pedrotuga wrote:

couls somebody put up a demo instalation?

A bit pointless because it will obsolete the moment its put up.

No idea since I don't know how its going to look yet.

I can see an odd character there as well, it appears to be a dot. That of course would result in a space with a height the equivelant of one line of text.

If I view the page with Firefox or Opera and change the character encoding from UTF8 to anything else then I get the same thing i.e. space caused by a garbage character or characters before the doctype.

Check main.tpl. Do you have a space before the doctype. Trying uploading a clean copy of main.tpl.

Dr. Jeckyl: Your screen caps don't show the sig area. What they show is the sig area plus the empty space underneath it. Give div.postsignature a background colour and you will see what I mean.

Its an optical illusion. It is always the same size, it just appears larger when the post is short because there is blank space underneath it. The post has to be tall enough to accommodate the left hand column. If not the user information would stick out the bottom of the post.

You don't need to modify viewtopic.php to put the user information at the top, thats actaully its natural position, its forced to one side by css.

Commenting it out would also require the replaced item to be removed from main.tpl otherwise the validator would throw a hissy fit.


(124 replies, posted in News)

That makes sense. I always write it as Judgment but thats because I'm invariably using it in the context "The Judgment handed down by Lord Justice etc".

In any case, it was neither a judgment nor an opinion, more of a prediction.


(124 replies, posted in News)

Roel Schreurs wrote:

With regards to PunBB 1.3, is it useful to start working on the Dutch language pack? How many changes are to be expected in the current set of languages scripts in Revision 1054: /branches/punbb-1.3-dev/upload/lang/English?

Quite a lot, particularly relating to forms. In particular prof_reg.php is going to the trashcan. It was doing my head in having to work with two language files in register.php and profile.php.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Thats because the div has zero height and zero width. What you are seeing are just borders. You will need to set the height and width to the same or larger than your image.

You would probably have more luck here

I'm not sure I understand. PunBB doesn't have any images apart from smilies, avatars and post/sig images.


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

This certainly appears to have something to do with the way the host has things setup and not PunBB in which case there is not much we can do. Why not simply ask them why you have having trouble.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

PunBB does not have a built in text editor. You just open the source files in notepad or other text editor and then upload the modified file to your server.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

And there is nothing forcing you to use 3 files. Just remove the import declarations and copy and paste the contents of base.css and _cs.css into the main file if you prefer it that way or just start from scratch with your own single stylesheet. Thats why import was used in the stylesheet rather than hard coding for multiple stylesheets, to give people the choice.

My personal choice is for modular css e.g. seperate stylesheets for forms, tables, posts etc. Thats why 1.3 will allow any stylesheet scheme designers want, anything from one stylesheet to as many as they like. The default though will be 2 plus, if appropriate, an IE specific stylesheet.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Rather oddly if you try to go to viewforum.php or profile.php you get the out of date link error page minus stylesheet so something is there. At the moment its showing the database error message rather than a blank page. Maybe somebody can figure out whats happening from that.


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

Moved, not a bug with PunBB.


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

That seems to be a free host. Any chance they are blocking install scripts.

Did you follow this … y&isc=

Godaddy don't use localhost, they assign a hostname which is found in the user control panel. The database name will be the same as the username.

2C- That should be the name of the empty database you created before running install usually something like "forum" or "pun" or something else appropriate. You did create a database didn't you? That however probably has nothing to do with your current problem but would have been the next problem once the current problem is sorted.

Well you could start by getting rid of the div id="brdtitle" ...> and its contents from main.tpl since you are not using it and it is throwing up validation errors.  Its difficult to work out the problem while the markup is invalid. Incidentally, the problem is only FF, everything works fine in Opera.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

The reason it looks different on IE is that IE is using javascript to resize the image because it doesn't understand max-width.

However, since the default styles are designed not to fall apart the forum won't expand to fit large images so instead of being resized they will be cropped. If you want to change it so you can see all of the image then you either need a style created to do that or scroll posts horizontally using overflow or a javascript solution.

Thats an overcomplicated way of doing it. Simpler just to assign a class to the <dt> or <a> holding the username based on group and then give it a background image via the stylesheet.


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

yemgi wrote:

PunBB already uses templates

Not really, it has a few page templates but thats not the same thing.

The idea of templating is sound enough but a template engine is over the top, particularly smarty. Why bother when php will do the job and save you the effort of learning a templating language.

1. If your domain is then you would create a directory under that domain e.g. Copy the contents of the upload folder in the install package to the that directory. CHMOD the permissions for the cache directory and images directory to 777.

2. Using the above example you would run the install script from

Once your forum is installed going to will load the forum index page.

You probably didn't get a reply because the download package contains instructions on how to install PunBB.

The other ones I can think of are

1. Links to users websites which are in profile.php and viewtopic.php

2. Redirect URL's i.e. items which appear in the forum listing on index.php but which are actually redirects to external sites.

3. post.php has the preview as well as edit.php

4. You could replace the inline javascript used by the bbcode help system which means post.php, edit.php, viewtopic.php and profile.php.