(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Uptime: 78 days, 0 hours and 19 minutes

... and I have to blame the energy company of mine ... (as I don't have an ups on that one) ... was alll out of electricity a while that day big_smile

oops ... getting a bit OT big_smile


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Would it be any worse than a link to another site?


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I guess a little mod extending the BBCode would do the trick for you.

gut, it should be updated by now then smile

(or, I guess I need to alter the version ... but that was more or less obvious wink)

I've finally found enough time to upgrade my largest forum, so I'm wondering, are there any db updates made between 1.1.2 and 1.1.5?

yep ... unfortunately, but at least many robots search for it, so I guess they use it aswell wink


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I'm using the woody release of debian, heh, PHP 4.1.2, mysql 3.23.49 ... quite close, but very stable wink

here's a good explanation how to write robots.txt files

edit the subject of the first post in the thread

Connorhd wrote:
Frank H wrote:
Connorhd wrote:

can't you just upload phpmyadmin?

For big databases, pages can time out when dumping through phpMyAdmin.

lol my websites never get more than a few thousand posts before i break them so i wouldn't know wink

lol ... well the attachment mod can make some huge databases wink (mine is over 300MB wink)


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

falling order ... year is larger than month that is larger than day, that is larger than hour that is larger than minute that is larger than seconds and so on ...

2005-09-12 23:48:12.0344 is IMHO quite clear ... but I'm a Swede so I have used it for so long I remember


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

if you read the page, it's easy to misread MM/DD/YYYY and DD/MM/YYYY ... with YYYY/MM/DD you don't have any other option ... thus you wont risk misreading the date, when you don't know what format it is...

Edit: Rickard was faster, and I didn't refresh the page big_smile
Yep on the page it is some info about british date aswell ...

Connorhd wrote:

can't you just upload phpmyadmin?

For big databases, pages can time out when dumping through phpMyAdmin.


(41 replies, posted in General discussion)

does it increase for everyone that visits? big_smile


(41 replies, posted in General discussion)

209 for me ... that just seems like too much roll


(1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)



(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

aah ... didn't think of that ... I was into the line of giving the user with the lowest id the admin rights ... (as it's usually the owner that registers first) ... but it didn't feel right... 

but making it work only if there isn't any admins is probably better smile


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Paul wrote:

Would it be a huge job for somebody to write a fixadmin script for people who have locked themselves out i.e. something that could access the punbb database and restore admin rights? Or maybe there already is one and I've missed it.

Probably possible to do a page like the page that ends maintenence mode. Upload it, it searches the users and gives a dropdown, just select user and then delete the script ... but, it could be a bit risky, if someone doesn't remove it afterwards, then admins would be free for all sad


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

After some issues on a vbulletin board ... I just figured out an useful feature in the admin interface of PunBB (not for moderators, only admins)

An SQL page, with a field to write/paste SQL Querys. So that it's possible to make querys directed at the database without needing to install myphpadmin or similar ...

And the output of selects etc can be as simple as just doing a foreach key=>value loop.

Sure, people getting rid of their admin rights still cannot use it, but for other debug purposes etc I'd guess it can be very handy.

Perhaps it doesn't fit the std package, but it really shouldn't need to be that big or complicated.

Perhaps combine it with a backup feature on the same page?  smile

you probably have a space or something in your config.php file before the "<?php" tag


(1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)


hmm... I woner how many posts that aren't listed? wink
(and therefore what the 'real' postcount on the PunBB boards are big_smile)
My biggest closed forum has these stats (and it's no convert either wink), but as it's closed no need to put it on the statistics ... just to show that there are probably alot of posts that aren't reported to PunBBig wink

9 registered users, 646 topics and 9319 posts


(82 replies, posted in General discussion)

hcgtv wrote:

Just didn't like my tabbar being a dark color, I tend to like grey, maybe I'm dull?

Mine is light grey smile

but I'll upgrade to 1.0PR soon, still on 0.9 tongue


(1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)



(82 replies, posted in General discussion)

I've gotten used to Noia 2.0 lite on 0.9 (and earlier I used the same) ... I need that one on later versions wink