You would not be able to find the php.ini file, that is under the control of the server admin.
Ok , so that mean i cant use the Webcalender ? hm
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PunBB Forums → Posts by Gortan
Pages 1
You would not be able to find the php.ini file, that is under the control of the server admin.
Ok , so that mean i cant use the Webcalender ? hm
It dosent work for me my website is on , maybe i do wrong as normal
Is there another way to fix that ? php.ini cant find that file.
Hi how do i create a htaccess file ?
maybe stopid question , kan i make one from a notbok textfile ? and how schould i name it ?
Its for WebCalendar Error
You must reconfigure your php.ini file to have magic_quotes_gpc set to ON
Det finns inga andra administratörer som kan fixa det då?
Om inte, ladda hem "Database management plugin" från download-sidan och kör följande SQL-fråga:
UPDATE #__users SET group_id=1 WHERE username='Gortan';
Nej finns inga andra admin ännu , är ett ny startat forum.
jag kan inte se DB Management. i plugin jag har lagt upp den refreshat mm , kommer inte upp ändå
så jag testade att lägga upp Global topic den kom upp och fungerar , vad kan vara fel ? Är det kanske bara Admin som kan se den DB Management kanske
Jag får försöka igen , så länge tills jag tröttnar
Hej , Jag är Administratör till mitt forum , men jag råkade trycka fel , så jag blev Moderator istället .
Och nu kommer jag inte åt Option inga rättigheter står det , hur ska jag göra för att ändra tillbaka så att jag blir Administratör igen , jag har försökt utan framgång .
Mvh Gortan .
difficult to explaine in english for me , i think i have to reinstall the PunBB again , and store another password , i cant use 2 different password in one mysql DB .
Ichanged the passw in mysql DB when i installed PunBB , i forgot i have that password for all in there , so now the photoalbum dont work so it not possible to config any file in PunBB to change to the passw i hade before ?
Hope you anderstand what i mean now
Can i change the stored password in the PunBB to my mysql that what i meant , becouse i changed in My DB
hi !
How to change password in PunBB to my mysql DB ?
I dont want to change it in my webhotell , becouse i have other things in that DB , Fotoalbum ect.
i tried to find it in some files , cant find were thx
Thanx Frank H !
I will try that , i must reinstall all once again first , i removed all
I "never added" any files i tried to remove the 2 // in the line 26 in common.php , and i copy the text to config.php and it still dont work. thanx any way i give up !
hmm i tried that now , nothing happen , still the same.
i must link from my page to ../punbb-1.2.5/index.php ? is that right ?
I use dreamweaver MX thanx for all help you giving me
where do i do that noob here
grrrrrrrrrrrr I reinstall it again same shit happen , its all there in the DB , but when i go to index.php after i created config.php and upload it , this come up $db_prefix = 'fob_';
$p_connect = false;
$cookie_name = 'punbb_cookie';
$cookie_domain = '';
$cookie_path = '/';
$cookie_secure = 0;
$cookie_seed = '02659c65';
define('PUN', 1);
The file 'config.php' doesn't exist or is corrupt. Please run install.php to install PunBB first. hmmm maybe is better to click for free PunBB Hosting
every things seems to be ok here i follow the info in install , its that f.... config.php fault
me again
do i have to put everything i upload in a map namned PUN_ROOT ?
i put everything in a map whith name punbb-1.2.5 When i installed
Noob i am incl my whriting in english
I forgot to tell i use PunBB 1.2.5
Hi !
When i have install everything and copy/past to config.php , and upload it i get this mess" The file 'config.php' doesn't exist or is corrupt. Please run install.php to install PunBB first."
ok" so i go to install PhunBB , then i got this mess " The file 'config.php' already exists which would mean that PunBB is already installed. You should go here instead. " so i go here instead i i got this mess again " The file 'config.php' doesn't exist or is corrupt. Please run install.php to install PunBB first. "
What do i wrong ?
tanx for help .
Pages 1
PunBB Forums → Posts by Gortan
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