(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

Garciat wrote:

Looks good... the footer could be improved, though... maybe placing the copyright and quickjump outside of the blue box?

The following should work smile

Open: Oxygen_WS.css

Find: Lines 702-706

#brd-online {
    padding-top: 0.5em;
    padding-bottom: 0.5em;

Change to:

#brd-online {
    padding-top: 0.5em;
    padding-bottom: 0.5em;
    border-width: 0 0 1px 0;

Open: Oxygen_WS_cs.css

Find: Lines 431-445

#brd-online, #brd-about {
    background: #296FA5;
    border-color:#333 #296FA5 #296FA5 #296FA5;

#querytime {
    background: #296FA5;
    color: #296FA5;

#copyright a:link, #copyright a:visited, #copyright a:hover{

Change to:

#brd-online {
    background: #296FA5;
    border-color:#333 #296FA5 #333 #296FA5;

#brd-about {
    background: #fff;
    border-color:#333 #fff #333 #fff;

#querytime {
    background: #fff;
    color: #fff;

#copyright a:link, #copyright a:visited, #copyright a:hover{




(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

A green version of my widescreen Oxygen theme smile



Preview (default is Oxygen_WS style, login with demo/demo to view Nature style through your profile settings)


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)

I finally found the time to play with PunBB 1.3's stylesheets and thought some might like the below style. Its a widescreen version of the Oxygen theme, nothing else has drastically changed ~preview available below screenshots below smile



Download / Preview

Thanks for the feedback Sirena smile I've just posted the Topic Image Mod if you'd like to take a look. If you run across any problems/bugs etc please let me know and I'll do my best to fix them asap.

Description: Allows administrators the ability to enter any image URL that will be displayed alongside the topic title on viewforum.php. See the demo for a preview of the layout only.

The code can be edited to allow moderaters, members and guests the ability to post images also - though I strongly recommend against this due to trolls, spammers etc. If a few people like the mod I can add these options as a plugin.


When Posting As Admin:
(Normal members do not see the input boxes)

Demo / Alt Layout Demo

(Note: The demo also uses my (Short) Topic Description mod - if you need help installing both shoot me an email).

Download / Download from Punres

Any problems or bugs post up here smile


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Look in "style/imports/gdarband_cs.css". I think you need to edit line 50:

div.postright, div.postfootright {

I'm not certain but you might try changing it to:

div.postright, div.postfootright {

Let me know if it works or not smile

Changes your userlist.php to be horizontal based, displaying users avatars where available (default avatars where unavailable) and automatically displays users with highest post count first (as they are more likely to have custom avatars wink )

Live Preview


CSS is currently styled directly within userlist.php to make it easier for folk to install. If anyone needs a hand moving the CSS to their style/style.css file drop me an email smile

Description: UFProfiles actively encourages your registered members to fill in their profile details.

- Information that hasnt been filled in is hidden when viewing someone elses profile.
- You automatically view your own profile as others see it, with each section having its own "edit" link taking you to the original profile pages for editing.
- When viewing your own profile it shows which fields still need to be filled in and displays "Add Now?" links.
- Default avatars are used
- Website URLs can be given a title (defaults to http:// if no title provided, though a note recommends adding one)
- Messaging services only show fields that actually have messaging info avail.
- After editing your profile you return to viewing it as others would see it to see the changes instantly
- Probably a few more but I forget tongue

Download: UFProfiles.

Previews: Empty Profile, Semi-complete profile.

Preview the editing of a profile at http://www.willvilliers.com/register.php - registration requires no confirmation so quick to sign up with fake info if ya want to.

Please check it out and keep in mind that I'm a complete novice at PHP. Only started learning this week as I was forced offline for 10 days due to moving house.

Posted a few other things up on the site though this is the one I'm most pleased with, hoping to get some constructive criticism about where it can be improved. Thanks

Thanks for that link mixart. Ive been thinking about looking into this for a while.

Perishablepress wrote an amazing article called "stupid htaccess tricks" filled with all sorts of goodies that I didnt know were possible smile


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Instead of using an iframe could you not try editing the file includes/template/main.tpl ? Just copy your html in for the header and footer.

If ya need help doing this punres.org will have information, or reply and I'll try sorting the code up for ya tomorrow smile

You need to look in "include/template/main.tpl":

main.tpl wrote:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="<pun_content_direction>">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<pun_char_encoding>" />


<div id="punwrap">
<div id="pun<pun_page>" class="pun">

<div id="brdheader" class="block">
    <div class="box">
        <div id="brdtitle" class="inbox">







That is only a basic example that will literally drop PunBB into your design. Search both here and www.punres.org for more detailed documentation on integrating PunBB into your website. If you understand a little CSS you can drop Pun into your website then edits Punbbs stylesheets so that the colours match those of your site.

