Ok. You can use PunPoll v1.1.2 instead then, but there might be some old bugs left there... which I'm not gonna fix for you.


Why can't you just update the forum?

Edward wrote:

PunBB 1.0.1
Poll 1.2

Okey, that's the problem then. You must run PunBB v1.1.1 (or v1.1).

Hmm, interesting smile

If you don't want to make everything yourself, meybe  you could merge punbb with gallery someway...

(Example of a page running gallery: battlefield1042.nu)

Edit: Moved the topic to discussions instead.

Edward wrote:

I tried to install this mode on my site, but install_mod.php is not working. I run it and nothing happens...

Okey, seems odd. Which version of PunBB and PunPoll do you try to install?

seletah wrote:

my webhotell only allows me to have one mySQL database, there is no way to use this then?

i got a phpbb2 forum using that database but want to convert to punbb..

That should be no problem, just enter the same database in both fields.


(1 replies, posted in Archive)

Nej, det är inte alltför stort.

Finns nog en tråd som visar hur man tar bort moderator-delen, så kolla på den så är det nog inga problem.

Edit: Den här tråden är det: http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=3117


(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Nice smile

Is it a private TODO-list? (Can't find one...) Maybe time for a new 'The work continues'-topic and lock the old one?


(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Maybe add the ability to search for users in the userslist?

I missed this feauture in my Private Messaging System... so I made a mod: Screenshot | Download

Evie wrote:

It works, thanks Chacmool.. can't believe I couldn't find it myself sad

edit btw you've got some awesome mods there! the only downside on punBB was the lack of pm and polls.. thanks so much wink

Thanks! smile
Always nice when people use the stuff you've made. It makes it much funnier to make them actually smile

I actually don't understand why this is so important... I often have time to read every new thread when I visit a forum. Though, if it's ALOT of posts, it can be hard to do it...

Kennel have said before that he might implement it if he finds a nice, scalable, solution to the problem... so we'll wait and see smile

Kennel: It's more than you think smile

It's alot of small things, like not saving last_post in the forum-table untill you approved it  and so on... If you're adding it in PunBB 1.2, do you have any idea of when it might be released? (it's no use for me to make it if you're gonna add it in a few weeks anyway)

No, but that's no problem to fix.

Otherwise it's okey then?

Done! There's a test-furum online here (not that much works yet though smile)

Just login with user: 'test', passwd: 'user'. Is the Admin->Approve-list ok?

Ok, I understand what you mean.

No, it will probably never be a "Original PunBB"-thing, but it might not be that hard to write a mod after all. I'll do a test, then we'll see if you like it smile

Hmm, okey... there's no "company users" in the forum (excepts admins/moderators) then smile

This make's it alot easier! Maybe I'll look at it later today.

I think it's quite alot of changes actually...

It's not enough to change so that guests can't post in the forum then?

I'm running Opera 7.xx... which works.

Can't test it in firebird though... did you make any changes in the CSS? Have you tried to empty the cache or something like that?

In help.php on line 162 change:

echo ' '.$lang_help['produces'].' <img src="img/smilies/'.$cur_img.'" width="15" height="15" alt="'.$cur_text.'"><br>'."\n";


echo ' '.$lang_help['produces'].' <img src="img/smilies/'.$cur_img.'" alt="'.$cur_text.'"><br>'."\n";

What is it that's not working?

I've looked at the page, and everything seems ok smile


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

There are also problems where you don't want to convert a "smiley", for example:

Cost: $xx (yyy:-)

Edit: Damn! Frank H was quicker! wink

Yes, just add the variable into the line like this:

<?php echo('Topic: '.$topic_id.' has '.$num_posts.' posts.'); ?>

Exactly my thought smile

There's only one update-query in viewtopic: "UPDATE ...topics SET num_views=num_views+1..." Interesting to se what's wrong smile

Found a bug I think smile

If you view a post by pressing the "[ New posts ]"-button, the number-of-views counter will increase two steps instead of one...

svedberg wrote:

I fixed it, but no when you watch a poll, the buttons are really small, without any text at all..

what can be wrong?

Okey, probably something to do with the language files. If your'e not using english, you have to translate /lang/en/en_poll.php (if you are using english, make sure the file exists)