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Topics by Rickard User defined search
Posts found: 7,426 to 7,450 of 8,829
It's not that easy. Opera just gives me jibberish when I enter special characters into a form. Like you said before. If I use Opera and type the following into a message:
It comes out as
That is the actual text Opera is sending to the webserver.
It's not an issue concerning the database. I just did some tests and it's definately a problem specific to Opera. It appears Opera does not convert "special characters" to their HTML equivalent like all other browsers do. I don't know how to fix this.
Edit: I just tested this in Invision Board and it doesn't work there either. I don't know where you got that from.
Can you wait 'til 1.1? :) Or maybe someone else can paste some code?
Actually, phpBB keeps track (per session) of the different topics you've read, so in that forum the indicator is removed when you read a topic. Most other boards (vBulletin included) work the way PunBB works.
Wooty: You obviously don't like PunBB, so why are you here?
Per: Maila mig, så ska du få de filer som behövs.
I'm sorry, but I just don't understand that last post.
Have a look in register.php. I believe you will find answeres to your questions there.
Renaming it to "User Photo" shouldn't be too hard. Just have a look in the different lang-files for your language.
You can set the avatar limits in admin/options.
Having it automatically size down the pictures will involve a bit of coding though.
I'll let someone else answer that :)
Check out his profile where you changed his status to moderator. Once you've made that change, a list of forums with checkboxes appear.
Can't you just move the topic to a special forum of some kind? If you don't want any new posts there, you can just lock the forum.
As Frank H just said, I just tested the mod, and I must say it's working very nice :)
Yeah, this looks nice. Some kind of "unified converter" would be cool.
Wooty wrote:
Every forum has it own archive. cya.
Uh, what?
Yes, Firebird rocks. The only problem I have with it is that it takes a while to start up. I'm spoiled by IE that is practically already in memory and thus starts up extremely quick.
No, you don't have to "search the whole word". Read the text next to the keyword field. It says "Use the wildcard character * for partial matches.". So, if you want to match hello, you have to search for hell*. This is the way ALL good search engines work.
The search should work fine with chinese. In 1.0.1 I implemented a workaround to enable searches in multibyte characters sets.
I haven't done anything related to PunBB for a few days now. I really have to just make the time :)
The closest thing you're gonna get now is Cactuz' mod:
It's not exactly what you want, but it's something :)
It doesn't work on all servers though. I think you can configure whether PHP (php.ini) allows changing the time limit in runtime or not.
I just think he was wondering how he could add his logo to the page header.
Yes, please do. I should probably write up some kind of document on the coding standard. I just haven't had the time :)
Posts found: 7,426 to 7,450 of 8,829