Hope this helps smile

Empty profile and zero posts. Who exactly am I welcoming? tongue


(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

At the bottom of the forum you should see a link to "Moderate forum". Click it and you'll see a checkbox next to each thread. Tick the threads you want removed and press the Delete button at the bottom of the page smile


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Killmaster tries to help and gets flamed?

Great community spirit.


(62 replies, posted in News)

Thanks for answering some of the concerns Anatoly smile

Anatoly wrote:

No, we are not planning ?paid official extensions & support? or anything like that.

Personally I wouldn't mind having the option of "paid support". The community here has always been great for giving support but having the option of asking a developer directly would be worth paying for imo.

Anatoly wrote:

We are going to publish a bunch of extensions soon and release 1.3 core in cooperation with the community.

Looking forward to 1.3, though not the task of updating all my boards and skins hmm


hmm Cant decide if I like the design or not tbh


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

matt1298 wrote:
Jérémie wrote:

It depends on your country. Things may be very different from Oregon US to France to Japan to Slovenia.

In any cases, regarding legal advice, you should go see a licensed expert on the field. ?I've seen it on a web board? is not an accepted apology in front of a judge, or an IRS agent smile

UK... And good point!

Discussed it with my parents, and they are going to claim it as their company, because i will be focusing the websites on their job, and when i want to to expand, i will then seek legal advice.

Up here in scotland we have a business startup organisation that help young entrepeneurs with the initial setup of the business - everything from helping write your business plan, turnover forecasts etc. If you're of a certain age group (younger than 25, not sure what the youngest age allowed is) they'll also give you a £1000 grant to help you out smile

I'm not sure if you have the same scheme wherever you are in the UK but I'm sure England, Wales etc will have similiar government run operations for helping you out.

You should check out the Business Gateway website as they have some excellent information on there - template business plans and that sort of thing.

edit : a more specific link on there site is here. All the information a startup business should need smile Good luck


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

I'd enter a contest big_smile


Half way down the page you'll find a plugin called "Broadcast Email". Download the plugin, upload it to your /plugins/ folder. Login as the Admin and under your Administration menu you'll find a link down the left hand side menu called "Broadcast Email" smile


Line 91

/* 4.2 This is the colour for links in header rows and the navigation bar */

.pun H2 A:link, .pun H2 A:visited, #brdmenu A:link, #brdmenu A:visited {COLOR: #FFF}
.pun H2 A:hover, #brdmenu A:hover {COLOR: #FFF}

I believe thats what you're looking for to change the link colours smile

All of your forums colours can be found in the _cs.css document ~ presumably the _cs stands for "colour scheme" hmm

Dr.Jeckyl wrote:

I suspect this project would be aimed toward the novice or someone not very familiar with styling PunBB.

Most definately smile I picked up the basics of CSS through editing PunBB skins and spent many countless hours running trial-and-error changes. Nowadays I consider PunBB to have the most logical CSS I've seen (and I've used many open source scripts) so hats off to Paul for the logical approach but as a novice to both PunBB and CSS it can certainly be daunting to start editing files. Anything I can do to make the process easier is worth it in my opinion.

FTR, I have Firebug installed and have barely used it. It's first impression didn't strike me as novice-friendly so it has sat unused on my toobar ever since tongue I'm still a novice at heart lol

elbekko wrote:

I don't see why it has AJAX in the title, as it doesn't use it.

But it looks fancy anyway smile

I forgot to change the title from the original FotoNotes example tongue When adding/editing/deleting a note the changes are immediately updated on the server so I think it may use Ajax - I've just temp disabled the ability for guests to use any of those features whilst still practising with it myself. Don't want some bugger coming along and deleting all the notes I just added lol

Dr.Jeckyl wrote:

I like the FotoNotes version. Easier to quickly find what you're looking for.

I have to agree on that smile I've been playing with fotonotes some more and layered a full punbb index page here. I'm still playing with it at the minute, there seems to be a problem with some html used though - sometimes the line breaks and links don't seem to show correctly. Showing the HTML instead so will have to see why that is.

Once I've played with the script a little more I'll plan what will be the best way to break down the CSS into seperate images - any ideas are welcome smile


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Great style smile I would say good luck with your forum but it already looks pretty busy tongue


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

A nice clean style as always FSX smile Keep up the great work