"About" page is being prepared yet.
Cool, we get to see who's behind PunBB.
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PunBB Forums → Posts by hcgtv
"About" page is being prepared yet.
Cool, we get to see who's behind PunBB.
We did this a while back for Nucleus CMS, here is the NP_PunBB plugin.
Here is the support thread for it. I've since moved on and the plugin is not maintained anymore, but you can use the code as an example should you decide to use another front end.
On another note, this is what I want to do moving forward with Textpattern and PunBB. Though the last year has seen it's drawbacks, hopefully when 1.3 becomes stable, I can create an extension using the code from the above plugin.
I too dislike blog comments, a forum seems like a natural to hold the conversations.
Connor did such a fine job with the URL schemes, it's a shame not to showcase it here.
Can we turn on one of the schemes, I like the one that shows /topic/147/in-your-face-phpbb/ in the url bar.
That is extremely good to hear.
Yes, it is Matt. More moderators I see coming on board to help out the users.
Now if we could get a page on the official site with a little something about each of the moderators, developers, etc. Maybe even a picture of Anatoly doing a bbq in the backyard, anything to let us know who we're talking with.
That's one thing that's lacking in some projects, not just at PunBB. Heck, even the former developer's own web pages are nowhere to be found, only Rickard has his own page, everybody else is in hiding.
Here's Automattic's about page, don't they look like happy millionaires? Except Alex Shiels, but he's never been a happy camper
Punbb Chinese community has just begun and is now being tested, later we will launch the process to download and use that. 当前域名:http://www.punbbs.com Current domain: http://www.punbbs.com
This commercialization of Open Source projects appears to be a pandemic.
Wordpress and Drupal getting millions has investors clamoring to buy the next big thing. More and more I'm seeing commercial entities buying up small projects, for better or worse. I can't understand why they just don't sponsor their favorite project and nudge it in the direction they want.
What happened here, in PunBB land, is that a commercial entity accustomed to closed source software, bought up the rights to the PHP code, that's all. They didn't lock up the programmers or long time support personnel, no they just saw value in the code.
What should of happened here was an embrace of the community by the current owners, we would of embraced them back, we would of welcomed our new overlords.
Rather than conveniently making them disappear, can you not split the topic and place the posts you class as unsuitable or off-topic in a new thread in general discussion?
Where's that split/merge extension when you need it
It is unfair, however, to compare MLF with PunBB or FluxBB - they aren't the same and never will be. Each program has its own merits and serves their respective user groups very well.
Yes, each PHP forum in existence caters to a different audience and it's best this way. Imagine us all trying to be the same, the horror. What would separate us, we'd be constantly trying to one-up each other rather than be innovative.
What PunBB has always catered to was the low end, then people started wanting features and Rickard refusing to budge from his vision. What ensued was the flood of mods, which gave way to Punres.org.
Though mods were nice, it was a bit of a pain to upgrade a live forum, enter the extension hook system. Extensions were born out of necessity, though I think it's being viewed as the second coming and a way to turn PunBB into something it was never intended to be.
(It's getting on my tits big style, to be truthful).
Oh, one of the Seven Filthy Words !!!
Where's that pun_fcc plugin when you need it
As I noted last week, this place would be useless as a support forum if it was left to the current owners here to help users, if they maintain their current trend.
Came back online today to check this thread, hoping to see some dialogue from the current owners or at least a comment from one of the new moderators telling us to stay on topic.
Maybe the owners should really think about selling the rights back to the community, referring back to Neal's notes. We won't be able to afford a huge sum of money but I'm sure we can reach some kind of cross promotion deal where Informer's domains would be properly showcased for a predetermined period of time, a sort of big brother sponsor, like Typo3 is doing for Dokuwiki (check the footer).
We would appreciate any suggestions you have on how to deal with the matter.
This forum, either has to remain active or redirect to the fluxbb.org forums, plain and simple.
If I started to hang out again, it's because you all vacated the premises. If I can explain it in graphic terms, picture the Marines walking into empty Baghdad palaces at the beginning of the Iraq war. I've tried to do my best to help out and I've been equally critical of both sides.
Moving forward, you call it Neal, this is your baby now.
Another feature request:
As a user, I should be able to specify if I want the bbcode bar to appear.
A united army/(maybe group of people) can lift a mountain
You got that right.
On skins, we await the final markup for 1.3, Paul is still working on it. I for one want to see skins that go away from the boxy forum look, be inventive.
Can I pre-install the mods onto it my computer before installing it on the net?
If you're on Windows, check out XAMPP: http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html
XAMPP Lite is an unzip and run solution.
PunBB 1.3 is based off of FluxBB 1.3
Which is based off of PunBB 1.3 Beta: http://punbb.informer.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=18151
You know when you install a piece of software and take it through it's paces? Use it for a time to get a feel for it, determine if it would work in the long run?
Well, let me say from a user perspective, this PunBB/FluxBB situation is not working in it's current state. If FluxBB will reign supreme, then close off this support forum, cause it's just very confusing and will do nothing but push people away. And I'm not being negative, just calling it like I see it.
Nice site, but we run into licensing issues on some.
This can be used: http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/
A couple of suggestions:
Nice looking buttons, or use pretty icons.
It should be available in Quick post.
If yes, it is the other way around
Yes, I know Franz.
Sorry but this is all getting a bit confusing. Where do you go for support, at what domain, in what forum?
What do you plan on doing with PunHooks?
Yes, with 1.3 you won't need to make mods.
Check out Franz's PunHooks site, especially the hooks page.
Give it some thought, you're better off making extensions than changing core code.
With the new extension system in 1.3, you'll be able to create a feature rich forum to rival vBulletin.
Best of luck.
Is this the same as the pun_bbcode extension?
If so, the styling of the buttons needs some work, maybe use some nice icons instead?
Also, it should show up in the Quick post.
Yes, the GPL grants you the right:
3. Derived Works
The license must allow modifications and derived works, and must allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the original software.
What happened to PunBB = fast and light?
When you start adding extensions into the mix, fast and light gives way to extensible.
Whenever you have software that can be extended, you're going to have users that install many extensions. Just look at Firefox, I bet you there are many users with extensions installed in their browser that may slow them down but they prefer to have the functionality, adblock comes to mind.
We're entering another realm here, it's going to get interesting cause PunBB was easy to support with a tight core, now each install will take on a life of it's own. Come to think of it, i just answered my own question, why does each extension register itself in the footer.
I had seen New posts Mark all topics as read on the top right and thought it was added by you guys.
I'll wait till the markup is finalized before making suggestions.
Ok, 1.3rc it is:
.brd-page {
width: 90%;
margin: 0 auto;
min-width: 700px;
max-width: 1100px;
padding: 20px 0;
On this board they do this:
.brd-page {
width: 90%;
margin: 0 auto;
min-width: 700px;
/* max-width: 1100px; */
padding: 20px 0;
There is no maximum width, so the board stretches out.
If you happen to use Firefox, have you tried web developer?
PunBB Forums → Posts by hcgtv
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