(11 replies, posted in General discussion)



(132 replies, posted in General discussion)

have mode!


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

okay, you just said that you dont understand that line.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

images are slow. they waste bandwidth. 1.2 uses no pictures, which is awsome.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

what what thing?


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

that is the point of punbb. it is a simple lightweight forum. i am tired of seeing stuffed forums like vbulliten.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

im sure ti would be nice if
1) i had chinese support
2) it had something to do with this forum, such as being punbb


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

what files did you change the links for? i think you just changed them for index.php, which you cant. if you did. you need to get a fresh index.php and reupload it.

to edit the links, find the function generate_navlinks in include/functions.php.

then you just need to copy/paste the punbb code to rearange the links


(12 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Open index.php

#find line 179
if ($cur_user_online['user_id'] > 0)

#replace with (switch the letter x with the id of your account. the first account made has an id of 2)
if ($cur_user_online['user_id'] > 0 && $cur_user_online['user_id'] != x)

#save and upload

#open userlist.php
#delete line 66 (   <option value="<?php echo PUN_ADMIN ?>"<?php if ($show_group == PUN_ADMIN) echo ' selected' ?>><?php echo $lang_common['Administrator'] ?></option>   )


that wasnt so hard, now was it wink?


(12 replies, posted in Feature requests)

No, because if you order the list by administrators it will show all the admins.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)


1.2 is in Beta, which means it may have bugs not found yet. wait till the offcial release of 1.2


(12 replies, posted in Feature requests)

lol, no, thats not what it does.

that mod would hide you from the online users list. he wants a mod that will hide you on the user list.

i could add this, pretty easily.

i must ask you, do you really want that option, or do you just want to hide yourself? the second would be much easier, and i could tell you how in a couple of seconds. otherwise it could take a few days (weeks?). thats due to my arcade mod that im making


Its a very nice forum hoster. Please dont just sign up to see what its like, its a forum.

Tell people about this, let it overcome invisionfree!


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

im not exactley sure..

but if you want flash games i should have that working soon smile


(50 replies, posted in Feature requests)

yes, i know what file they call. when the game is over, they set some POST data and forward it to arcade.php. the problem is that i have no clue where its done in arcade.php sad


(50 replies, posted in Feature requests)

ha, coding is always fun smile

another bump in the road, i cannot figure out what varible the flash files set so the arcade knows the score.


(7 replies, posted in Programming)

yea, it took me a while to reply, as i had to redownload the 1.1.5 source.


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

i could, in time. im making a flash game mod (check out the topic in this same forum).

also i would not make it for 1.1.5. i would make it for 1.2.


(50 replies, posted in Feature requests)

okay, i got it installed.

now once i find out how the flash files work, and what data they send, i will make a release.

wish me luck!


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Yes, an old IE user at my forums couldnt log out either. never figuered it out.

cache is really a possiblity


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

1) Give us a link to your forum
2) Try manually deleteing your cookie by viewing your cookies set by your browser and deleteing the one that punbb has set
3) Try logging in and out again

What browser do you use?


(50 replies, posted in Feature requests)

yes, lol, thats my problem also.

I got my vBulletin from suprnova.org, i do own it big_smile

I need someone that really owns vB to send it to me.


(7 replies, posted in Programming)


open up include/common_admin.php
right at the top you see this

function admin_menu($page = '')

<table class="punspacer" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
        <td class="<?php echo ($page == 'categories') ? 'puncon1cent' : 'puncent'; ?>" style="width: 9%; white-space: nowrap"><b><a href="admin_categories.php">Categories</a></b></td>
        <td class="<?php echo ($page == 'forums') ? 'puncon1cent' : 'puncent'; ?>" style="width: 9%; white-space: nowrap"><b><a href="admin_forums.php">Forums</a></b></td>
        <td class="<?php echo ($page == 'users') ? 'puncon1cent' : 'puncent'; ?>" style="width: 9%; white-space: nowrap"><b><a href="admin_users.php">Users</a></b></td>
        <td class="<?php echo ($page == 'options') ? 'puncon1cent' : 'puncent'; ?>" style="width: 9%; white-space: nowrap"><b><a href="admin_options.php">Options</a></b></td>
        <td class="<?php echo ($page == 'permissions') ? 'puncon1cent' : 'puncent'; ?>" style="width: 9%; white-space: nowrap"><b><a href="admin_permissions.php">Permissions</a></b></td>
        <td class="<?php echo ($page == 'censoring') ? 'puncon1cent' : 'puncent'; ?>" style="width: 9%; white-space: nowrap"><b><a href="admin_censoring.php">Censoring</a></b></td>
        <td class="<?php echo ($page == 'ranks') ? 'puncon1cent' : 'puncent'; ?>" style="width: 9%; white-space: nowrap"><b><a href="admin_ranks.php">Ranks</a></b></td>
        <td class="<?php echo ($page == 'bans') ? 'puncon1cent' : 'puncent'; ?>" style="width: 9%; white-space: nowrap"><b><a href="admin_bans.php">Bans</a></b></td>
        <td class="<?php echo ($page == 'prune') ? 'puncon1cent' : 'puncent'; ?>" style="width: 9%; white-space: nowrap"><b><a href="admin_prune.php">Prune</a></b></td>
        <td class="<?php echo ($page == 'maintenance') ? 'puncon1cent' : 'puncent'; ?>" style="width: 10%; white-space: nowrap"><b><a href="admin_maintenance.php">Maintenance</a></b></td>
        <td class="<?php echo ($page == 'reports') ? 'puncon1cent' : 'puncent'; ?>" style="width: 9%; white-space: nowrap"><b><a href="admin_reports.php">Reports</a></b></td>




<td class="<?php echo ($page == 'categories') ? 'puncon1cent' : 'puncent'; ?>" style="width: 9%; white-space: nowrap"><b><a href="page_url">Page_name</a></b></td>

to that.
That should work, im not possitive though. i havent touched 1.1.5 in months.

just add
define('PUN_PLUGIN_LOADED', 1);
to the page, make sure its in the plugin folder, and that the filename starts with AP_ or AMP_
its that easy!


(7 replies, posted in Programming)

That looks like its what the user can and cannot do.

You can post replies to topics
You can post new topics
You can edit your posts
You can delete your posts
You can delete your topics

for this forum.

You could remove it, if you mod the other code that displays the string $perms


(50 replies, posted in Feature requests)

okay, i got an idea.

But i need to know how to use v3arcade. i cant find a mod download anywhere. how do i install it?

edit: i really cannot find it. im sure i could do it, if someone could get me the code for it.