(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Ok after a little thinking ive come to agree with you... like I said before... its only the url. Someone playing a game is not thinking about the url.

So my next question.
Say for example what you said happens, would I need to do anything differently from my point of view? when creating my extension.


(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Forum Statistics Image
have never downloaded/tried it though.

Also dont post question that have nothing to do with the topic. tongue


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

SuperMAG wrote:

make sure you make this type of arcade mods extensions ... look http://cricketstreams.110mb.com/arcade.php

if you dont know where that arcade mod is then let me know i will tell you ...

It will be using the same games, but not the same code.
You need to register to see them games. Check out http://www.marine-hunters.co.uk/arcade.php for a version that lets you see it as a guest. Thats my site and what my new extension will replace that arcade on my site (on 1.3 of course). wink


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

I personally dont like it. I would just encourage people to use SEF when and where they can. tongue But that is the lame way out.

My point of view is kind of against the extension policy and would move arcade.php and scoring.php to the root. Not ideal but I think from the end user the latter looks better. Eventhough...... this is only the url we are on about here. lol

I think I will leave this for further comment from others.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Ok im building an arcade extension and come to a hurdle. A small one... tongue

My struture is like so...


Basically I have set up rewrite rules so that
example.com/arcade.php, example.com/arcade.html ,example.com/arcade/3dshoot/, example.com/arcade_scoring.php, example.com/arcade_scoring.html and example.com/arcade/3dshoot/scoring/ etc....
will all work. i.e. all the other SEF rules.

The thing im unhappy about is when SEF is not being used.. the urls are like
example.com/extensions/mh_arcade/arcade … g.php?id=1
which is just ugly. sad

Any ideas?


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Planned Enhancements (1.3-dev) ¶
New markup and CSS.
Unicode (UTF-8) support.
Improved accessibility for both Public and Administration pages.
Administration interface gets language file support.
Search engine optimized "Fancy URLs" via mod rewrite.
Proper extension support - Extend the functionality without touching a line of PunBB's PHP code.
New topic read marking system.
Improved syndication - Feeds extended to include individual topics. Also feeds in the form of Atom and XML format.
Support for Microformats - hCard and MicroID.
Multiple moderator groups.
Board search improved with MySQL Full-Text Search.
Per-style templates - It will be possible to have one set of templates per style.

From http://dev.punbb.org/

When I install it only shows me one forum. You can check it out at http://pundemo.org
No other mods installed that can mess with it so thought I would let you no.


(34 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Both added to pundemo... smile


(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

So where do I stand.


(23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Erm.. Mine will be released in a few days... tongue

Sorry but if no one shows there intentions, I cant read minds.

Nah not doing search page yet.

New version 1.5 is running on http://pundemo.org will release it on punres when I get home.
Also... It does not linkify the original poster on viewforum.php only the last poster.

Sorry about all the releases... But trial and error makes it perfect. tongue

EDIT: Updated original post. 1.5 now at punres.

Ok guys/girls...

For the past few weeks I have been writing the new demo site for 1.3 and its extensions (will be on pundemo.org). Will be released in a few weeks.

Anyway from the above I come up with the following idea.
Basically in a few days I will release an extension that will be a sub-menu in your extension panel. It will list all mods with version numbers but also will list current version numbers. Basically this info (the current version numbers) will be contained on pundemo.org next to the above. wink

What I would like is any feature requests? or ideas to improve this functionality?

I see this as a must in the future. Especially as most people probably didnt update there mods on 1.2.16. Well this way not only can you be told you need to update... It could be possible to add a severity on that update.

What do you think? and like I say... any feedback is welcome.

Apologies if noticed and not applied yet... or noticed and not changing. tongue

Line 142 /lang/English/admin.php

'E-mail/domain info'            =>    'The e-mail or e-mail domain you wish to ban (e.g. someone@somewhere.com or somewhere.com). See "Allow registration with banned e-mail addresses" in Settings/Registration for more info.'

