(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

1.the procjt of the guy didnt work anymore...
2.hebrew_ is very good i change on the install this word.. i know PHP and i do that for sulotion the the israli member.
3.not old file...

where in witch file?


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

plz wirte "the system translate by Benny Elgazar and PunBBHebrew Group"
and the link to the Help Forum.

in witch file i need to change from
i think that this is the problem but i dont find the file


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

in the correctly Hebrew pk have alot of worngs
i will give you the link to the language..
the translation is new and better that the old files.
but the full pk is better Couse the admin and more things translate thir.


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Hello all.
I saw in the site the Hebrew version and i look at Hebrew pk that was very poot lanuage and not all the system translate only the Main tpl's.
after i saw that i start translate all the system , and i finished today.
here is the link:
this is all the system Translated include:
Admin- all the admin translate.
Install- the install translate to hebrew,
All- all is translate in High language.
i open now Projct in hebrew, in the projct i will give to the israeli member Help and Hebrew versions to download.!
here is the libk to the site:
i will buy a domain name :
- Thank all.

Rickard- plz change to my translateion Thank you alot.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

you need to Know Css*
Open the style that you want to edit.
and change what are you want on him, Color's , Fonts, Size ect..

How i fix the problem ???

i mean in the description in the forum and the forum name.
and more things didnt change.
what i need to do ?

yeah i now but look at the forums..
the said dont change thir.

o have problem whit the ecoding..
how i change said ?

I translated Now..

you was need to Convet from Yabb Gold to Yabbse and from Yabbse to PunBBRulz.

i know that..
i translate in the PHP* Files..
couse if the admin dont translate the language PK it's not good for the Member in israel.
if some one dont now english and he speak only hebrew?
what he need to do if this system like him??
so i am the solution.
i translate all and give that to the isralian member.

Yabb Gold it's not like YabbSE.
Yabb gold it's CGi Script and Yabbse it's php.
Yabbse Convert from Yabb Gold from CGI to PHP but after that was alot of fix bug and change on the script.
so it is not work.

Hello i am from israel and the PunBB system not saw in the forums thir only phpBB
invisoin board our populr.
i love this system i mean (PunBB).
i see that have here Hebrew language Pk download.
but the Hebrew pk dont good.
the admin not translate.
and the language is poor i mean for hebrew,
plz delete the hebrew pk and i will send you here link whit a good language.
also i will open a projct on hebrew , i will give help whit the install, add mods, and version in hebrew all for the Hebrew community members.
i will translate all the versions from 1.1.1
and all.

it's ok?
sorry from my english.
Benny Elgazar
Israel, FC Ashdod.