I didn't find a good method for that, as I didn't want to interfer with the normal post/editing. So I didn't feel like adding an error() page, and the only option would then be to make some kind of message transfer to pop up on the redirect page or something, and that just felt too complex to be simple ... and javascript is an option, that I don't like, so I ended up not adding that functionality ...

But you could probably add error messages in the attach.php file (in the include folder), I might even have the ifstatements ready for that (was a while since I peaked in my code), so you just need to add

error("some text");

(Edit: I think the browser is supposed to tell if you're trying to upload larger files than allowed in the MAXSIZE hidden variable, that normal member gets)


(48 replies, posted in General discussion)

isn't ounce a measurement for volume aswell?


(34 replies, posted in Feature requests)

more mousepads perhaps if someone didn't get one?

(that coffee mug sure feels like a neccessity big_smile)

seems to work for me too now ... but has been on and off the last 2 (-3?) days ... database perhaps croaking big_smile

Just thought I'd say that I've been getting

An error was encountered
Error: Unable to fetch search results.

when using the "Show new posts since last visit" link ... and that the css is another for that error msg aswell (Sulfur instead of Lithium)


please email me the viewtopic.php file and I'll see what's wrong with it (my email adress is in the signature)

Dfg wrote:

"You are running a version of PunBB (1.2.6) that this mod does not support. This mod supports PunBB versions: 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5"

Will there be an update soon or can this still be used?

Follow the Installation guide linked to from the first post in this forum.


(101 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

you have the access.log file from the webhost from him?



(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Profile - Display


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

I did, but no feedback and more downtime than uptime made me leave (and I stayed quite a long time before I packed up and left them) ... too poorly run imho ...


(2 replies, posted in Archive)

1.2.6 fanns inte när modden släpptes ... så inuti install_mod.php finns en lista med giltiga versioner, är nog bara att addera 1.2.6 till den listan för att få det att starta ... då jag inte tror det blivit några databasändringar sedan 1.2 släpptes (har jag för mig iaf)


that's why I made the installation guide wink

php != asp

hotscripts has a buch of asp scripts aswell IIRC ...

I use that to generate a dropdownlist on my "Image Awards" mod. so you can probably peak in that code to see how I can fetch the content from a directory  (the admin plugin code)


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

nice smile


(65 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

think you need to use php differently in the tpl files



(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I use tabs in Firefox, klick the link "Show new posts since last visit", open up everything in new tabs and click "Mark all as read" and then read all the threads in peace and quiet ... and when dealt with I just close that tab ... works beautifully IMHO smile

(and on a vbulletin, it should mark as read, but sometimes it misses to do it so I can sometimes read the same topic a few times until I remember not to push that thread again)

Haven't you heard of the classic: "No news is good news" wink

(I haven't tried it, but just so you don't feel that bad over getting no response wink)

The "Last Post" column doesn't take into account the subforums, (there's one post in a subforum at 15:53, but the one posted in the 'forum' is what's shown and posted at 15:47)

At least in the demo forum wink

Other than that it looks nice smile

I doubt that girl in the swimmingpool is the same work of art... my guess it's two different places, as comparing the surrounding doesn't make sense ... the ground doesn't match up wink

but it looks nice smile

check the phpinfo , to see if GD is enabled

I suppose it's because IP's aren't foolproof in any way to rely on for security, and several legit users can have the same ip if they're using the same proxy...

The only thing I can think of is image verifier, or a textual one (but those are easier to get around through scripting) ...

then ask him to ask ...


(180 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Rickard is a clever man! big_smile