Should be

'E-mail/domain info'            =>    'The e-mail or e-mail domain you wish to ban (e.g. example@example.com or example.com). See "Allow registration with banned e-mail addresses" in Settings/Registration for more info.'

Line 6 /lang/English/post.php

// Post validation stuff (many are similiar to those in edit.php)

should be

// Post validation stuff (many are similar to those in edit.php)

Line 59 /lan/English/install.php

'Base URL info'                =>    'Please pay particular attention when entering your Base URL. You must set the correct Base URL or your forum will not work properly. The Base URL is the URL (without trailing slash) of your PunBB forum (example: <em>http://forum.myhost.com</em> or <em>http://myhost.com/~myuser</em>). Please note that the preset value below is just an educated guess by PunBB.',

should be

'Base URL info'                =>    'Please pay particular attention when entering your Base URL. You must set the correct Base URL or your forum will not work properly. The Base URL is the URL (without trailing slash) of your PunBB forum (example: <em>http://forum.example.com</em> or <em>http://example.com/~myuser</em>). Please note that the preset value below is just an educated guess by PunBB.',


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Cheers tongue


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

SuperMAG wrote:

yes it all happens to me too .. and also in admin place where the Management look


as you said when refresh the page it gets corrected ...

these are not the only ones ... there are others too ...

If that is the one from punhosting.com then its not updated to the latest revision, will be this evening. wink
So check on pundemo.org. Because its only 3 revisions behind at the time of this post.


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Im pretty sure that you do not need to change RewriteRule only RewriteBase. wink

But dont hold me to that. It was a while ago I put 1.3 in a sub-directory.


(34 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Nice... will check them out later and if all good add them to pundemo for ya.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

That wont work in the long run. As soon as the cache regenerates you will be back to square 1. tongue

The easier route would be to go into your DB and change 'o_sef' to 'Default', then delete your cache so it automatically recreates itself.


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Correct... So RewriteBase needs to be the directory where you put .htaccess file yeah.

If I do it for you... your learn nothing. tongue


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

I have another one as well. Once you have installed forum. Final Instructions is sometimes squashed on the blue bar.

I can get screenshot if required for that as well.


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Sr-ultimate wrote:

forums. You also have to edit it to set RewriteBase properly.

I did not get you . How and what to edit ?

Look in the .htaccess file and you will see what he means to change.

You signature needs fixing.



(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

This has been discussed before...

I would not mind so much if the form submitted to a non-fancy urlm, because the form would still work. tongue

Im guessing the fancy urls will be dropped for the admin section completely. It dont help... and will cause this problem to come up to often. Im sure I read that its under discussion. smile


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)


When I post it sometimes does this...

But refresh the page and its all fine. tongue

I will sort out the ellipsis no problem. I will look into adding link to the viewforum.php page as well.

But putting it on 2 lines might be a problem. The date can be very long... the length of the box in fact. So putting poster and date on one line will be very cramped. tongue

My next release will be adding a few options to the admin menu. (Turning things on/off, Also changing the subject length)

Ok... Another release... lol tongue
1.4 - Demo - Download

* Changed ... to ellipsis
* Added admin switchs. You can now turn certain things on/off and change subject length.
* Added linkify to viewforum.php as well. So now posters on viewforum linked to profile.

Note: Link to profile is disabled when you install this mod. You need to turn it on at admin-features. This is because it adds another join to a query, so some people might not want that.

No doubt more fixes will need to be applied. So mention anything... hmm

Smartys wrote:
intedinmamma wrote:
elbekko wrote:

That's hell to type out every time tho >=(

But you don't have to have foobar as ID even if the extension is named foobar, you can always use fb. (as long as you're the first one to use it)

Well, until I make a facebook extensions and want to use fb as well. Extension IDs are meant to be unique, which is why they should be used. Long variable names? Yes. I would much rather have people writing/copy-pasting long variable names than posting lots of "Why do these extensions not work together?" and "Why does doing this break PunBB" posts.

I agree on this... I prefer the larger variables. smile