to be several places. You might not think you need something until you actually see it.

For me it seems like a no-brainer that extensions (& mods) are what drives users and admins using site.  So ext devs (PunBB or Independent) need to know that something's being done to promote them at least. Otherwise they loose interest. (My opinion)

Specific Example:
I have Pun_Attachment and would like to be able to have users upload either pictures (and then see them) or videoclips (the videoclips then playback via FLV Player extension). I'm sure many people not using PunBB currently would find something like that attractive. But if I have stuff like that programmed I don't really want to finance it on my own. I'm also confident that if 1000 people used it, at least 1-3% would be willing to donate 10-20$ for it. So that would be anything between 100-600$. Also possible that only 20 people used it, but were so keen they'd all pay 30$.
Just trying to say: Some kind of pooling should be added to this paid punbb work... Not only for the people looking to mod their site and not share the mod/extension.

Make sense?


Subject: Welcome to <board_title>!

Thank you for registering in the forums at <base_url>. Your username on the forums is <username>, as you requested. To complete your registration, you need to set a password for your account.

To set your password, please visit the following page:

(Do not reply to this message)



not what you need?

you want both? option to choose?