I guess you'd make a similar amount of money if you get people to pay for the mods, or if you will accept donations for them ... with the big difference that with things people pay money for, they will demand things to be top notch, with good service etc. With donations, it's more of a "Thank you for what you've done, I hope you continue", than a "Hey I payed for this and I must have it working before tonight, c'mon I'm waiting!"

I've had a number of people asking about donating to me for my mods, but I've replied to them that at this moment, I don't have any use for the money, that I've only released mods to the public that I myself want.
And said that they should either keep it, or donate it to another mod creator or Rickard instead.

So, really, I don't think you will get that much difference in income, and no licence worries either wink

But ... it's impossible to tell what lies in the future, but this is kind of a guesswork/gut feeling I have ... wink


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

just remember that it's something that's beeing worked on, so it might not work perfect ... and might not be 'compatible' with the actual 1.3 release ... so I would only use it to test how it feels like atm...

well, you probably didn't follow the installation guide over at http://cms.frankh.shacknet.nu/ about "Installing the mod on PunBB 1.2.6+", step 2.

... or read the first post of the Attachment mod thread that says:

. If you have installed the "changeset 172" Rickard told about in the 1.2.5 release thread, then step 43 in readme is changed, and in step 44, just change the true to false after the query (and add the comment behind , so you have a mark that the attachment mod has altered that line) This affects PunBB 1.2.6 aswell!!!

I advise you to make sure you check that thing now instead (or only one attachment will show up, IIRC) wink

Anyhow, this mod will be alot cleaner once PunBB 1.3 is released, but I don't have the time and/or energy to fix some of the performance issues and release a new version, as PunBB 1.3 doesn't feel that far away ... so, y'all just need to hang on a little while wink

I have emailed you smile

Edit: and the issue has been resolved, a server configuration interferred with the installscript.

(it doesn't work 100% in the quicktime style (IIRC, margin thingie that disturb it), and some of the narrow ones (well, it's a too long line of text wink))

then it will be higher than the links ... so I would need to fiddle with the margins either way ...
(you can see it at http://forum.racing.ath.cx/ )

I think I've got it now ... (although it won't work in all styles, but then again, it won't work with a textstring there either on some narrow styles)

I added this in header.php, line 173 (err... I have modified my header already, so it's way off .. look for <pun_navlinks> wink), just before th ending </div> tag...

<span class=\"conr\" style=\"margin-top: -16px;\" id=\"test\">Ignore ;)</span>

I've got a little problem, and as I'm sick my brain doesn't work (you should know how long time it has taken and how stupid javascript errors I've made sofar today)

I'm planning of doing a 'countdown' timer on my forum (as it's a racing forum) ... I've finally created a functional javascript that just replace the content of a field on it's id ... but ... I haven't figured out how to get something to be positioned on the right side of the navlinks at the top ... using conr as class will make it be positioned below the navlinks, and pushing the 'mark as read' aswell ...

so, does anyone have a clue what to add there? (in header.php around line 173 I assume wink)

Have you followed the installation guide I've made at http://cms.frankh.shacknet.nu/ ?
Especially the part about testing and setup of the mod

perhaps tell them to use a program like Tugzip (free) to split it into smaller files (also called spanning)

are the 'missing' posts in the database?

a usergroup thing perhaps (like the one where you need X number of sec between posts, perhaps combine the two using the same limit on both)

or that they installed an old backup ...


they have a html validator, it will tell you about your errors

yep, that will be fixed aswell in the mod for punbb 1.3 wink

I think there were one of the russian people on this board that did an updated plugin for the mod, perhaps you can use his plugin?
(I think it might be located in the first few pages of this thread)
Edit: I think it was Dexus that made some modifications to the plugin for easier handling

(I will make a better handling of permissions in the mod for PunBB1.3, but for this one I'll probably only make security patches)


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)



(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

read the readme.txt

Might be worth looking into post.php, as the more you 'know' how PunBB works, the better the result usually is. Rickard has written a very clean and easily understandable code, so you shouldn't have any problems looking at it. smile

There's several kind of ways to make sure 'only' the cronjob can run, one alternative is to make a 'get' variable with a loooooong randomized key ... and if it doesn't match, just exit the script.

depends on how often you run the cronjob, and how you keep track on your already inserted rss feeds

yes, Apache and PHP has timeouts, the PHP timeout is possible to fiddle with inside the .php file, just add set_time_limit, the Apache might interfer with it's CGI timeout (you probably need to check their manual for info on this one, I've forgot wink)


(114 replies, posted in Programming)

quaker wrote:

ok guys here is a free software for editing php..
php designer 2005

I used that quite a bit until I switched to Eclipse, that has (or at least had) better auto completion (also for variables you've made and such, not only the stock php functions)


(114 replies, posted in Programming)

Eclipse (alot like zend studio, but it costs nothing, allows cleartyped truetype fonts (and it seems like the zend guys are helping out aswell))

pogenwurst wrote:

Does anyone happen to know why post flood control isn't available for guests? I've heard it asked about here before (seems like there were one or two similar threads as well), and it seems like it would be useful although certainly not foolproof (then again, what is?).

doing an IP-block for posts will make some parts of the world really have problems to post anything at all, someone else is always there before yourself... IIRC China have a very limited number of available IP numbers, thus making an extreme amount of users using the same 'public ip'.
Using sessions/cookies isn't really an alternative either, I doubt spambots care about those wink

hmm... what else can one do on server side?

captcha will limit the number of people that can access the page fully, but a combined image and voice captcha I suppose is one of the better things, but still, it will block out people from using the site, and in some countries you can get sued for that ... tongue
(and it will increase the workload on the server, for sure!)


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

thingk tucows has fiddled too much ...

Total number of registered users: 3653
Total number of topics: 0
Total number of posts: 0

I haven't included such things, perhaps some other mod allows that.

The Attachment mod works with 1.2.12 if you follow the installation guide for 1.2.6 I wrote...
The attachments are listed between the message and the signature on the post it's 'attached' to, and it's up to you to control what groups is allowed to do what in what forums...

No idea how the other mods work, but I guess they all will work on PunBB 1.2.12 as the changes since PunBB 1.2.6 are small security fixes only