Chacmool: Det går även fint med svenska i detta forumet ;)
477 2004-08-05 09:41
Re: Mod-dokumentation thingy? (7 replies, posted in Archive)
Inte klar pga att ingen visat intresse till att läsa den ;D
479 2004-08-03 11:18
Re: PunBB ==> vBulletin 3 (21 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Still, I don't think anyone here will do that. The vBulletin people might.
480 2004-08-03 10:09
Re: Most modded punBB? (9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
· PunPoll.v1.1.4 by chacmool
· Extended Forum Access Mod
· LivePreview
· Private Messages by chacmool
· PunOnline by Chrippa (partly rewritten)
· SQLite support
· Topic hover mod
· New Admin navigation
· Every user can choose what language to use
· SearchInUserlist by chacmool
PunRes 3 itself has a lot of modifications too. Not released though.
481 2004-08-01 18:37
Re: PunBB ==> vBulletin 3 (21 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
What do you mean. You want to convert a PunBB database to vBulletin? In that case, you are in the wrong place I think.
482 2004-08-01 18:18
Re: Running PunBB++? (36 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)
Well.. PunBB++ isn't avaible for download atm. Not officially ;)
The difference is that PunBB++ comes with many popular pre-installed mods.
483 2004-08-01 18:16
Re: Styles on frontpage? (27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
I like it =)
484 2004-07-30 11:49
Re: Styles on frontpage? (27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Oops.. The isset() function should not be there
echo 'Not logged in';
echo 'Logged in as: '.$cur_user['username'].'<br>Last visit: '.format_time($cur_user['last_visit']);
485 2004-07-30 11:25
Re: Styles on frontpage? (27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
echo 'Not logged in';
echo 'Logged in as: '.$cur_user['username'].'<br>Last visit: '.format_time($cur_user['last_visit']);
486 2004-07-30 08:49
Re: Styles on frontpage? (27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
<?php echo gen_navlinks(); ?> will print the navigation =)
487 2004-07-29 21:51
Re: Styles on frontpage? (27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Use this to check if the user is online:
//Login stuff
(Yeah.. I was faster than Rickard ;)
488 2004-07-29 17:51
Re: Styles on frontpage? (27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
No, it uses $cur_user['style'].'.css' and site.css for site specific elements. ;)
To do this, include "include/common.php" and edit your css url to <?php echo $cur_user['style'].'.css'; ?>
489 2004-07-27 20:47
Re: Problem with new topics. (25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)
It's meant to be that way. The topic is "new" in 600sec by default. There is no beautiful solution to the problem.
490 2004-07-27 15:39
Re: News script here at punbb (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Something like that will be implemented in 1.2
491 2004-07-26 19:13
Re: google fun (22 replies, posted in General discussion)
The second hit for "Kristoffer Jansson" was this pic of me:
The first hit is on a friend's nose, taken with my webcam:
492 2004-07-24 14:59
Re: PunBB 1.2 - What's to come (300 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Well.. using newsletter with PM seems pretty stupid to me. For me, newsletters are sent out to people to make them know whats going on at the site, so they don't have to visit them all the time when there is no updates. If they would have to go to the site to read that newsletter the newsletter loses its value. Because everybody can read what's new on the site in the news system which will be implemented.
493 2004-07-24 11:27
Re: PunBB 1.2 - What's to come (300 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
I think PMS is better as a mod, but that's just my opinion. I'm sure Rickard is doing the right decision, he always does :)
494 2004-07-22 17:30
Re: Post author bug? (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)
Maybe something for 1.2?
495 2004-07-22 11:42
Topic: gtkmm and win32 (1 replies, posted in Programming)
Anyone tried it? What stuff do I need? Any good tutorials?
496 2004-07-22 11:26
Re: scrollbar color (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Don't know if you can have two BODY blocks.. Try
scrollbar-face-color: #FFCE01;
scrollbar-shadow-color: #000000;
scrollbar-highlight-color: #000000;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #000000;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #000000;
scrollbar-track-color: #FFFFFF;
scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000;
background-color: #000000 }
497 2004-07-22 11:23
Re: scrollbar color (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
scrollbar-face-color: #FFCE01;
scrollbar-shadow-color: #000000;
scrollbar-highlight-color: #000000;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #000000;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #000000;
scrollbar-track-color: #FFFFFF;
scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000;
into styles/[your style].css
498 2004-07-22 05:20
Re: PunBB Vs myBB (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
I like how they're all built in from the start
That's why I started PunBB++ :)
499 2004-07-21 20:57
Re: A thing that bugs me (11 replies, posted in General discussion)
Yeah, I saw that a couple of days ago. He didn't make any sense to me ;)
500 2004-07-21 11:30
Re: Firing up other applications from a c/c++ app (3 replies, posted in Programming)
Well.. I haven't tried it, but can't system() run dos commands?