Try changing

<?php echo "<br /><div style=\"TEXT-ALIGN: center\">


<?php echo "<br /><div style=\"TEXT-ALIGN: left\">

Oh, and wouldn't it be nicer to have your ads in a vertical line?

And this thread should be in Mod discussion smile

Just an idea, but try this: <pun_include 'filename'>

Do they execute fine without including them?

I gives you the possibility to add a logo ontop of your forums, above your forum title.

1.0.2 uploaded, fixes all (known) install_mod.php problems.

It should be fixed now. Version 1.4.1 is now available on PunRes. Information on the error can be found in the thread on PunRes.

Thx smile

I might sound like a n00bie here, which I am on Linux ( sad ), but could I have some instructions on how to install? tongue I'm on Linux Mandriva 2006.

As the title says... been looking for it for ages, need it to watch TV tongue
If anyone can help, I'd be quite grateful smile

-- Bekko


(12 replies, posted in Programming)

You shouldn't be echoing anything before punBB sends its headers tongue


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

No idea, never installed PHP on linux... but I guess it's something like --mysql or something...


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Did you compile PHP with MySQL support?


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

You need to have a database system installed, prefeably MySQL wink

That looks like a useful tool yikes

Problems with install_mod.php should now be fixed.

It's alphabetical, but first by AP/AMP wink


(99 replies, posted in Programming)

Ze 1337 Zaher PHP Editor?

In viewforum.php, find the query to fetch the topics. (should be commented quite well). If not there, add an ORDER BY clause for topic names smile


(99 replies, posted in Programming)

I think it's better to just have a list of all your vars in a separate document... cos I don't know ANY program that does it tongue


(99 replies, posted in Programming)

You could always try PHP Designer 2005, but I don't really like it...


(99 replies, posted in Programming)

If you have nothing against ripping off Macromedia, I'd give you a serial for Dreaweaver 8 tongue It has most of those functions you ask for, except for auto-completion of vars.

Looks nice, but seems and awful lot of code to display two or three more things tongue


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

dunno tongue


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Well, I understand that you have problems with checking if your base URL is correct because you make mistakes with capitals. Well, when checking the Base URL, you should be using strtolower() on each part of the if satement (ie: if(strtolower($baseurl) == strtolower($otherthing)) { // Do yay } )

No, Register Globals isn't used. What is the link to your site? I'll come and test it over there tongue


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

in your comparisons, use strtolower();