
(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

You remove users by going to their profile and clicking "Delete user".

About the styling issue. That's odd. Try changing style in your profile.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Just re-add the column and it should be fine.

See here: http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2689

Yeah, ace is nice too, but I don't like the user interface of Winace.


(46 replies, posted in Programming)

That would have to be in the form of a mod. Anyone?


(13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Remove the @ before move_uploaded_file on lines 342, 348 and 354. Try again and then paste the error message you get here.

Yeah, bz2 is nice, but it's just so incredibly slow.

I use only winrar. It's faster than any other program I know for unpacking zip and rar.


(7 replies, posted in Programming)

1. Download a databas program. There are many. The most popular for "not too advanced stuff" is MySQL.
2. Follow the instructions on how to install/setup.


RAR owns :)

I didn't realize you had made your own "additions" to the forum, so I really can't say. My best guess is that $cur_user for some reason doesn't get defined when login in through the script archive.


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I've responded to your e-mail.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Hehe, I actually figured it was something like that :)


(2 replies, posted in Archive)

Tja, jag tror inte jag kommer lägga till det i en officiell version, men det är en enkel mod, så det kanske är någon som vill göra en sådan?


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

That's very strange. Could you try reinstalling? Just unpack all the files again.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I'm not sure I understand. Did you upgrade from an earlier version or not? If you did, how did you do it?

No, it must be an issue with your database. Try running REPAIR TABLE on all the tables.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Aha! I see there's a typo in install.html.

Update all scripts and files to 1.0.1. This is easily done by
extracting the 1.0 archive into the same directory as your old
installation (overwriting any existing files).

should read:

Update all scripts and files to 1.0.1. This is easily done by
extracting the 1.0.1 archive into the same directory as your old
installation (overwriting any existing files).

It is supposed to do that. Don't worry :)

However, I can't see what's wrong with the query. It seems fine to me. Hmm.

Edit: I just checked out your forum and it appears to work fine. Have you solved the problem?


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I want to keep the registry form as simple as possible. Any non-essential information and option will be adjustable in the profile after a user registers.

That's odd. Could you try adding the following just above that line:

exit('SELECT DISTINCT p.poster_id AS hasposted, t.id, t.poster, t.subject, t.posted, t.last_post, t.last_post_id, t.last_poster, t.num_views, t.num_replies, t.closed, t.sticky, t.moved_to FROM '.$db->prefix.'topics AS t LEFT JOIN '.$db->prefix.'posts AS p'.$useindex.' ON t.id=p.topic_id AND p.poster_id='.$cur_user['id'].' WHERE t.id IN('.$threadids.') ORDER BY sticky DESC, last_post DESC');

And then paste the results here.

Enable DEBUG. Try it again and paste the error message here.


(180 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

That's impossible. It must be a caching issue or something.


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

No, there isn't. Users have to upload avatars through their profile.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Did you upgrade from an earlier version than 1.0.1?